ZIO AMQP is a ZIO-based wrapper around the RabbitMQ client. It provides a streaming interface to AMQP queues and helps to prevent you from shooting yourself in the foot with thread-safety issues.
Add the following lines to your build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "dev.zio" %% "zio-amqp" % "1.0.0-alpha.3"
The example below creates a connection to an AMQP server and then creates a channel. Both are created as Managed resources, which means they are closed automatically after using even in the face of errors.
The example then creates a stream of the messages consumed from a queue named "queueName"
. Each received message is acknowledged back to the AMQP server.
Also in the example bellow is a producer which publishes to a given queue
import zio.amqp._
import zio.amqp.model._
import java.net.URI
import zio._
import zio.Console._
val channel: ZIO[Scope, Throwable, Channel] = for {
connection <- Amqp.connect(URI.create("amqp://my_amqp_server_uri"))
channel <- Amqp.createChannel(connection)
} yield channel
val effect: ZIO[Any, Throwable, Unit] =
ZIO.scoped {
channel.flatMap { channel =>
.consume(queue = QueueName("queueName"), consumerTag = ConsumerTag("test"))
.mapZIO { record =>
val deliveryTag = record.getEnvelope.getDeliveryTag
printLine(s"Received ${deliveryTag}: ${new String(record.getBody)}") *>
val producer = ZIO.scoped {
channel.flatMap { channel =>
exchange = ExchangeName(""),
routingKey = RoutingKey("queueName"),
body = "Hello world".getBytes
See the ZIO documentation for more information on how to run this effect or integrate with an existing application.
Learn more on the ZIO AMQP homepage!
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