A sbt plugin for generating model classes from SQL query files in src/main/sql
- Integrate the power of SQL and Scala
- If you write an SQL, it creates a Scala class to read the SQL result.
- Type safety
- No longer need to write a code like
etc. - Editors such as IntelliJ can show the SQL result parameter names and types.
- For example, if you rename a column name in SQL from
, the code usingid
will be shown as compilation error. Without sbt-sql, it will be a run-time exception, such asUnknown column "id"
- No longer need to write a code like
- Reuse your SQL as a template
- You can embed parameters in your SQL with automatically generated Scala functions.
sbt-sql version: Airframe version:
sbt-sql supports only sbt 1.8.x or higher.
// For Trino
addSbtPlugin("org.xerial.sbt" % "sbt-sql-trino" % "(version)")
// For DuckDB
addSbtPlugin("org.xerial.sbt" % "sbt-sql-duckdb" % "(version)")
// For SQLite (available since 0.7.0)
addSbtPlugin("org.xerial.sbt" % "sbt-sql-sqlite" % "(version)")
// For Treasure Data Presto
addSbtPlugin("org.xerial.sbt" % "sbt-sql-td" % "(version)")
// For Generic JDBC drivers
addSbtPlugin("org.xerial.sbt" % "sbt-sql" % "(version)")
// Add your jdbc driver dependency for checking the result schema
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
// Add airframe-codec for mapping JDBC data to Scala objects
"org.wvlet.airframe" %% "airframe-codec" % "(airframe version)"
// Add your jdbc driver here
This is an example of using a custom JDBC driver:
// Add your JDBC driver to the dependency
// For using trino-jdbc
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.wvlet.airframe" %% "airframe-codec" % "(airframe version)", // Necessary for mapping JDBC ResultSets to model classes
"io.trino" % "trino-jdbc" % "332"
// You can change SQL file folder. The default is src/main/sql
// sqlDir := (sourceDirectory in Compile).value / "sql"
// Configure your JDBC driver (e.g., using Trino JDBC)
jdbcDriver := "io.trino.jdbc.TrinoDriver"
jdbcURL := "(jdbc url e.g., jdbc:trino://.... )"
jdbcUser := "(jdbc user name)"
jdbcPassword := "(jdbc password)"
plugin uses src/main/sql/sqlite
as the SQL file directory. Configure jdbcURL
and jdbcUser
jdbcURL := "jdbc:sqlite:(sqlite db file path)"
plugin uses src/main/sql/duckdb
as the SQL file directory.
// [optional]
jdbcURL := "jdbc:duckdb:(duckdb file path)"
plugin uses src/main/sql/trino
as the SQL file directory. Configure jdbcURL
and jdbcUser
jdbcURL := "jdbc:trino://(your trino server address):443/(catalog name)"
jdbcUser := "trino user name"
To use Treasure Data, set TD_API_KEY environment variable. jdbcUser
will be set to this value. src/main/sql/trino
will be the SQL file directory.
Alternatively you can set TD_API_KEY in your sbt credential:
credentials +=
Credentials("Treasure Data", "api-presto.treasuredata.com", "(your TD API KEY)", "")
@(start:Long, end:Long)
select * from sample_datasets.nasdaq
where time between ${start} and ${end}
From this SQL file, sbt-sql generates Scala model classes and several utility methods.
- SQL file can contain template variables
${(Scala expression)}
. To define user input variables, use@(name:type, ...)
. sbt-sql generates a function to populate them, such asNasdaq.select(start = xxxxx, end = yyyyy)
. The variable can have a default value, e.g.,@(x:String="hello")
- Embed a String value
select * from sample_datasets.nasdaq
where symbol = '${symbol}'
- Embed an input table name as a variable with the default value
select * from ${table}
SQL type can be used for embedding an SQL expression as a String.
You can use your own type for populating SQL templates by importing your class as follows:
@import your.own.class
To generate case classes with Option[X] parameters, add __optional
suffix to the target column names.
select a as a__optional // Option[X] will be used
from ...
@optional(a, b)
select a, b, c // Option[A], Option[B], C
package sample
object nasdaq {
def path : String = "/sample/nasdaq.sql"
def sql(start:Long, end:Long) : String = {
s""""select * from sample_dataest.nasdaq
where time between ${start} and ${end}
def select(start:Long, end:Long)(implicit conn:java.sql.Connection): Seq[nasdaq] = ...
def selectWith(sql:String)(implicit conn:java.sql.Connection): Seq[nasdaq] = ...
case class nasdaq(
symbol: String,
open: Double,
volume: Long,
high: Double,
low: Double,
close: Double,
time: Long