windymelt / rss2discord   0.0.6

BSD 2-clause "Simplified" License GitHub

Post latest RSS post to Discord!

Scala versions: 3.x

rss2discord qw Scala version support scaladoc

Post latest RSS post to Discord!

You can read this documentation via Scaladoc. scaladoc

How to post RSS (using AWS)

Use released JAR file for Lambda function.

The function requires two environment variables:

  • RSS_URL for feed URL e.g.
  • WEBHOOK_URL for Discord webhook URL e.g. "
  • TZ_OFFSET(optional) for your timezone in hours (defaults to system tz)
    • this value is used for debugging

Handler should be io.github.windymelt.rss2discord.Rss2Discord::handler.

This function does not have state: You must call this function every 30 minitues typically with EventBridge.

This function requires some time to run: You may specify timeout to 1 minutes.

How to post RSS (run manually)

Use released JAR file for local JVM environments.

This tool requires two environment variables:

  • RSS_URL for feed URL e.g.
  • WEBHOOK_URL for Discord webhook URL e.g.
  • TZ_OFFSET(optional) for your timezone in hours (defaults to system tz)
    • this value is used for debugging

Run this command periodically every 30 minutes:

cd $(dirname $0)
RSS_URL='...' WEBHOOK_URL='...' java -jar ./out.jar

You can use cron for kicking the script:

0,30 * * * *