While working on PoC for fraud detection in the banking sector we experimented with the K-Means algorithm for detecting anomalies. Interestingly enough, one of the first questions that came up were “why is this an anomaly?”.
The question makes perfect sense when the amount of features used in the building the scoring model can easily go to hundreds.
The K-Means implementation in Spark provides a single output column containing the predicted cluster. We need to find a way to collect additional information so we can explain why a data point is an anomaly and explain also each cluster.
To solve the problem, I am using the premise of a gaussian distribution of the data points inside the cluster, collect the statistics corresponding to each cluster, overall and by feature. The statistical data collected includes count, minimum, maximum, average, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis. With the statistical data, for each data point we can we can use the probability density function to compute the probability that a data point belongs to a certain cluster.
To distinguish anomalies we use a probability based threshold. For anomalies we can examine closer the probabilities that the point belongs to the cluster by each feature, and those with the lowest probabilities are most likely the features that drove the data point to be labeled as an anomaly.
A similar approach can help explaining each cluster in a human understandable manner, as besides the cluster centers, which are averages, we have also additional statistical information, like variance, skewness and kurtosis.
There are some similarities between the proposed XKmeans and the Gaussian Mixture algorithm, in the sense that both compute some statistics about the clusters, but XKmeans is not changing the KMeans algorithm, but merely collecting ome statistical data on the side in order to produce the feature by feature probabilities.
The XKMeans
can be used instead of the traditional KMeans
import org.apache.spark.ml.clustering.tupol.XKMeans
import org.apache.spark.ml.evaluation.ClusteringEvaluator
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
// Loads data.
val dataset: DataFrame = ???
// Trains a k-means model.
val xkmeans = new XKMeans().setK(2).setSeed(1L)
val model = xkmeans.fit(dataset)
// Make predictions
val predictions = model.transform(dataset)
// Evaluate clustering by computing Silhouette score
val evaluator = new ClusteringEvaluator()
val silhouette = evaluator.evaluate(predictions)
println(s"Silhouette with squared euclidean distance = $silhouette")
// Shows the result.
println("Cluster Centers: ")
Standard KMeans
is the number of desired clusters. Note that it is possible for fewer than k clusters to be returned, for example, if there are fewer than k distinct points to cluster.maxIterations
is the maximum number of iterations to run.initializationMode
specifies either random initialization or initialization viak-means||
This param has no effect since Spark 2.0.0.initializationSteps
determines the number of steps in thek-means||
determines the distance threshold within which we consider k-means to have converged.initialModel
is an optional set of cluster centers used for initialization. If this parameter is supplied, only one run is performed.
Specific XKMeans
is an optional list of feature names that can be used to express better the probability by feature.
Param name | Type(s) | Default | Description |
featuresCol | Vector | "features" | Feature vector |
Param name | Type(s) | Default | Description |
predictionCol | Int | "prediction" | Predicted cluster center |
distanceToCentroid | Double | "distanceToCentroid" | Distance to cluster center |
probabilityCol | Double | "probability" | Probability of belonging to cluster |
probabilityByFeatureCol | Vector | "probabilityByFeature" | Probability by each feature / dimension |
The approach exemplified through the Spark ML K-Means extension can help understanding the clusters and the predictions better. Understanding the clusters can help with all K-Means based use-cases, weather they are classification problem or anomaly detection. Understanding the prediction results is very valuable for anomaly detection use cases.
The proposed solution has it limitations. First, the solution assumes a normal distribution of data inside the cluster so understanding the type of data distribution is important. Second, understanding each feature is crucial in understanding both the clusters themselves as well as why some data points were labeled anomalies. There are also lessons learned from trying to extend the Spark ML library and what are the limitations of it.
Data scientists that are using Spark ML library and are interested in anomaly detection cases as well as developers looking into how to extends the existing Spark ML framework or statistical data composition.