takezoe / scala-jdbc   1.0.6


Better JDBC wrapper for Scala

Scala versions: 3.x 2.13 2.12 2.11

scala-jdbc Actions Status scala-jdbc Scala version support

Better JDBC wrapper for Scala.

libraryDependencies += "com.github.takezoe" %% "scala-jdbc" % "1.0.5"

You can use better-jdbc by adding a following import statements:

import com.github.takezoe.scala.jdbc._


Extract values from ResultSet:

val users: Seq[(Int, String)] = DB.autoClose(conn) { db =>
  db.select("SELECT * FROM USERS"){ rs =>
    (rs.getInt("USER_ID"), rs.getString("USER_NAME"))

Retrieve a first record:

val user: Option[(Int, String)] = DB.autoClose(conn) { db =>
  db.selectFirst(sql"SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE USER_ID = $userId"){ rs =>
    (rs.getInt("USER_ID"), rs.getString("USER_NAME"))

Map ResultSet to the case class:

case class User(userId: Int, userName: String)

val users: Seq[User] = DB.autoClose(conn) { db =>
  db.select("SELECT USER_ID, USER_NAME FROM USERS", User.apply _)


DB.autoClose(conn) { db =>
  db.update(sql"INSERT INTO USERS (USER_ID, USER_NAME) VALUES ($userId, $userName)")


DB.autoClose(conn) { db =>
  db.transaction {
    db.update(sql"DELETE FROM GROUP WHERE USER_ID = $userId")
    db.update(sql"DELETE FROM USERS WHERE USER_ID = $userId")

Large data

Process large data using scan method:

DB.autoClose(conn) { db =>
  db.scan("SELECT * FROM USERS"){ rs =>