Email templating utilities
Creating beautiful transactional HTML emails is usually a horrible experience. So we tend to resort to the HTML templating feature of our transactional email providers. But this comes with a price: we are getting vendor-locked, argument substituion is wonky and i18n becomes an even more difficult challenge than it already is. This library provides the fundamental building blocks to manage HTML emails in the backend.
libraryDependencies ++=
"io.taig" %% "backmail-core" % "x.y.z" ::
This library provides data structures to describe emails. The provided printers can then be used to turn the email descriptions into plaintext emails, HTML emails or debug messages that hide secret values.
import io.taig.backmail.dsl.*
val myMessage = message(title = "Title")(
block(text(plain("Plaintext"), plain(" "), secret("Secret"))),
block(paragraph = false)(text("Lorem ipusm dolar sit amet."), linebreak, text("Lorem ipusm dolar sit amet.")),
button(href = attr(plain("?token="), secret("foobar")))(text("Confirm email")),
block(paragraph = false)(text("Lorem ipusm dolar sit amet."))
An HTML email should always have a plaintext fallback. This printer is intended to provide this email variant.
import io.taig.backmail.*
val res0: String = Title
Plaintext Secret
Lorem ipusm dolar sit amet.
Lorem ipusm dolar sit amet.
Confirm email: ?token=foobar
Lorem ipusm dolar sit amet.
Print the email as a plaintext message with hidden secret values so it is safe to log.
import io.taig.backmail.*
val res1: String = Title
Plaintext ******
Lorem ipusm dolar sit amet.
Lorem ipusm dolar sit amet.
Confirm email: ?token=******
Lorem ipusm dolar sit amet.
Now this is where things get interesting:
- Start by picking an HTML email templating generator of your choice (e.g. Maizzle (recommended) or Bootstrap Email)
- Create a template that includes a headline, a button and paragraphs of text
- Use the generated HTML to implement your own
This library was created to meet my personal needs and may lack features that are important to you. Contributions welcome (-: