
Simple logging facade for fs2

This library provides simple logging facade over standard java logging frameworks so it will be easier and more pleasant to work with.

It is based on cats.effects, and also has some syntax sugar for fs2._

To get going, just use in SBT:

libraryDependencies += "com.spinoco" %% "fs2-log-core" % "0.1.0"

Now, you shold just import spinoco.fs2.log._ and you should be good to go.


version scala fs2 sourcecode
0.1.0 2.11, 2.12 1.0.0 0.1.5


Logging is available via Log instance that shall be passed along as implicit to constructs where you need to schedule your logs.

For example

package p

trait Foo[F[_]] {

 def myImportandMethod(implicit log: Log[F]): F[Unit] = {
  doSomeStuff <* log.info("That was fun")  

Displaying and capturing data

Apart from logging simple statements you may also dump your local/global variables or simple expressions such as

trait Foo[F[_]] {

 def myImportandMethod(pars: String)(implicit log: Log[F]): F[A] = {
  doSomeStuff <* log.info("That was fun", Display(pars)) 
 def myImportandMethodFailing(pars: String)(implicit log: Log[F]): F[A] = {
   doSomeStuff.handleErrorWith { err =>  
     log.info("That was fun", Display(pars), Some(err)) *> Sync[F].raiseError(err)

This logging statement above will pass to your logger implementation message and also Map("pars" -> "value") if the method was invoked with "value" as its parameter. Note that this actually captures name of your variable automatically.

Observing computations

There are variants of log, that allows you to observe any F computation. apart providing perhaps nicer syntax, they are slightly more effective than simple flatMap approach:

trait Foo[F[_]] {

 def myImportandMethod[A](pars: String)(implicit log: Log[F]): F[A] = {
   log.observeAsInfo("That was fun", Display(pars))(doSomeStuff)  
 def myImportandMethodFailing[A](pars: String)(implicit log: Log[F]): F[A] = {
   log.observeRaisedAsError("That was not fun", Display(pars))(doSomeStuff)  


Each loging statement implicitly looks for LogContext. Default logContext is simple string name, which shall resemble to FQDN of the class where the logging statement is present.

As we do not want always provide it, there is default instance of LogContext implicitly summoned, if none is available that materializes LogContext via macro as FQDN of enclosing class.

There may be custom LogContext's provided, that may capture also other type of data (i.e. thread name) and pass them along for logger to use them when writing log statement.

Capturing source file and line

fs2-log is also with every log statement capturing the actual line in source code and passing them along to logger. This is acheived via macro, and shall have minimal runtime cost, while providing detail information about the logging statement.

Asynchronous logging and Delayed evaluation

Typically, the logging involves performing effects assotiated with File // stdout or even Networks. Cost of the logging when turned on may not be insignificant and in highly concurrent environemnt may also have an negative impact on performance overall, sometimes even misguiding you where ther problem really is.

As such, fs2-log allows user to implement asynchronous logging and allows to switch between synchronous / asynchronous logging whenever required.

Log.async construct logger, that allows to log statements asynchronously. Technically this captures timestamp, any variables, statements, strings etc. that shall appear in the log and submits them to the queue for further processing. This guarantees, that there is constant cost of the log operation, and also that eventually long and costly i/o operations does not have impact on the actual program, while still, there is correct timing captured.

Currently asynchronous operation does not sort incoming events based on data, so the events may come to underlying logger implementation out of order (in millisecond windows).

Log.sync in contrast to asynchronous variant construct synchronous logging, and as such all effects are performed sequentially. However still, shall the logging be subject of any i/o failure or evaluating lazy captured variables will raise error, all these are captured and logged to stderr w/o implications to main program.


fs2-log is only simple facade and syntax sugar. To hook-up java loggers, use LoggingProvider trait, which is passed as implicit to Log.async or Log.sync constructors.

To see simple examples how this is done, please see StandardProviders object.

We will be adding more logging providers along the way. Should you miss yours, please feel free to open issue.

fs2 Stream syntax

Try to import spinoco.fs2.log.syntax._ that will add to your streams log methods, that allows simple boilerplate free logging.

val stream: Stream[F, A] = ???

import spinoco.fs2.log.syntax._

Stream.resource(StandardProviders.juliProvider[IO]).flatMap { implicit provider =>
Stream.resource(Log.async[IO]).flatMap { implicit log =>
  val myData: Long = 1l
  stream.log.info("Got next A ", Display(myData)).map {a => /* do something with `A`*/ }