A really simple sbt 1.0 plugin to extract document to an output file. At the moment it works for scala source files and will generate a file in java properties format.
The output file can be used as input of other build tool, which I plan to use it along with play-swagger to supply the description of swagger definitions.
Output example:
example.CaseClass = This is a CaseClass for testing\
This is the second line.
example.CaseClass.name = Name of CaseClass
example.CaseClass.age = Age of CaseClass
example.FooClass = Foo class
example.FooClass.someMethod() = some method
example.FooClass.someMethod(String) = some method with argument
example.FooClass.someMethod(String)#name = The first argument of someMethod is name.
Please note this plugin only support sbt 1.0.
The plugin is designed to be used with play-swagger to provision the descriptions of your api parameters and definitions. It has become part of descriptive-play-swagger. Check that plugin for details. Or check the seed project for reference.
descriptive-play-swagger is an extension of iheartradio play-swagger
The only difference is descriptive-play-swagger will generate description for your api parameters and definition classes. All credits go to iheartradio.
- In the
addSbtPlugin("com.sohoffice" %% "sbt-descriptive-play-swagger" % "0.7.4")
- In the
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayIvyRepo("sohoffice", "sbt-plugins")
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
.enablePlugins(PlayScala, SwaggerPlugin)
// Make sure you set the swaggerDomainNameSpaces according to your package structure.
// You'll need this setting, otherwise swagger will fail.
// swaggerDomainNameSpaces := Seq("io")
Swagger task will be executed in the run stage, or execute
to manually re-generate swagger.json
Use the plugin with the following setup:
In the project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.sohoffice" % "sbt-doc-extract" % "0.0.3")
In the build.sbt
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayIvyRepo("sohoffice", "sbt-plugins")
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
docExtractTarget := "STDOUT"
You may specify an output filename to docExtractTarget
, or use STDOUT
to output to console.
The default of docExtractTarget is docExtract.properties
, which means the plugin will output to the file target/docExtract.properties
In sbt console, execute 'docExtract' to run.
sohoffice, happy coding ~