sfali / grpc-rest-gateway   0.8.5

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

Rest gateway for GRPC end point

Scala versions: 3.x 2.13 2.12

gRPC to REST Gateway

gRPC to REST gateway generates a reverse-proxy server which converts REST HTTP API into gRPC. This project is based on work done by grpcgateway.

1. About this project

This project has two main modules:

  1. Runtime library that serves a bridge between HTTP request and gRPC server and responsible for converting to and from HTTP to gRPC.

  2. Code generation module which generates runtime handler(s) from given protobuf definition.

2. Runtime implementations

Three different implementations are provided for runtime library:

  1. Netty based runtime library — grpc-rest-gateway-runtime-netty.

  2. Apache Pekko based runtime library — grpc-rest-gateway-runtime-pekko.

  3. Akka based runtime library — grpc-rest-gateway-runtime-akka.

There are three main classes in each runtime implementations along with server classes to build REST server:

  1. GrpcGatewayHandler — base abstract class / trait responsible for dispatching given HTTP request to corresponding function in gRPC service.

  2. SwaggerHandler — responsible for Open API yaml files and generate Swagger UI.

  3. GatewayServer — responsible for starting HTTP server at the given host and port.

3. Set up your project

3.1. Configure plugin for compiler fo code generation

To generate Scala classes for gateway handler and Swagger documentation add following in plugin.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("com.thesamet" % "sbt-protoc" % "1.0.7")

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.thesamet.scalapb" %% "compilerplugin" % "0.11.17",
  "io.github.sfali23" %% "grpc-rest-gateway-code-gen" % "0.8.5"

And following in the build.sbt:

Compile / PB.targets := Seq(
  scalapb.gen() -> (Compile / sourceManaged).value / "scalapb",
  grpc_rest_gateway.gatewayGen(implementationType = grpc_rest_gateway.ImplementationType.Netty) -> (Compile / sourceManaged).value / "scalapb",
  grpc_rest_gateway.swaggerGen() -> (Compile / resourceDirectory).value / "specs"

// change value of "implementationType" parameter to `grpc_rest_gateway.ImplementationType.Pekko` or
// `grpc_rest_gateway.ImplementationType.Akka` to generate Pekko or Akka based implementation

// generate code for Scala 3
Compile / PB.targets := Seq(
  scalapb.gen(scala3Sources = true) -> (Compile / sourceManaged).value / "scalapb",
  grpc_rest_gateway.gatewayGen(scala3Sources = true, implementationType = "netty") -> (Compile / sourceManaged).value / "scalapb",
  grpc_rest_gateway.swaggerGen() -> (Compile / resourceDirectory).value / "specs"

// TODO: generate resource files in target and add resource path
// add `**/resources/specs/**/*.yml` in your .gitignore to ignore generated yml files

3.2. Configure dependencies for Netty based implementation

Add following dependencies

val ScalaPb: String = scalapb.compiler.Version.scalapbVersion
val GrpcJava: String = scalapb.compiler.Version.grpcJavaVersion
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "io.github.sfali23" %% "grpc-rest-gateway-runtime-netty" % "0.8.5",
  "com.thesamet.scalapb" %% "compilerplugin" % V.ScalaPb % "compile;protobuf",
  "com.thesamet.scalapb" %% "scalapb-runtime" % V.ScalaPb % "compile;protobuf",
  "com.thesamet.scalapb" %% "scalapb-runtime-grpc" % V.ScalaPb,
  "io.grpc" % "grpc-netty" % V.GrpcJava,
  "com.thesamet.scalapb" %% "scalapb-json4s" % V.ScalaPbJson,
  "com.thesamet.scalapb.common-protos" %% "proto-google-common-protos-scalapb_0.11" % "2.9.6-0" % "compile,protobuf"

3.3. Configure dependencies for Pekko based implementation

Add following dependencies:

val ScalaPb: String = scalapb.compiler.Version.scalapbVersion
val GrpcJava: String = scalapb.compiler.Version.grpcJavaVersion

lazy val root = project
      libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
        "io.github.sfali23" %% "grpc-rest-gateway-runtime-pekko" % "0.8.5",
        "org.apache.pekko" %% "pekko-actor" % "1.1.2",
        "org.apache.pekko" %% "pekko-actor-typed" % "1.1.2",
        "org.apache.pekko" %% "pekko-stream-typed" % "1.1.2",
        "org.apache.pekko" %% "pekko-http" % "1.1.0",
        "org.apache.pekko" %% "pekko-grpc-runtime" % "1.1.1",
        "com.thesamet.scalapb.common-protos" %% "proto-google-common-protos-scalapb_0.11" % "2.9.6-0" % "compile,protobuf"
      pekkoGrpcGeneratedSources := generatedSource,
      pekkoGrpcCodeGeneratorSettings := Seq("grpc", "single_line_to_proto_string"),
      Compile / PB.targets ++= Seq(
              scala3Sources = true,
              implementationType = grpc_rest_gateway.ImplementationType.Pekko
           ) -> crossTarget.value / "pekko-grpc" / "main",
          grpc_rest_gateway.swaggerGen() -> (Compile / resourceDirectory).value / "specs"

3.4. Configure dependencies for Akka based implementation

Should be similar to Pekko by replacing corresponding Akka dependencies.

4. Code generation library — grpc-rest-gateway-code-gen

Code generation library is responsible for reading given Protobuf files and generating corresponding implementation of GrpcGatewayHandler based on its runtime library. The runtime handler can be generated by passing implementationType parameter:

There are three different plugins to generate runtime handlers, namely:

  1. grpc_rest_gateway.gatewayGen(implementationType = grpc_rest_gateway.ImplementationType.Netty) for Netty based implementation

  2. grpc_rest_gateway.gatewayGen(implementationType = grpc_rest_gateway.ImplementationType.Pekko) for Pekko based implementation

  3. grpc_rest_gateway.gatewayGen(implementationType = grpc_rest_gateway.ImplementationType.Akka) for Akka based implementation

Akka implementation hasn’t been tested yet due version dependency eviction in e2e testing module.

For example, for following Protobuf definition:

syntax = "proto3";

package rest_gateway_test.api;

import "scalapb/scalapb.proto";
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
import "common.proto";

option java_multiple_files = false;
option java_package = "rest_gateway_test.api.java_api";
option java_outer_classname = "TestServiceBProto";
option objc_class_prefix = "TS2P";

option (scalapb.options) = {
  single_file: true
  lenses: true
  retain_source_code_info: true
  preserve_unknown_fields: false
  flat_package: true
  package_name: "rest_gateway_test.api.scala_api"

// Test service B
service TestServiceB {
  rpc GetRequest (rest_gateway_test.api.model.TestRequestB) returns (rest_gateway_test.api.model.TestResponseB) {
    option (google.api.http) = {
      get: "/restgateway/test/testserviceb"

  rpc Process (rest_gateway_test.api.model.TestRequestB) returns (rest_gateway_test.api.model.TestResponseB) {
    option (google.api.http) = {
      post: "/restgateway/test/testserviceb"
      body: "*"

4.1. Generated Open API specification:

swagger: '2.0'
  version: 3.1.0
  description: 'REST API generated from TestServiceB.proto'
  title: 'TestServiceB.proto'
  - name: TestServiceB
    description: Test service B
  - http
  - https
  - 'application/json'
  - 'application/json'
        - TestServiceB
        'Generated from rest_gateway_test.api.TestServiceB.GetRequest'
          description: 'Normal response'
            $ref: "#/definitions/TestResponseB"
      - name: requestId
        in: query
        type: integer
        format: int64
        - TestServiceB
        'Generated from rest_gateway_test.api.TestServiceB.Process'
          description: 'Normal response'
            $ref: "#/definitions/TestResponseB"
        - in: 'body'
          name: body
            $ref: "#/definitions/TestRequestB"
    type: object
        type: integer
        format: int64
    type: object
        type: boolean
        type: integer
        format: int64
        type: string

4.2. Generated Netty based GrpcGatewayHandler

 * Generated by GRPC-REST gateway compiler. DO NOT EDIT.
package rest_gateway_test.api.scala_api

import scalapb.GeneratedMessage
import io.grpc.ManagedChannel
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.{HttpMethod, QueryStringDecoder}

import com.improving.grpc_rest_gateway.runtime
import runtime.core.*
import runtime.handlers.*
import rest_gateway_test.api.model.TestRequestB

import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.util.Try

object TestServiceBGatewayHandler {
  private val GetGetRequestPath = "/restgateway/test/testserviceb"
  private val PostProcessPath = "/restgateway/test/testserviceb"

  def apply(channel: ManagedChannel)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): TestServiceBGatewayHandler =
    new TestServiceBGatewayHandler(channel)

class TestServiceBGatewayHandler(channel: ManagedChannel)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext)
    extends GrpcGatewayHandler(channel)(ec) {
  import TestServiceBGatewayHandler.*
  override val serviceName: String = "TestServiceB"
  override val specificationName: String = "TestServiceB"
  private val client = TestServiceBGrpc.stub(channel)
  override protected val httpMethodsToUrisMap: Map[String, Seq[String]] = Map(
    "GET" -> Seq(
    "POST" -> Seq(

  override protected def dispatchCall(method: HttpMethod, uri: String, body: String): Future[GeneratedMessage] = {
    val queryString = new QueryStringDecoder(uri)
    val path = queryString.path
    val methodName = method.name
    if (isSupportedCall(HttpMethod.GET.name, GetGetRequestPath, methodName, path))
      dispatchGetRequest(mergeParameters(GetGetRequestPath, queryString))
    else if (isSupportedCall(HttpMethod.POST.name, PostProcessPath, methodName, path))
    else Future.failed(GatewayException.toInvalidArgument(s"No route defined for $methodName($path)"))

  private def dispatchGetRequest(parameters: Map[String, Seq[String]]) = {
    val input = Try {
      val requestId = parameters.toLongValue("requestId")
      TestRequestB(requestId = requestId)
    toResponse(input, client.getRequest)

  private def dispatchProcess(body: String) = {
    val input = parseBody[TestRequestB](body)
    toResponse(input, client.process)


4.3. Generated Pekko based GrpcGatewayHandler

 * Generated by GRPC-REST gateway compiler. DO NOT EDIT.
package rest_gateway_test.api.scala_api

import com.improving.grpc_rest_gateway.runtime
import runtime.core._
import runtime.handlers.GrpcGatewayHandler
import rest_gateway_test.api.model.TestRequestB

import org.apache.pekko
import pekko.grpc.GrpcClientSettings
import pekko.actor.ClassicActorSystemProvider
import pekko.http.scaladsl.server.Route
import pekko.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.util.Try

class TestServiceBGatewayHandler(settings: GrpcClientSettings)(implicit sys: ClassicActorSystemProvider)
    extends GrpcGatewayHandler {

  private implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = sys.classicSystem.dispatcher
  private val client = TestServiceBClient(settings)
  override val specificationName: String = "TestServiceB"

  override val route: Route = handleExceptions(exceptionHandler) {
    pathPrefix("restgateway") {
      pathPrefix("test") {
        pathPrefix("testserviceb") {
          pathEnd {
              get {
                parameterMultiMap { queryParameters =>
              post {
                entity(as[String]) { body =>

  private def dispatchGetRequest(parameters: Map[String, Seq[String]]) = {
    val input = Try {
      val requestId = parameters.toLongValue("requestId")
      TestRequestB(requestId = requestId)
    completeResponse(input, client.getRequest)

  private def dispatchProcess(body: String) = {
    val input = parseBody[TestRequestB](body)
    completeResponse(input, client.process)


object TestServiceBGatewayHandler {

  def apply(settings: GrpcClientSettings)(implicit sys: ClassicActorSystemProvider): GrpcGatewayHandler =
    new TestServiceBGatewayHandler(settings)

  def apply(clientName: String)(implicit sys: ClassicActorSystemProvider): GrpcGatewayHandler =

4.4. Generated Akka based GrpcGatewayHandler

Should be similar to Pekko with pekko in import statement will be replaced by akka.

5. Setting HTTP gateway server

Implement your gRPC services as per your need and run gRPC server. Gateway server can be build and run as follows:

5.1. Netty based Gateway server

import com.improving.grpc_rest_gateway.runtime.server.GatewayServer
import rest_gateway_test.api.scala_api.TestServiceB.TestServiceBGatewayHandler
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext

implicit val ex: ExecutionContext = ??? // provide ExecutionContext
val server = GatewayServer(
      serviceHost = "localhost",
      servicePort = 8080, // assuming gRPC server is running on port 8080
      gatewayPort = 7070, // REST end point is running at port 7070
      toHandlers = channel => Seq(TestServiceBGatewayHandler(channel)),
      executor = None, // Executor is useful if you want to allocate different thread pool for REST endpoint
      usePlainText = true

// stop server once done

// via Typesafe config
val mainConfig = ConfigFactory.load()
val server = GatewayServer(
  config = mainConfig.getConfig("rest-gateway"),
  toHandlers = channel => Seq(TestServiceBGatewayHandler(channel)),
  executor = None

Alternatively serviceHost, servicePort, gatewayPort, usePlainText can be overriden via environment variables GRPC_HOST, GRPC_SERVICE_PORT, REST_GATEWAY_PORT, and GRPC_USE_PLAIN_TEXT respectively.

// rest-gateway config is defined as follows:

rest-gateway {
  host = ""
  host = ${?GRPC_HOST}
  service-port = 8080
  service-port = ${?GRPC_SERVICE_PORT}
  gateway-port = 7070
  gateway-port = ${?REST_GATEWAY_PORT}
  use-plain-text = "true"
  use-plain-text = ${?GRPC_USE_PLAIN_TEXT}

5.2. Pekko based Gateway server

Providing Pekko gRPC client configuration is defined as follows:

pekko {
  grpc {
    client {
      pekko-gateway {
        host = "" // gRPC host
        port = 8080 // grPC port
        use-tls = false

// rest gateway config
rest-gateway {
  host = ""
  host = ${?REST_GATEWAY_HOST}
  port = 7070
  port = ${?REST_GATEWAY_PORT}

Gateway server can be initialized as follows:

implicit val system: ActorSystem[?] = ActorSystem[Nothing](Behaviors.empty, "grpc-rest-gateway-pekko")

val settings = GrpcClientSettings.fromConfig("pekko-gateway")
val config = system.settings.config

5.3. Akka based Gateway server

Providing Akka gRPC client configuration is defined as follows:

akka {
  grpc {
    client {
      pekko-gateway {
        host = "" // gRPC host
        port = 8080 // grPC port
        use-tls = false

// rest gateway config
rest-gateway {
  host = ""
  port = 7070 // Gateway port

Gateway server can be initialized as follows:

implicit val system: ActorSystem[?] = ActorSystem[Nothing](Behaviors.empty, "grpc-rest-gateway-pekko")

val settings = GrpcClientSettings.fromConfig("pekko-gateway")
val config = system.settings.config

6. Error handling and HTTP status code mapping

gRPC-REST gateway has built in mapping between gRPC and HTTP status codes. Following is the mappings between two systems:

gRPC status code HTTP status code


OK (200)


Partial Content (206)


Bad Request (400)




Forbidden (403)


Not Found (404)


Not Acceptable (406)


Conflict (409)


Gone (410)


Precondition Failed (412)


Internal Server Error (500)


Not Implemented (501)


Gateway Timeout (504)


Insufficient Storage (507)

Note: Any unmapped code will be mapped to Internal Server Error (500).

Build io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException using io.grpc.protobuf.StatusProto to set corresponding status code and message in your implementation of gRPC server.

import com.google.rpc.{Code, Status}
import io.grpc.protobuf.StatusProto
import scala.concurrent.Future

// handle bad request
          .setMessage("Invalid argument")

// not found
          .setMessage("Not found")

7. Protobuf to REST mapping

Following is how Protobuf to REST mapping will work as described in the documentation.

Given following Protobuf definition:

 service Messaging {
       rpc GetMessage(GetMessageRequest) returns (Message) {
         option (google.api.http) = {
           get: "/v1/messages/{message_id}/{sub.subfield}"
           additional_bindings {
              get: "/v1/messages/{message_id}"

       rpc PostMessage(GetMessageRequest) returns (Message) {
         option (google.api.http) = {
           put: "/v1/messages/{message_id}"
           body: "sub"

       rpc PostMessage(GetMessageRequest) returns (Message) {
         option (google.api.http) = {
           post: "/v1/messages"
           body: "*"

message GetMessageRequest {
  message SubMessage {
    string subfield = 1;
  string message_id = 1;
  SubMessage sub = 2;

message Message {
  string text = 1;

Following mapping defines how HTTP request supposed to be constructed.

HTTP method: GET
Path: /v1/messages/{message_id}/{sub.subfield}
HTTP request: http://localhost:7070/v1/messages/xyz/abc
Mapping: Both message_id and sub.subfield are mapped as path variables

HTTP method: GET
Path: /v1/messages/{message_id}
HTTP request: http://localhost:7070/v1/messages/xyz?sub.subfield=abc
Mapping: message_id is mapped as path variable while sub.subfield is mapped as query parameter

HTTP method: PUT
Path: |http://localhost:7070/v1/messages/xyz
HTTP request: http://localhost:7070/v1/messages/xyz?sub.subfield=abc [body: {"subfield": "sub"}]
Mapping: message_id is mapped as path variable while sub is mapped as body payload

HTTP method: POST
Path: /v1/messages
HTTP request: http://localhost:7070/v1/messages
Mapping: entire message is mapped as body payload

8. Run tests and sample app

e2e module contains test code and a sample app.

Tests can be run as follows:

sbt "nettyJVM212Test"
sbt "nettyJVM213Test"
sbt "nettyJVM3Test"
sbt "pekkoJVM212Test"
sbt "pekkoJVM213Test"
sbt "pekkoJVM3Test"

Sample app can be run as follows:

# For Scala 2.12
sbt "nettyJVM212Run"
sbt "pekkoJVM212Run"

# # For Scala 2.13
sbt "nettyJVM213Run"
sbt "pekkoJVM213Run"

# For Scala 3
sbt "nettyJVM3Run"
sbt "pekkoJVM3Run"

Open browser and paste following URL in address bar http://localhost:7070, you should see Open API specification for service.


9. Reference implementation using Apache Pekko

A reference implementation of Swagger petstore is attempted here. Follow steps described in README file to run reference implementation.

Open browser and paste following URL in address bar http://localhost:7070, you should see Open API specification for petstore service.


Following is corresponding proto file.

10. Limitations

  1. Streaming calls are not supported.

  2. HTTP headers are not currently supported