platypii/sbt-typescript 5.3.2
An sbt plugin for compiling typescript
Scala versions: 2.12sbt plugins: 1.x -
qvantel/sbt-mobilizer 0.2.0
SBT deployment plugin
hywelandrews/sbt-thanks 0.3.0
Say thanks for your dependencies by starring them on Github.
Scala versions: 2.12sbt plugins: 1.x -
evolution-gaming/sbt-scalac-opts-plugin 0.0.9
Scala versions: 2.12sbt plugins: 1.x -
daniel-shuy/liquibase-slick-codegen-sbt-plugin 1.1.1
A SBT plugin to generate Slick database schema code from a Liquibase changelog file.
aleksandr-vin/sbt-keychain-credentials 1.0.3
Adds com.xvyg.sbt.keychain.Credentials object capable of loading passwords from Mac OS X Keychain
olaq/sbt-sonar-scanner-plugin 1.3.0
SonarQube Scanner Plugin for SBT
scala2ts/scala2ts-sbt 1.1.4
The SBT Plugin for Scala2TS
Scala versions: 2.12sbt plugins: 1.x -
overlogged/sbt-stainless 0.2.0
A sbt plugin for stainless users to verify code in sbt command line.
alejandrohdezma/sbt-scalafmt-defaults 0.9.1
Default (and sane) configurations for Scalafmt
Scala versions: 2.12sbt plugins: 1.x -
sohoffice/docextract 0.0.4
A really simple sbt 1.0 plugin to extract class and parameter documents (scaladoc) to an output file
hirofumi/sbt-amm 0.1.2
sbt + Ammonite REPL — an alternative to `sbt console`
Scala versions: 2.12sbt plugins: 1.x -
alejandrohdezma/sbt-scalafix-defaults 0.13.1
Default (and sane) configurations for Scalafix
Scala versions: 2.12sbt plugins: 1.x -
caoilte/sbt-import-scala-files 2.0.0
A very small sbt plugin for importing Scala files into your build.
Scala versions: 2.12sbt plugins: 1.x -
fkz/scala-rewrite-imports 0.3.1
Scala versions: 2.12 2.11 2.10sbt plugins: 0.13 -
xuwei-k/unused-proto 0.1.10
find unused proto messages, methods and enums in your sbt project
Scala versions: 3.x 2.12sbt plugins: 1.x -
danielnixon/slickwarts 1.0.0
WartRemover warts for Slick.
Scala versions: 2.12 2.11 2.10sbt plugins: 1.x 0.13