Common REST API Scala/Scala.js components
val scommonsApiVer = "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
// shared
"org.scommons.api" %%% "scommons-api-core" % scommonsApiVer,
"org.scommons.api" %%% "scommons-api-joda-time" % scommonsApiVer,
// client/js only
"org.scommons.api" %%% "scommons-api-xhr" % scommonsApiVer,
// server/jvm only
"org.scommons.api" %% "scommons-api-play-ws" % scommonsApiVer
version is published to Sonatype Repo, just make sure you added
the proper dependency resolver to your build.sbt
resolvers += "Sonatype Snapshots" at ""
You can use in your shared API data case classes date/time types from the joda library:
import org.joda.time._
import play.api.libs.json._
case class User(firstName: String,
lastName: String,
registeredAt: DateTime,
birthDate: LocalDate,
birthTime: LocalTime)
object User {
// you only need to provide appropriate implicits:
import scommons.api.jodatime.JodaTimeImplicits.{dateTimeReads => dtReads, dateTimeWrites => dtWrites}
import scommons.api.jodatime.JodaTimeImplicits.{dateReads => dReads, dateWrites => dWrites}
import scommons.api.jodatime.JodaTimeImplicits.{timeReads => tReads, timeWrites => tWrites}
implicit val jsonFormat: Format[User] = Json.format[User]
For JS
part the following types are defined as wrappers around
the corresponding ISO time formatted string
and do not contain any logic:
Once you receive from an API on JS
side an object that uses them
you can use toString
method to get an ISO time formatted string
and pass it to your favorite JS time library
to parse it.
For example, you could use standard JS Date class to parse it:
import scala.scalajs.js
new js.Date(user.registeredAt.toString).getDate
To build and run all the tests use the following command:
sbt test
You can find more documentation here