This project contains useful functionality for developing Play 2.0 Scala apps, especially on Heroku
- Anorm Column and ToStatement impls that make dealing with Postgres HStore and Enum types easy.
- Enhanced Evolutions plugin that does locking so your dynos dont stomp on each other (will be in Play soon) and enable/disable evolutions per db.
- Extensions to play.api.libs.concurrent.Promise that make using services that return Promises ( for example) easier to deal with.
- Actor Based logback console appender. Reduces synchronization contention on System.out, use instead of logback ConsoleAppender.
- PusherService for triggering events, verifying webhooks, and authorizing private and presence channels on Pusher addon.
- RedisService for configuring Jedis via REDISTOGO_URL supplied by RedisToGo addon, and some useful redis utilities.
- JsonAPI trait for mixing in to controllers that accept json payloads. Use scalaz validations to validate incoming json.
- Security trait for mixing into controllers that wish to force SSL on Heroku.
- Utilities for extracting and generating BasicAuth and URLEncoded values
- HerokuGlobal trait that does logging in the callback methods.
- CredentialsService, utilities for bcrypt based password hashing, strong password based encryption.
Currently, you need to add the project as a git based dependency to your play project, in Build.scala
val extras = RootProject(uri("git://"))
val main = PlayProject(appName, appVersion, appDependencies, mainLang = SCALA, settings = Defaults.defaultSettings ++ buildSettings).dependsOn(extras)
TODO publish to maven central.