sciss / soundprocesses   4.14.16

Contributors Wanted GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 GitHub

A computer music framework to describe, create and manage sound processes in the Scala programming language. Mirror of

Scala versions: 3.x 2.13 2.12
Scala.js versions: 1.x


Gitter Build Status Maven Central


SoundProcesses is an extension for ScalaCollider to describe, create and manage sound processes in the Scala programming language. It is (C)opyright 2010–2023 by Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved. SoundProcesses is released under the GNU Affero General Public License v3+ and comes with absolutely no warranties. To contact the author, send an e-mail to contact at

Further reading:

  • Tutorials on the Mellite website.
  • Notes on the Research Catalogue.
  • Rutz, H. H., "SoundProcesses: A New Computer Music Framework," in Proceedings of the ICMC|SMC|2014 Joint Conference, Athens 2014.


SoundProcesses builds with sbt against Scala 2.12, 2.13, Dotty (JVM), and Scala 2.13 (JS). The last version to support Scala 2.11 was 3.31.0. The dependencies should be downloaded automatically from Maven Central repository.

The Scala.js support it is still in experimental stage. Linker errors and bugs are to be expected here.


The following submodules are available:

"de.sciss" %% "lucre-synth"             % v  // transactional layer for ScalaCollider
"de.sciss" %% "soundprocesses-core"     % v  // everything but views and compiler
"de.sciss" %% "soundprocesses-views"    % v  // common swing views
"de.sciss" %% "soundprocesses-compiler" % v  // compiler integration

The current version v is "4.14.9".


Please see the file


Project is still sparse, however there is a graphical front-end Mellite, and the Mellite website contains tutorials on SoundProcesses.


  • currently, constant Expr object do carry an id and thus are not identical to each other when created repeatedly even with the same peer constant. This was done in order to satisfy Obj property, e.g. for any IntObj including its constants. A future version may go back to 'cheap' constants which must be explicitly lifted if one wants to access attr on them.


The following abstractions are currently not supported

  • Bounce
  • (Ex) Sys.Process, Sys.Exit, AudioFileSpec.Read