A Scala integrations library for AWS using principles of pure functional programming. Depends heavily on Cats, Cats Effect, and FS2.
Currently includes the following modules (pluggable as <module-name>
below), with more to come:
: S3 object sources and sinkspure-aws-s3-testing
: Test helpers to ensure you're using the S3 clients correctlypure-aws-sqs
: Basic and simplified SQS accesspure-aws-sqs-refined
: Builds on top ofpure-aws-sqs
integration for type-safe method parameters.
This library is published for Scala 3, Scala 2.13, and 2.12. Scala 3 does not have published scaladoc, due to a temporary compiler bug. A future release will make note of when this is fixed, but feel free to refer to the 2.13 API docs linked below in the meantime.
libraryDependencies += "com.rewardsnetwork" %% "<module-name>" % "<latest tag>"
Releases are built using Java 11, so there is always a possibility that there is some incompatibility if you are using an older JVM. We recommend upgrading to at least Java 11, regardless of if any incompatibilities occur, if you are still using Java versions older than this.
Copyright 2020 Rewards Network Establishment Services
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
The libraries in this repository follow a general architecture pattern you should be aware of. Each library has a "Pure" client layer, followed by a "Simplified" client layer, and optionally some kind of "Refined" client layer above that (currently only for SQS). Each one adds enhancements on top of the other, and the base libraries feature both the pure and simplified layers.
For example, here is how you create an S3 and SQS client:
import cats.effect.{IO, Resource}
import com.rewardsnetwork.pureaws.s3.PureS3Client
import com.rewardsnetwork.pureaws.sqs.PureSqsClient
import software.amazon.awssdk.regions.Region
val region = Region.US_EAST_1
val pureS3clientResource: Resource[IO, PureS3Client[IO]] = PureS3Client.async[IO](region)
val pureSQSclientResource: Resource[IO, PureSqsClient[IO]] = PureSqsClient.async[IO](region)
The "Pure" clients for each library have Sync/Async variants, based on the underlying AWS client. Due to API differences, they only resolve to a common subset of available operations between them. Generally you should prefer the Async clients as they are natively non-blocking, but consider the Sync clients if necessary for semantic or performance reasons.
Each library has a host of simplified clients you can use as well. The functionality of these clients are optimized to meet specific business needs, and might not be all-encompassing. If you find yourself using the pure client for any reason, consider thinking of a way it can be simplified and incorporate it into an existing simplified client or create a new specialized one.
These simplified clients are as follows:
The main entrypoint for working with S3 should be the SimpleS3Client
It contains all of the subsequent clients inside of it, for you to access as-needed.
For modularity and separation of concerns, we've separated out the client types based on use-case, but if you need access to everything at once, this is the client you want.
import com.rewardsnetwork.pureaws.SimpleS3Client
val s3ClientResource: Resource[IO, SimpleS3Client[IO]] = SimpleS3Client.async[IO](region)
s3ClientResource.use { client =>
///Access each of the clients within here
Detailed below are each of these clients and their individual use-cases.
Perform basic operations on S3 buckets and objects, available at SimpleS3Client#bucketOps
and SimpleS3Client#objectOps
respectively, or by themselves as S3BucketOps
and S3ObjectOps
import com.rewardsnetwork.pureaws.{S3BucketOps, S3ObjectOps}
import software.amazon.awssdk.services.s3.model.BucketLocationConstraint
val pureClient: Resource[IO, PureS3Client[IO]] = PureS3Client.async[IO](region)
val bucketAndObjectOps = pureClient.map(p => S3BucketOps(p) -> S3ObjectOps(p))
bucketAndObjectOps.use { case (bucketOps, objectOps) =>
//Create buckets in the region of your choice, as well as delete and list them
val createBucket = bucketOpe.createBucket("my-bucket", BucketLocationConstraint.US_EAST_1)
val deleteBucket = bucketOps.deleteBucket("my-bucket")
val listBuckets = bucketOps.listBuckets //IO[List[S3BucketInfo]]
//Define copy or delete operations manually...
val copy = objectOps.copy("oldBucket", "oldKey", "newBucket", "newKey")
val delete = objectOps.delete("oldBucket", "oldKey")
//Or use a simplified version as `move` which copies and deletes in sequence
val move = objectOps.move("oldBucket", "oldKey", "newBucket", "newKey")
} //IO[Unit]
Write S3 objects using S3 (multipart not currently supported), available at SimpleS3Client#sink
or by itself:
import com.rewardsnetwork.pureaws.S3Sink
val sinkResource: Resource[IO, S3Sink[IO]] = S3Sink.async[IO](_, region)
sinkResource.use { sink =>
Stream("hello", "world", "and all who inhabit it")
.through(sink.writeText(bucket, path)) //Can also write raw bytes, and set custom content type
} //IO[Unit]
Stream S3 objects from S3 as bytes, available at SimpleS3Client#source
or by itself:
import com.rewardsnetwork.pureaws.S3Source
val sourceResource: Resource[IO, S3Source[IO]] = S3Source.async[IO](region)
Stream.resource(sourceResource).flatMap { source =>
//Stream bytes from an object
val byteStream = source.readObject("myBucket", "myKey") //Stream[IO, Byte]
//Get an object's metadata and a stream of bytes
val metadataAndByteStream = source.readObjectWithMetadata("myBucket", "myKey") //IO[(Map[String, String], Stream[IO, Byte])]
metadataAndByteStream.flatMap { case (metadata, stream) =>
val metadataKeys = metadata.keys.toList.mkString(", ")
val logMetadataKeys = IO(println(s"Metadata keys available: $metadataKeys"))
val getLines = stream
logMetadataKeys >> getLines
} //IO[List[String]]
The preferred way to use pureaws-sqs
is to pull in the Simple client with an Async backend.
import com.rewardsnetwork.pureaws.sqs.{SimpleSqsClient, StreamMessageSettings}
val client: Resource[IO, SimpleSqsClient[IO]] = SimpleSqsClient.async[IO](region)
client.use { c =>
//Customize your settings using this case class
val settings = StreamMessageSettings.default.copy(maxMessages = 5)
c.streamMessages("url-to-my-queue", settings).take(3).compile.drain.as(ExitCode.Success)
A SimpleSqsClient
is a more type-safe alternative to dealing with the traditional client, as it creates requests in the background and parses their responses.
Using the refined
library, we can validate our function parameters at compile-time instead of making the request ourselves and assuming it is correct.
To take advantage of this, import the pureaws-sqs-refined
support is currently limited to method parameters and some returned types.
To see all available refined types used by this library, see package.scala
in the pureaws-sqs-refined
When using SQS, be sure to delete messages after you are done processing.
To make this easier on yourself, use the autoDelete
method on each SQS message.
This method takes an F[Boolean]
predicate as an argument, and if it returns true, it will delete the message, otherwise do nothing.
Some libraries may have testing modules implemented separately as-needed.
Presently there is just pureaws-s3-testing
There is a small backend for testing the simplified clients, such as S3Sink
and S3Source
, available as S3TestingBackend.inMemory
It is designed to be used with the Test
clients, and they will throw exceptions for certain common operations such as when you try to get an object that does not exist.
All components are available in the testing
package in pureaws-s3-testing
import com.rewardsnetwork.pureaws.s3.testing._
import com.rewardsnetwork.pureaws.s3._
import fs2.Stream
import fs2.text._
//First, make a backend
val program = S3TestingBackend.inMemory[IO]().flatMap { backend =>
//Plug the backend into each component you test
val sink: S3Sink[IO] = TestS3Sink(backend)
//Components that share a backend will be testable together as one system
val source: S3Source[IO] = TestS3Source(backend)
val exampleText = "Hello world!"
val writeText = Stream(exampleText).through(fs2.text.encodeUtf8).through(sink.writeText("bucket", "key"))
val readText = source
.readObject("bucket", "key")
.stdOutLines //prints out the object contents
(writeText >> readText).compile.drain
program.unsafeRunSync() //Hello world!