
Build Status Scala.js

Implementation of ZeroFormatter in Scala.

Latest stable version

libraryDependencies += "com.github.pocketberserker" %% "zero-formatter" % "0.7.0"
// JVM only
libraryDependencies += "com.github.pocketberserker" %% "zero-formatter-unsafe" % "0.7.0"
libraryDependencies += "com.github.pocketberserker" %% "zero-formatter-scalaz" % "0.7.0"
libraryDependencies += "com.github.pocketberserker" %% "zero-formatter-cats-core" % "0.7.0"
// JVM only
libraryDependencies += "com.github.pocketberserker" %% "akka-http-zero-formatter" % "0.7.0"
// JVM only
libraryDependencies += "com.github.pocketberserker" %% "zero-formatter-lz4" % "0.7.0"
// JVM only
libraryDependencies += "com.github.pocketberserker" %% "zero-formatter-zstd" % "0.7.0"


Define case class and fields mark as @Index, call ZeroFormatter.serialize[T]/deserialize[T}

import zeroformatter._

case class MyClass(
  @Index(0) age: Int,
  @Index(1) firstName: String,
  @Index(2) lastName: String,
  @Index(3) list: Vector[Int]

val mc = MyClass(99, "hoge", "fuga", Vector(1, 10, 100))

val bytes = ZeroFormatter.serialize(mc)
val mc2 = ZeroFormatter.deserialize[MyClass](bytes)


If you use cats.Eval, case class deserialization is lazy-evaluation.

import cats.Eval
import zeroformatter._
import zeroformatter.cats._

case class LazyClass(
  @Index(0) age: Eval[Int],
  @Index(1) firstName: Eval[String],
  @Index(2) lastName: Eval[String],
  @Index(3) list: Eval[Vector[Int]]

val lc = ZeroFormatter.deserialize[LazyClass](bytes)


lazy-evaluation deserialization is supported only Object and LazyList.

Supported types

see also WireFormat Specification.

Primitive Format

Scala C# Note
Short Int16
Int Int32
Long Int64
spire.math.UShort UInt16
spire.math.UInt UInt32
spire.math.ULong UInt64
Float Single
spire.math.UByte Byte
Byte SByte
Duration TimeSpan
LocalDateTime DateTime JVM only.
OffsetDateTime DateTimeOffset JVM only.
String Scala and C# string is always nullable currently.
Option[Short] Int16?
Option[Int] Int32?
Option[Long] Int64?
Option[spire.math.UShort] UInt16?
Option[spire.math.UInt] UInt32?
Option[spire.math.ULong] UInt64?
Option[Float] Single?
Option[Double] Double?
Option[Boolean] Boolean?
Option[spire.math.UByte] Byte?
Option[Byte] SByte?
Option[Duration] TimeSpan?
Option[LocalDateTime] DateTime? JVM only.
Option[OffsetDateTime] DateTimeOffset? JVM only.

Sequence Format

Scala C# Note
Array[T] Sequence<T> if length = -1, indicates null
Option[Array[T]] Sequence<T> if length = -1, indicates None

List Format

Scala C# Note
LazyList FixedSizeList Stage2 support only zeroformatter-cats-core module
LazyList VariableSizeList Stage2 support only zeroformatter-cats-core module

Object Format

Scala C# Note
Object Object if byteSize = -1, indicates null
Option[Object] Object if byteSize = -1, indicates None
Struct Struct
Option[Struct] Struct?
Option[(A1, A2)] Tuple<A1, A2>

Union Format

Scala C# Note
Union Union