
Library for Cross-Platform Development


pallet image

  • Provides expressive idioms for writing portable code.

  • Write one version of a script that runs in 90% or more of development environments.

The JVM on non-Windows platforms share similarities, and tend to be unix-like. Although bash shell environments exist, the Windows JVM doesn't support the posix filesystem abstractions they provide.

This library leverages Unifile to resolve these deficiencies. In addition, it provides Date & Time functions, csv support, and other enhancements.

  • Supported Scala Versions

    • scala 3.x
  • Tested Target environments

    • Linux
    • Darwin/OSX
    • Windows
      • Cygwin64
      • Msys64
      • Mingw64
      • Git-bash
      • WSL Linux


To use this library in scala-cli or scala 3.5+ scripts:

#!/usr/bin/env -S scala-cli shebang
//> using dep org.vastblue::unifile:0.3.12
//> using dep org.vastblue::pallet:0.10.22
import vastblue.pallet.*

For sbt projects:

  "org.vastblue" % "pallet"  %% "0.10.22" // scala 3
  "org.vastblue" % "pallet_3" % "0.10.22" // scala 2.13.x


  • Use scala instead of bash or python for portable general purpose scripting

  • Publish one script version, rather than multiple OS-customized versions

  • Script as though you're running in Linux, even on Windows or Mac.

  • standard OS and platform variables, based on uname information

  • directly read csv file rows from java.nio.file.Path objects

  • lots of commonly-needed file extensions:

    • if scriptPath.path.lastModified > "/etc/hosts".path.lastModified then ... Extends the range of scala scripting:
  • reference Windows filesystem paths via posix abstractions

  • predefined environment information:

    • osType: String
    • osName: String
    • scalaHome: String
    • javaHome: String
    • userhome: String
    • username: String
    • hostname: String
    • uname: String
    • shellRoot: String
    • isLinux: Boolean
    • isWinshell: Boolean
    • isDarwin: Boolean
    • isWsl: Boolean
    • isCygwin: Boolean
    • isMsys: Boolean
    • isMingw: Boolean
    • isGitSdk: Boolean
    • isGitbash: Boolean
    • isWindows: Boolean
    • verbose: Boolean
  • extension methods on java.nio.file.Path and

    • name: String
    • basename: String // drop extension
    • parent: Path
    • lines: Iterator[String]
    • md5: String
    • sha256: String
    • cksum: Long
    • lastModified: Long
    • newerThan(other: Path): Boolean
    • olderThan(other: Path): Boolean
    • lastModifiedMillisAgo: Long
    • lastModSecondsAgo: Double
    • lastModMinutesAgo: Double
    • lastModHoursAgo: Double
    • lastModDaysAgo: Double
    • withFileWriter(p: Path)(func: PrintWriter => Any)
  • iterate directory subfiles:

    • files: Iterator[JFile]
    • paths: Iterator[Path]
    • walkTree(file: JFile, depth: Int = 1, maxdepth: Int = -1): Iterable[JFile]
  • read files in the /proc tree in Windows, e.g.:

    • /proc/meminfo
    • /proc/$PID/cmdline


In Windows, requires installing a posix shell:

In Darwin/OSX, requires homebrew or similar.

Best with a recent version of coreutils: (e.g., ubuntu: 8.32-4.1ubuntu1, osx: stable 9.4)


Setup for running the example scripts:

recommended scala-cli hash-bang line:

  • #!/usr/bin/env -S scala-cli shebang

Portable Conversion of Path Strings to java.nio.file.Path

A posix shell path such as "/etc/fstab" is not recognized by the Windows jvm as referring to "C:\msys64\etc\fstab", and attempting to read from it probably throws FileNotFoundException.

The following command lines illustrate the default Windows JVM behavior:

# prints `true` to the Console for Windows paths:
scala -e 'println(java.nio.file.Paths.get("C:/Windows").toFile.isDirectory)'
# prints `false` to the Console for mounted posix paths:
scala -e 'println(java.nio.file.Paths.get("/etc/fstab").toFile.isFile)'

Example OS portable scripts

display the native path and the number of lines in /etc/fstab

#!/usr/bin/env -S scala-cli shebang
//> using dep "org.vastblue::pallet::0.10.22"
import vastblue.pallet.*
val p = Paths.get("/etc/fstab")
printf("env: %-10s| posixroot: %-12s| %-22s| %d lines\n",
  uname("-o"), posixroot, p.posx, p.lines.size)

Output of the previous example scripts on various platforms:

Linux Mint # env: GNU/Linux | posixroot: /           | /etc/fstab            | 21 lines
Darwin     # env: Darwin    | posixroot: /           | /etc/fstab            | 0 lines
WSL Ubuntu # env: GNU/Linux | posixroot: /           | /etc/fstab            | 6 lines
Cygwin64   # env: Cygwin    | posixroot: C:/cygwin64 | C:/cygwin64/etc/fstab | 24 lines
Msys64     # env: Msys      | posixroot: C:/msys64/  | C:/msys64/etc/fstab   | 22 lines

Note that on Darwin, there is no /etc/fstab file, so the Path#lines extension returns Nil.

Example: list child directories of "."

#!/usr/bin/env -S scala-cli shebang

//> using dep "org.vastblue::pallet::0.10.22"
import vastblue.pallet.*

// list child directories of "."
val cwd: Path = Paths.get(".")
for ( p: Path <- cwd.paths.filter { _.isDirectory }) {
  printf("%s\n", p.posx)

Example: print the native paths of command line arguments

#!/usr/bin/env -S scala-cli shebang
//> using dep "org.vastblue::pallet::0.10.22"
import vastblue.pallet.*

// display native path of command-line provided filenames
if args.isEmpty then
  printf("usage: %s <path1> [<path2> ...]\n", scriptPath)
  val dirs = for
    fname <- args
    p = Paths.get(fname)
    if p.isFile
  yield p.posx

  printf("%s\n", dirs.toList.mkString("\n"))


  • Windows: install one of the following:
  • Linux: required packages:
    • sudo apt install coreutils
  • Darwin/OSX:
    • brew install coreutils

How to Write Portable Scala Scripts

Things that maximize the odds of your script running on most systems:

  • use scala 3
  • represent paths internally with forward slashes
  • drive letter not needed for paths on the current working drive (often C:)
    • to access disks other than the working drive, mount them via /etc/fstab
    • vastblue.Paths.get() can parse both posix and Windows filesystem paths
  • don't rely on java.File.pathSeparator for parsing path strings
  • split strings to lines using "(\r)?\n" rather than JVM default line ending
    • split("\n") can leave carriage-return debris
    • `split( fails or leaves debris if input string came from another OS
  • split PATH-like environment variables using
  • create java.nio.file.Path objects in either of two ways:
    • `vastblue.file.Paths.get("/etc/fstab")
    • "/etc/fstab".path // guaranteed to use vastblue.file.Paths.get()`


Examples below illustrate some of the capabilities.

#!/usr/bin/env -S scala-cli shebang

//> using dep "org.vastblue::pallet::0.10.22"
import vastblue.pallet.*

  printf("uname / osType / osName:\n%s\n", s"platform info: ${unameLong} / ${osType} / ${osName}")
  if (isLinux) {
    // uname is "Linux"
    printf("hello Linux\n")
  } else if (isDarwin) {
    // uname is "Darwin*"
    printf("hello Mac\n")
  } else if (isWinshell) {
    // isWinshell: Boolean = isMsys | isCygwin | isMingw | isGitSdk | isGitbash
    printf("hello %s\n", unameShort)
  } else if (envOrEmpty("MSYSTEM").nonEmpty) {
    printf("hello %s\n", envOrEmpty("MSYSTEM"))
  } else {
    assert(isWindows, s"unknown environment: ${unameLong} / ${osType} / ${osName}")
    printf("hello Windows\n")
#!/usr/bin/env -S scala-cli shebang

//> using dep "org.vastblue::pallet::0.10.22"
import vastblue.pallet.*

import vastblue.pallet.*
import vastblue.file.ProcfsPaths.cmdlines

var verbose = false
for (arg <- args) {
  arg match {
  case "-v" =>
    verbose = true
if (isLinux || isWinshell) {
  printf("script name: %s\n\n", scriptName)
  // find /proc/[0-9]+/cmdline files
  for ((procfile, cmdline) <- cmdlines) {
    if (verbose || cmdline.contains(scriptName)) {
      printf("%s\n", procfile)
      printf("%s\n\n", cmdline)
} else {
  printf("procfs filesystem not supported in os [%s]\n", osType)
$ jsrc/

output when run from a Windows Msys64 bash session:

script name: jsrc/

'C:\opt\jdk\bin\java.exe' '-Dscala.home=C:/opt/scala' '-classpath' 'C:/opt/scala/lib/scala-library-2.13.10.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/scala3-library_3-3.4.3.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/scala-asm-9.5.0-scala-1.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/compiler-interface-1.3.5.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/scala3-interfaces-3.4.3.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/scala3-compiler_3-3.4.3.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/tasty-core_3-3.4.3.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/scala3-staging_3-3.4.3.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/scala3-tasty-inspector_3-3.4.3.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/jline-reader-3.19.0.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/jline-terminal-3.19.0.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/jline-terminal-jna-3.19.0.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/jna-5.3.1.jar;;' '' '-classpath' 'C:/opt/scala/lib/scala-library-2.13.10.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/scala3-library_3-3.4.3.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/scala-asm-9.5.0-scala-1.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/compiler-interface-1.3.5.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/scala3-interfaces-3.4.3.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/scala3-compiler_3-3.4.3.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/tasty-core_3-3.4.3.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/scala3-staging_3-3.4.3.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/scala3-tasty-inspector_3-3.4.3.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/jline-reader-3.19.0.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/jline-terminal-3.19.0.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/jline-terminal-jna-3.19.0.jar;C:/opt/scala/lib/jna-5.3.1.jar;;' '-deprecation' '-cp' 'target/scala-3.4.3/classes' './'

'bash' '/c/opt/scala/bin/scala' '-deprecation' '-cp' 'target/scala-3.4.3/classes' './'

Example #2: write and read .csv files:

#!/usr/bin/env -S scala-cli shebang

//> using dep "org.vastblue::pallet::0.10.22"
import vastblue.pallet.*

val testFiles = Seq("tabTest.csv", "commaTest.csv")
for (filename <- testFiles){
  val testFile: Path = filename.toPath

  if (!testFile.exists) {
    // create tab-delimited and comma-delimited test files
    val delim: String = if filename.startsWith("tab") then "\t" else ","
    testFile.withWriter() { w =>

  printf("\n# filename: %s\n", testFile.posx)
  // display file text lines
  for ((line: String, i: Int) <- testFile.lines.zipWithIndex){
    printf("%d: %s\n", i, line)
  // display file csv rows
  for (row: Seq[String] <- testFile.csvRows){
    printf("%s\n", row.mkString("|"))
$ time jsrc/


# filename: C:/Users/username/workspace/pallet/tabTest.csv
0: 1st  2nd     3rd
1: A    B       C

# filename: C:/Users/username/workspace/pallet/commaTest.csv
0: 1st,2nd,3rd
1: A,B,C

real    0m4.269s
user    0m0.135s
sys     0m0.411s