
This project allows one or more stub servers to be launched with control over the location of the pact files, the port and the SSL context that the project will use.


An example config file is

 servers{  // marker 
       as-https {                    # the 'name' of the server. This has very little impact, but is useful for structuring the servers
           host: localhost           # Optional parameter, defaults to localhost
           port: 9000                # the port the server will run on
           directory: "target/pacts" # the directory the server will load pacts from. They must be .json files
           provider: "SomeName"      # An optional filter than means only the files for that provider will be loaded. It defaults to 'load all files' if this is missing
           ssl-context {             # If present the server will be an https server. The following parameters should be obvious 
               keymanager-factory-passphrase= "mypass"     
               keystore = "crypto/keystore.jks"
               keystore-password = "mypass"
               truststore = "crypto/truststore.jks"
               truststore-password = "changeit"
               client-auth = false
           errorsAbort: false        #Does the server abort if a single pact file is flawed?
       as-http {
           port: 9001
           directory: "target/pacts"
           errorsAbort: false

#Usage 1 - From tests

A common testing strategy is to first use pacts to test lowlevel code: for example the clients that take domain objects, send them to the remote api, and turn the result into a domain object. After they are working acceptance tests can be written that hit the endpoints of the service under test, and use the previously defined mocks.

To support this, the ConfigBasedStubber can be used: either from a config file, or by code. Example code for this is shown here:

    //Loads up the ssl context from the System properties. If you want you can construct it manually.
    val contextData = SSLContextData.fromSystemProperties()
    //loads all the pacts for the 'Name' provider
    val nameSpec = ServerSpec.forHttpsValidation("name", HttpsPorts.name, "target/pacts", Some("Name"), false,contextData, true)
    //loads all the pacts for the 'Address' provider
    val addressSpec = ServerSpec.forHttpsValidation("address", HttpsPorts.address, "target/pacts", Some("Address"), false,contextData, true)
    var stubber: ConfigBasedStubber
    var  executors: ExecutorService

    //code to be executed in your test framework of choice in beforeAll
    def setUpService() {
        val resources = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages");
        executors = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);
        stubber = ConfigBasedStubber.apply(nameSpec, addressSpec, resources, executors);

    //code to be executed in your test framework of choice in afterAll    
    public static void killStubber() {

The config based stubber can also be created (in a test) from a config file, using ConfigBasedStubber(new File("path/to/configfile"))

Usage 2 - As a standalone utility

There is a file 'ConfigBasedStubber' with a main method. It takes an optional single parameter: the name of the config file. If the name is not given it uses 'stubber.cfg' in the current directory

Usage 3 - As an sbt plugin

Add this to you /project/plugins.sbt file

addSbtPlugin("com.ing.pact" % "ing-pact-stubber" % "1.5")

Two new commands are available: stubberStart and stubberStop. Both use 'stubber.cfg' in the root directory as a config file. Known issues: stubberStop sometimes doesn't release the port.