paideiadao / paideia-sdk   0.0.2

MIT License GitHub

optimized calls to scala functions

Scala versions: 2.12


This SDK contains the contracts and immediate surrounding off chain code for running Paideia DAO's.

Bug Bounty

To help ensure the contracts validity and security we have a bug bounty program running up till launch (and potentially afterwards as well). The contracts are located in src/main/resources/ergoscript. Only version 1.0.0 contracts are in scope for this bug bounty. Before reviewing the contracts read about the configuration setup described further down in this document and the overview document in the docs directory. If you find an issue create a github issue in this repository describing the issue as detailed as possible. Based on potential negative effects of the issue it will be classified according to the below table. An issue will be rewarded with a certain amount of Paideia or if many issues are found a share of the total bug bounty pool based on the points an issue is awarded.

Issue type Description Max reward
Critical An issue that can result in significant loss of assets, either by malicious actions or protocol locking. 10000 Pai
Major An issue that causes the protocol to not function as intended resulting in unexpected results (for example a proposal being evaluated wrongly) 5000 Pai
Minor A smaller issue causing the protocol to behave wrong in edge cases 1000 Pai
Informational Lacking documentation, confusing code etc. 500 Pai

Config value serialization

To allow for maximum flexibility in the config values stored for a dao and virtually no upper limit to the amount of them they are serialized into byte arrays and stored in an avl tree. The off chain code handles the serialization and deserialization mostly automatically, giving you the original values to work with. Sadly this is not possible in ergoscript so to use the values inside a contract knowledge is needed on how the values are serialized.

General rule

A serialized config value will start with one byte denoting the data type (see below for a table). If the data type is static length the following bytes will be the actual value, if it is variable length, the size will be defined by the first 4 bytes (32 bit int) following the datatype byte.

Data types

JVM data type Byte value Size bytes Serialization method
Byte 0 0 1:1
Short 1 0
Int 2 0
Long 3 0
BigInt 4 0 BigInt.toByteArray
Boolean 5 0 True = 1 False = 0
String 6 4 String.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
PaideiaContractSignature 7 0 32 bytes blake2b256 hash of contract ++ String serialized class name ++ String serialized version ++ networkPrefix byte
Array 10 4* Inner type byte ++ size bytes ++ data
Tuple 20 0 Serialized first entry ++ serialized second entry

* Note that the size bytes for an array are prepended with the inner data type

DAO Configs

A dao can have many configurations stored (stored in an AVLtree so the "forest" is the limit). Here we list the ones used by default in the Paideia protocol, but it is possible to add your own. Some are specific to the Paideia DAO itself and will not be relevant to other DAO's other than that they might influence fees etc. Some configurations only affect web 2, such as dao description on the site and the logo.

DAO Configs - All DAO's

Key Data type Web 2 Description Default Min Max
im.paideia.contracts.dao PaideiaContractSignature x DAO Origin contract handles proposal creation
im.paideia.contracts.config PaideiaContractSignature x Config contract holds the DAO configuration in an AVL tree
im.paideia.contracts.treasury PaideiaContractSignature x Treasury contract protects DAO treasury
im.paideia.contracts.staking.state PaideiaContractSignature x StakeState contract guards the staking state of the DAO
im.paideia.contracts.staking.stake PaideiaContractSignature x Stake contract handles creation of a new stake (in effect creation of a new DAO member)
im.paideia.contracts.staking.changestake PaideiaContractSignature x ChangeStake contract handles changing of a stake (adding or partially removing stake)
im.paideia.contracts.staking.unstake PaideiaContractSignature x Unstake contract handles fully removing a stake
im.paideia.contracts.staking.snapshot PaideiaContractSignature x StakeSnapshot handles snapshot creation of stake state PaideiaContractSignature x StakeVote handles governance acctivity registration when voting
im.paideia.contracts.staking.compound PaideiaContractSignature x StakeCompound contract handles dividing staking rewards and profit share based on relative stake size and governance participation
im.paideia.contracts.staking.profitshare PaideiaContractSignature x StakeProfitShare handles registration of shared profit that is to be distributed to stakers
im.paideia.contracts.split.profit PaideiaContractSignature x SplitProfit contract splits profit according to the DAO configuration between the treasury and the stakers String x Name of the DAO ""
im.paideia.dao.url String v Url route to be used for accessing the DAO ({im.paideia.dao.url}) Defaults to dao name
im.paideia.dao.desc String v Description of the DAO on the website ""
im.paideia.dao.theme String v Theme to be used in this DAO
im.paideia.dao.logo String v URL to logo of the DAO
im.paideia.dao.banner String v URL to banner image
im.paideia.dao.banner.enabled Boolean v Is banner enabled
im.paideia.dao.footer String v Text to be shown in footer of DAO
im.paideia.dao.footer.enabled Boolean v Is footer enabled
im.paideia.dao.tokenid Array[Byte] x Token ID of the governance token for this DAO
im.paideia.dao.proposal.tokenid Array[Byte] x Token ID of token proving valid proposal
im.paideia.dao.action.tokenid Array[Byte] x Token ID of token proving valid action
im.paideia.dao.key Array[Byte] x Token ID of NFT held by this DAO's config utxo. This is the unique identifier of the DAO
im.paideia.dao.quorum Long x Quorum (percentage of total possible votes) needed for a proposal to pass in promille (50% is 500), setting this too high could result in a soft locked DAO 100L 0L 1000L
im.paideia.dao.threshold Long x Threshold (percentage of cast votes that need to be in favor) for a proposal to pass 500L 500L 1000L
im.paideia.dao.min.proposal.time Long x Minimum duration of a proposal in milliseconds (Min and default a day, maximum 3 months) 86400000L 86400000L 7776000000L
im.paideia.dao.min.stake.proposal Long x Minimum stake amount DAO member needs to have to be able to create a proposal 0L 0L Total staked divided by half (prevents locking DAO if set to higher than total supply)
im.paideia.staking.state.tokenid Array[Byte] x Token ID of the NFT identifying the utxo holding the stake state
im.paideia.staking.emission.amount Long x Amount of governance tokens to be distributed each staking epoch as rewards, taken from the treasury 0L 0L 9999999999999999999L
im.paideia.staking.emission.delay Long x Delay in epochs for a stake to start earning rewards, this can help incentivize keeping a stake (1L = no delay) 1L 1L 10L
im.paideia.staking.cyclelength Long x Length of staking epoch in milliseconds 86400000L 86400000L 999999999999L
im.paideia.staking.profit.sharepct Long x Percentage of profit to be shared with stakers 50L 0L 100L
im.paideia.staking.weight.pureparticipation Byte x Percentage weight of pure participation in governance when calculating rewards distribution 0 0 100
im.paideia.staking.weight.participation Byte x Percentage weight of participation in governance when calculating rewards distribution 0 0 100
im.paideia.contracts.proposal.{proposal contract ergotree bytes} PaideiaContractSignature x Whitelisted proposal contract
im.paideia.contracts.action.{action contract ergotree bytes} PaideiaContractSignature x Whitelisted action contract

DAO Configs - Paideia Only

Key Data type Web 2 Description Default Min Max
im.paideia.default.dao Array[Byte] x The ergotree bytes for the default DAO Origin contract, a newly created DAO should follow this
im.paideia.default.dao.signature PaideiaContractSignature x Signature of the default DAO Origin contract
im.paideia.default.treasury Array[Byte] x The ergotree bytes for the default Treasury contract, a newly created DAO should follow this
im.paideia.default.treasury.signature PaideiaContractSignature x Signature of the default Treasury contract
im.paideia.default.config Array[Byte] x The ergotree bytes for the default Config contract, a newly created DAO should follow this
im.paideia.default.config.signature PaideiaContractSignature x Signature of the default Config contract
im.paideia.default.action.sendfunds Array[Byte] x The ergotree bytes for the default ActionSendFunds contract, a newly created DAO should follow this
im.paideia.default.action.sendfunds.signature PaideiaContractSignature x Signature of the default ActionSendFunds contract
im.paideia.default.action.updateconfig Array[Byte] x The ergotree bytes for the default ActionUpdateConfig contract, a newly created DAO should follow this
im.paideia.default.action.updateconfig.signature PaideiaContractSignature x Signature of the default ActionUpdateConfig contract
im.paideia.default.proposal.basic Array[Byte] x The ergotree bytes for the default Proposal contract, a newly created DAO should follow this
im.paideia.default.proposal.basic.signature PaideiaContractSignature x Signature of the default Proposal contract
im.paideia.default.staking.change Array[Byte] x The ergotree bytes for the default ChangeStake contract, a newly created DAO should follow this
im.paideia.default.staking.change.signature PaideiaContractSignature x Signature of the default ChangeStake contract
im.paideia.default.staking.stake Array[Byte] x The ergotree bytes for the default Stake contract, a newly created DAO should follow this
im.paideia.default.staking.stake.signature PaideiaContractSignature x Signature of the default Stake contract
im.paideia.default.staking.compound Array[Byte] x The ergotree bytes for the default StakeCompound contract, a newly created DAO should follow this
im.paideia.default.staking.compound.signature PaideiaContractSignature x Signature of the default StakeCompound contract
im.paideia.default.staking.profitshare Array[Byte] x The ergotree bytes for the default StakeProfitShare contract, a newly created DAO should follow this
im.paideia.default.staking.profitshare.signature PaideiaContractSignature x Signature of the default StakeProfitShare contract
im.paideia.default.staking.snapshot Array[Byte] x The ergotree bytes for the default StakeSnapshot contract, a newly created DAO should follow this
im.paideia.default.staking.snapshot.signature PaideiaContractSignature x Signature of the default StakeSnapshot contract
im.paideia.default.staking.state Array[Byte] x The ergotree bytes for the default StakeState contract, a newly created DAO should follow this
im.paideia.default.staking.state.signature PaideiaContractSignature x Signature of the default StakeState contract Array[Byte] x The ergotree bytes for the default StakeVote contract, a newly created DAO should follow this PaideiaContractSignature x Signature of the default StakeVote contract
im.paideia.default.staking.unstake Array[Byte] x The ergotree bytes for the default Unstake contract, a newly created DAO should follow this
im.paideia.default.staking.unstake.signature PaideiaContractSignature x Signature of the default Unstake contract
im.paideia.fees.createdao.erg Long x The amount of nanoerg is taken as fee for creating a DAO, the fee is sent to the profit share contract 0L 0L 999999999999L
im.paideia.fees.createdao.paideia Long x The amount of Paideia is taken as fee for creating a DAO, the fee is sent to the profit share contract 0L 0L 999999999999L
im.paideia.fees.createproposal.paideia Long x The amount of Paideia is taken as fee for creating a proposal, the fee is sent to the profit share contract 0L 0L 9999999999L
im.paideia.fees.emit.paideia Long x The amount of Paideia is taken as fee per staking epoch per staker, the fee is sent to the profit share contract 0L 0L 9999999999L
im.paideia.fees.emit.operator.paideia Long x The amount of Paideia given to the operator performing the snapshot 0L 0L 9999999999L
im.paideia.fees.operator.max.erg Long x Maximum amount of nanoerg the operator can take when performing a snapshot 0L 0L 9999999999L
im.paideia.fees.compound.operator.paideia Long x The amount of Paideia the operator gets for performing a compound 0L 0L 9999999999L
im.paideia.contracts.protodao PaideiaContractSignature x The contract that handles the DAO creation process
im.paideia.contracts.protodaoproxy PaideiaContractSignature x The contract the user sends the initial DAO configuration to PaideiaContractSignature x The Mint contract holds tokens minted during the DAO creation process
im.paideia.contracts.createdao PaideiaContractSignature x This is a companion contract to the proto dao contract