flag4s helps you manage feature flags in your application via scala functions and http apis.
flag4s consists of the following modules:
- flag4s-core: default key/val stores, syntaxes and scala functions.
- flag4s-api-http4s: http endpoints configuration for http4s.
- flag4s-api-akka-http: http endpoints configuration for akka-http.
flag4s uses IO type from cats-effect for all operations and all return types are IO.
libraryDependencies += "org.typelevel" %% "cats-effect" % "version"
libraryDependencies += "io.nigo" %% "flag4s-core" % "0.1.5"
import flag4s.core.store._
implicit val store = ConsulStore("localhost", 8500)
//implicit val store = RedisStore("localhost", 6379)
//implicit val store = ConfigStore("path-to-config-file")
- you can choose one of the existing stores or create your own by implementing the Store trait.
- ConfigStore is not recommended as it does not support value modification. Also it only supports String type, you can define the flags as any type but all the value checks will be as String. To use the ConfigStore, put the flags in a .conf file in the following format:
features {
featureA: true
featureB: "on"
all return types are IO, you should execute or compose them yourself.
read a flag
import flag4s.core._
flag("featX") //returns the flag as type of Either[Throwable, Flag]
fatalFlag("featX") //returns the flag or throws exception if flag doesn't exist
enabled(boolFlag) //checks if the flag's value is true
is(strFlag, "on") //checks if the flag's value is "on"
withFlag("boolFlag", true) { //executes the code block if flag's value is true
//code block
withFlag("strFlag", "on") { //executes the code block if flag's value is "on"
//code block
ifEnabled(boolFlag) { //executes the code block if the flag's value is true
//code block
ifIs(strFlag, "on") { //executes the code block if the flag's value is "on"
//code block
get[Double](dblFlag) //returns the flag's value as Double
create/set flag
newFlag("boolFlag", true) //creates a new flag with value true, Left if flag already exists
switchFlag("boolFlag", false) //sets the flag's value to false, creates the flag if doesn't exist
set(strFlag, "off") //sets the flag's value to "off", Left if flag doesn't exist
import flag4s.core._
import flag4s.syntax._
boolFlag.ifEnabled {
//code block
strFlag.ifIs("on") {
//code block
dblFlag.ifIs(1.1) {
//code block
libraryDependencies += "io.nigo" %% "flag4s-api-http4s" % "0.1.5"
import flag4s.api.Http4sFlagApi
implicit val store = RedisStore("localhost", 6379)
.mountService(Http4sFlagApi.service(), "/")
libraryDependencies += "io.nigo" %% "flag4s-api-akka-http" % "0.1.5"
import flag4s.api.AkkaFlagApi
implicit val store = RedisStore("localhost", 6379)
Http().bindAndHandle(AkkaFlagApi.route(), "localhost", 8080)
create/update a flag
http PUT localhost:8080/flags key=featureA value=on
http PUT localhost:8080/flags key=featureB value:=true
get a flag
http localhost:8080/flags/featureA
get all flags
http localhost:8080/flags
enable a boolean flag
http POST localhost:8080/flags/featureB/enable
disable a boolean flag
http POST localhost:8080/flags/featureB/disable
delete a flag
http DELETE localhost:8080/flags/featureA