navicore / akka-eventhubs   1.6.3

MIT License GitHub

Akka Streams Eventhubs Source and Sink

Scala versions: 2.13 2.12

Build Status Codacy Badge

Akka Eventhubs

Akka Streams Azure Eventhubs Source and Sink


update your build.sbt dependencies with:

libraryDependencies += "tech.navicore" %% "akkaeventhubs" % "1.6.3"


add to application.conf

eventhubs {

  dispatcher {
    type = Dispatcher
    executor = "thread-pool-executor"
    thread-pool-executor {
      core-pool-size-min = 4
      core-pool-size-factor = 2.0
      core-pool-size-max = 8
    throughput = 10
    mailbox-capacity = -1
    mailbox-type = ""


eventhubs-in {

  snapshotInterval = 100

  persist = false

  persistFreq = 1

  offsetPersistenceId = "my_example_eventhubsOffset"

  connection {

    connStr = ${EVENTHUBS_1_CONNSTR}

    partitions = ${EVENTHUBS_1_PARTITION_COUNT}

    defaultOffset = "LATEST"

    consumerGroup = "$Default"

    receiverTimeout = 120s

    receiverBatchSize = 1

    readersPerPartition = 1

  dispatcher {
    type = Dispatcher
    executor = "thread-pool-executor"
    thread-pool-executor {
      core-pool-size-min = 4
      core-pool-size-factor = 2.0
      core-pool-size-max = 8
    throughput = 10
    mailbox-capacity = -1
    mailbox-type = ""


ack the the item once processed for a partition source:

    val cfg: Config = ConfigFactory.load().getConfig("eventhubs-in")

    val source1 = createPartitionSource(0, cfg)

    source1.runForeach(m => {
        println(s"SINGLE SOURCE: ${m._1.substring(0, 160)}")

ack the the item once processed after merging all the partition sources:

    val consumer: Sink[(String, AckableOffset), Future[Done]] =
        Sink.foreach(m => {
            println(s"SUPER SOURCE: ${m._1.substring(0, 160)}")

    val toConsumer = createToConsumer(consumer)

    val cfg: Config = ConfigFactory.load().getConfig("eventhubs-in")

    for (pid <- 0 until  EventHubConf(cfg).partitions) {

        val src: Source[(String, AckableOffset), NotUsed] =
          createPartitionSource(pid, cfg)



With Persistence of Offsets

change applicagtion.conf and configure Actor Persistence

eventhubs-in {
  persist = true


The sink requires a stream shape using a case class

case class EventhubsSinkData(payload: Array[Byte],
                             keyOpt: Option[String] = None,
                             props: Option[Map[String, String]] = None,
                             ackable: Option[AckableOffset] = None,
                             genericAck: Option[() => Unit] = None)
  • payload is what you think it is.
  • keyOpt is the partition key. If not set, the Sink will use a hash of the payload.
  • props is an optional string map that will add properties to the Eventhubs metadata for this item.
  • ackable is optional and will be committed when the payload is successfully sent.
  • genericAck is an optional function and will be called when the payload is successfully sent.
    val outConfig: Config = ConfigFactory.load().getConfig("eventhubs-out")
      val format = Flow[(String, AckableOffset)].map((x: (String, AckableOffset)) =>
        EventhubsSinkData(x._1.getBytes("UTF8"), None, None, Some(x._2))

      src.via(<SOME_PROCESSING_FLOW>).via(format).runWith(new EventhubsSink(EventHubConf(outConfig)))


publish local

sbt +publishLocalSigned

publish to nexus staging

export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
sbt +publishSigned
sbt sonatypeReleaseAll