- Connection to cassandra
- Connection to cassandra embedded cassadra for testing
- Generic materialised repository
- Managing migrations with Cqlmigrate
See Integration tests: IntegrationTests.scala
cassandra-connector {
cluster {
username: user
password: pass
keyspace: cassandra_connector
port: 9402
contactPoints: localhost
dc: DC1
session {
consistencyLevel: local_quorum
@Table(keyspace = "cassandra_connector", name = "users", caseSensitiveKeyspace = false, caseSensitiveTable = false)
class User() {
@Column(name = "user_id")
@BeanProperty var userId: UUID = _
@BeanProperty var name: String = _
// Define auxiliary constructor due to cassandra driver limitation i.e. using reflection
def this(userId: UUID, name: String) = {
this.userId = userId
this.name = name
@Accessor trait TestUserAccessor {
@Query("SELECT * FROM users") def getAll: Result[TestUser]
@Query("TRUNCATE users") def truncate: Result[TestUser]
// Either Create a connected Keyspace from the above config without cql migration
val connectedKeyspace = ConnectedKeyspace("cassandra_connector")
// or with cql migration if needed
val connectedKeyspace = ConnectedKeyspace("cassandra_connector", "aGivenDirectoryWithDotCqlFiles")
//Or alternatively, initialise without config file
import com.github.mideo.cassandra.connector.fluent.Connector
val connectedKeyspace = Connector.keyspace("keyspace" )
// create a connectedTable
val futureTable: Future[ConnectedTable[TestUser, TestUserAccessor]] = connectedKeyspace.materialise[TestUser, TestUserAccessor]
futureTable map {
table => table.accessor.truncate
table.mapper.save(new User(UUID.randomUUID, "mideo"))
// alternatively create a repository
val userMapper: Future[Mapper[TestUser]] = connectedKeyspace.materialise[TestUser]
// Create an instance of repository entity
val mideo = new User(UUID.randomUUID, "mideo")
// Create an instance of repository entity
userMapper.map { _.save(mideo) }
// Get user
userMapper.map { _.get(mideo.userId) }
// Delete user
userMapper.map { _.delete(mideo.userId) }
// alternatively user custom accessor
val accessor: Future[TestUserAccessor] = connectedKeyspace.materialiseAccessor[TestUserAccessor]
accessor.map { _.getAll }
accessor.map { _.truncate }
Testing with EmbeddedCassandra
// Connect with the ConnectedInMemoryRepository object
val connectedKeyspace: ConnectedKeyspace = ConnectedInMemoryKeyspace("cassandra_connector")
val isRunning = EmbeddedCassandra.isRunning
val port = EmbeddedCassandra.runningPort
val hosts = EmbeddedCassandra.getHosts