lewisjkl / header   0.0.4

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

Header automation and linting with a mill plugin :tada:

Scala versions: 2.13
{Artifact, BinaryVersion, Project, Version, UserState, Env} Mill plugins: 0.11


Utilities for checking and updating headers in files.

A big thanks to sbt-header which this project is based on.

Mill - Basic Usage

> mill __.headerCheck
> mill __.headerCreate

In build.sc file:

import $ivy.`com.lewisjkl::header-mill-plugin::0.0.4`
import header._

Apache 2

import header._

object core extends HeaderModule {
  override def license: HeaderLicense = HeaderLicense.Apache2("2023", "lewisjkl")


import header._

object core extends HeaderModule {
  override def license: HeaderLicense = HeaderLicense.MIT("2023", "lewisjkl")


import header._

object core extends HeaderModule {
  override def license: HeaderLicense = HeaderLicense.Custom(
  """|The contents of this file is free and unencumbered software released into the
     |public domain. For more information, please refer to <http://unlicense.org/>""".stripMargin

Mill Customization

import header._

object core extends HeaderModule {
  override def license: HeaderLicense = HeaderLicense.Apache2("2023", "lewisjkl")

  // defaults to List("scala")
  override def includeFileExtensions: List[String] = List("scala", "java")

  // if you want more control, you can use the following instead of `includeFileExtensions`
  // This shows the default implementation, but you can make it whatever you would like.
  override def skipFilePredicate: os.Path => Boolean = path => {
    os.isFile(path) && !includeFileExtensions.exists(ext =>

  // defaults to this.millSourcePath, change this to change where the header checking/creation starts
  // looking for files
  override def headerRootPath: os.Path = millSourcePath