Qwery v0.1.1

Table of Contents


Qwery is a general-purpose scripting language with features that include:

  • Data-oriented types - Dataframes, BLOB/CLOB and Matrices and Vectors.
  • Multi-paradigm programming model - declarative, functional and object-oriented.
  • Native JSON support.
  • Native support for Scala and Java objects.
  • Testing Automation support.

Project Status

Alpha/Preview — actively addressing bugs and (re-)implementing missing or broken features.

Getting Started

To build Qwery Core (Client and Server)

sbt "project core" clean assembly

The Jar binary should be ./app/core/target/scala-2.13/core-assembly-0.1.1.jar

To build the Qwery JDBC driver

sbt "project jdbc_driver" clean assembly

The Jar binary should be ./app/jdbc-driver/target/scala-2.13/jdbc-driver-assembly-0.1.1.jar

Run Query CLI

java -jar ./app/core/target/scala-2.13/core-assembly-0.1.1.jar

Basic Features

Array Comprehensions

['A' to 'Z']
['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']

Dataframe Literals

from (
| exchange  | symbol | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| OTCBB     | SLZO   |   0.7004 | 2023-10-18T18:01:33.706Z |
| NASDAQ    | BKM    |  43.1125 | 2023-10-18T18:01:05.769Z |
| OTCBB     | POQF   |   0.7018 | 2023-10-18T18:01:45.085Z |
| OTHER_OTC | EJDE   |   0.2156 | 2023-10-18T18:01:47.917Z |
| OTCBB     | TZON   |   0.4941 | 2023-10-18T18:01:42.107Z |
| NYSE      | BCM    |  79.8245 | 2023-10-18T18:01:06.778Z |
| OTHER_OTC | JOXT   |   0.8961 | 2023-10-18T18:01:39.511Z |
| OTHER_OTC | KFMP   |   0.8475 | 2023-10-18T18:01:16.714Z |
| OTHER_OTC | UAWEN  |   0.7074 | 2023-10-18T18:01:57.225Z |
| OTCBB     | CIYBJ  |   0.6753 | 2023-10-18T18:01:43.539Z |
) where lastSale < 0.7 order by lastSale
| exchange  | symbol | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| OTHER_OTC | EJDE   |   0.2156 | 2023-10-18T18:01:47.917Z |
| OTCBB     | TZON   |   0.4941 | 2023-10-18T18:01:42.107Z |
| OTCBB     | CIYBJ  |   0.6753 | 2023-10-18T18:01:43.539Z |

Define (non-persistent) Implicit Classes

implicit class `java.lang.String` {
    def reverseString(self: String) := {
        import "java.lang.StringBuilder"
        val src = self.toCharArray()
        val dest = new StringBuilder(self.length())
        val eol = self.length() - 1
        var n = 0
        while (n <= eol) {
          dest.append(src[eol - n])
          n += 1

"Hello World".reverseString()
"dlroW olleH"

Import (Scala-compiled) Implicit Classes

import implicit "com.qwery.util.StringRenderHelper$StringRenderer"

JSON Literals

[{id: '7bd0b461-4eb9-400a-9b63-713af85a43d0', lastName: 'JONES', firstName: 'GARRY', airportCode: 'SNA'},
 {id: '73a3fe49-df95-4a7a-9809-0bb4009f414b', lastName: 'JONES', firstName: 'DEBBIE', airportCode: 'SNA'},
 {id: 'e015fc77-45bf-4a40-9721-f8f3248497a1', lastName: 'JONES', firstName: 'TAMERA', airportCode: 'SNA'},
 {id: '33e31b53-b540-45e3-97d7-d2353a49f9c6', lastName: 'JONES', firstName: 'ERIC', airportCode: 'SNA'},
 {id: 'e4dcba22-56d6-4e53-adbc-23fd84aece72', lastName: 'ADAMS', firstName: 'KAREN', airportCode: 'DTW'},
 {id: '3879ba60-827e-4535-bf4e-246ca8807ba1', lastName: 'ADAMS', firstName: 'MIKE', airportCode: 'DTW'},
 {id: '3d8dc7d8-cd86-48f4-b364-d2f40f1ae05b', lastName: 'JONES', firstName: 'SAMANTHA', airportCode: 'BUR'},
 {id: '22d10aaa-32ac-4cd0-9bed-aa8e78a36d80', lastName: 'SHARMA', firstName: 'PANKAJ', airportCode: 'LAX'}
| airportCode | lastName | firstName | id                                   |
| SNA         | JONES    | GARRY     | 7bd0b461-4eb9-400a-9b63-713af85a43d0 |
| SNA         | JONES    | DEBBIE    | 73a3fe49-df95-4a7a-9809-0bb4009f414b |
| SNA         | JONES    | TAMERA    | e015fc77-45bf-4a40-9721-f8f3248497a1 |
| SNA         | JONES    | ERIC      | 33e31b53-b540-45e3-97d7-d2353a49f9c6 |
| DTW         | ADAMS    | KAREN     | e4dcba22-56d6-4e53-adbc-23fd84aece72 |
| DTW         | ADAMS    | MIKE      | 3879ba60-827e-4535-bf4e-246ca8807ba1 |
| BUR         | JONES    | SAMANTHA  | 3d8dc7d8-cd86-48f4-b364-d2f40f1ae05b |
| LAX         | SHARMA   | PANKAJ    | 22d10aaa-32ac-4cd0-9bed-aa8e78a36d80 |

Matrices and Vectors

vector = [2.0, 1.0, 3.0]
matrixA = new Matrix([
  [1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
  [4.0, 5.0, 6.0],
  [7.0, 8.0, 9.0]
matrixA * vector
[13.0, 31.0, 49.0]

String Literals and Interpolation

item = { name : "Larry" }
'''|Hello {{ item.name }},
   |how are you?
   |Fine, I hope!
"Hello Larry,
how are you?
Fine, I hope!

Testing - Integration and Unit


feature 'Qwery Notebooks services' {

    // log all calls to the `http` instruction
    whenever '^http (delete|get|post|put) (.*)' {
        logger.info('response = {{__RETURNED__.toJsonPretty()}}')

    scenario 'Create a new notebook' {
        val responseA = http post 'http://{{host}}:{{port}}/api/notebooks/notebooks' <~ { name: 'ShockTrade' }
        val notebook_id = responseA.body.id
        verify responseA.statusCode is 200
               ^^^ 'Notebook created: {{notebook_id}}'

    scenario 'Retrieve a notebook' extends 'Create a new notebook' {
        val responseB = http get 'http://{{host}}:{{port}}/api/notebooks/notebooks?id={{notebook_id}}'
        verify responseB.statusCode is 200
            and responseB.body matches [{
                'isStdOutVisible': true,
                'name': 'ShockTrade',
                'notebook_id': @notebook_id,
                'isStdErrVisible': true,
                'isAutoSave': true,
                'isChartVisible': true,
                'isSharedSession': false
           ^^^ 'Notebook retrieved: {{notebook_id}}'

    scenario 'Update a new notebook' extends 'Create a new notebook' {
        val newName = url_encode('ShockTrade Simulation')
        val responseB = http put 'http://{{host}}:{{port}}/api/notebooks/notebooks?id={{notebook_id}}&newName={{newName}}'
        verify responseB.statusCode is 200
            and responseB.body matches { success: true }
            ^^^ 'Notebook updated: {{notebook_id}}'

Examples By Category

Asynchronous I/O Examples

async (Asynchronous I/O — Reactive)

Description: Asynchronously executes an instruction

async { OS.listFiles("./app") }
| name        | canonicalPath                                | lastModified             | length | isDirectory | isFile | isHidden |
| .DS_Store   | /Users/ldaniels/GitHub/qwery/app/.DS_Store   | 2023-10-19T02:28:41.004Z |   6148 | false       | true   | true     |
| core        | /Users/ldaniels/GitHub/qwery/app/core        | 2023-05-23T21:20:11.818Z |    160 | true        | false  | false    |
| target      | /Users/ldaniels/GitHub/qwery/app/target      | 2023-06-29T22:26:20.958Z |    192 | true        | false  | false    |
| jdbc-driver | /Users/ldaniels/GitHub/qwery/app/jdbc-driver | 2023-06-29T22:26:20.960Z |    160 | true        | false  | false    |

Branching Ops Examples

contains¹ (Branching Ops — Procedural)

Description: determines whether the value contains the expression

string = "Hello World"
string contains "World"

contains² (Branching Ops — Procedural)

Description: determines whether the value contains the expression

dict = {"name":"Tom", "DOB":"2003-09-28T00:00:00.000Z"}
dict contains "name"

contains³ (Branching Ops — Procedural)

Description: determines whether the value contains the expression

array = [{"name":"Jerry"}, {"name":"Tom"}, {"name":"Sheila"}]
array contains {"name":"Tom"}

is¹ (Branching Ops — Procedural)

Description: returns true if the value is exactly the expression; otherwise false

x = 200
x is 200

is² (Branching Ops — Procedural)

Description: returns true if the value is exactly the expression; otherwise false

x = 201
x is 200

isCodecOf (Branching Ops — Procedural)

Description: determines whether the expression is compatible with the CODEC

(new `java.util.Date`()) isCodecOf DateTime

isDefined (Branching Ops — Procedural)

Description: Returns true if the field or variable exists within the scope.


isNotNull (Branching Ops — Procedural)

Description: Returns true if the expression is not null, otherwise false.


isnt¹ (Branching Ops — Procedural)

Description: returns true if the value is not exactly the expression; otherwise false

x = 199
x isnt 200

isnt² (Branching Ops — Procedural)

Description: returns true if the value is not exactly the expression; otherwise false

x = 200
x isnt 200

isNull (Branching Ops — Procedural)

Description: Returns true if the expression is null, otherwise false.


Control Flow Examples

??? (Control Flow — Declarative)

Description: ??? can be used for marking methods that remain to be implemented.

def blowUp() := ???
catch e =>
  out <=== e.getMessage()

after (Control Flow — Reactive)

Description: Schedules a one-time execution of command(s) after a specific delay period

var ticker = 5
after Interval('100 millis') { ticker += 3 }
import "java.lang.Thread"
ticker is 8

call (Control Flow — Procedural)

Description: Executes a stored procedure; returns a row set

namespace "test.examples"
stockQuotes =
 | symbol | exchange | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
 | DBGK   | AMEX     |  46.2471 | 2023-08-06T04:50:07.478Z |
 | GROT   | NASDAQ   |  44.3673 | 2023-08-06T04:50:07.480Z |
 | SCOF   | NASDAQ   |  60.8058 | 2023-08-06T04:50:07.482Z |
 | CYCR   | NASDAQ   |  83.9982 | 2023-08-06T04:50:07.483Z |
 | IIDA   | NASDAQ   | 126.3182 | 2023-08-06T04:50:07.484Z |
drop if exists getStockQuote
create procedure getStockQuote(theExchange: String,
                               --> exchange: String,
                               --> total: Double,
                               --> maxPrice: Double,
                               --> minPrice: Double) as
  select exchange, total: count(*), maxPrice: max(lastSale), minPrice: min(lastSale)
  from @@stockQuotes
  where exchange is theExchange
  group by exchange

call getStockQuote("NASDAQ")
| exchange | total | maxPrice | minPrice |
| NASDAQ   |   4.0 | 126.3182 |  44.3673 |

create function (Control Flow — Procedural)

Description: Creates a function

create function if not exists calc_add(a: Int, b: Int) := a + b
| altered | created | destroyed | deleted | inserted | matched | scanned | shuffled | updated | rowIDs |
|       0 |       1 |         0 |       0 |        0 |       0 |       0 |        0 |       0 | []     |

create macro (Control Flow — Declarative)

Description: Creates a persistent macro

namespace "temp.examples"
create macro if not exists n_tickers := "tickers %e:qty" {
  [1 to qty].map(_ => {
      exchange = ['AMEX', 'NASDAQ', 'NYSE', 'OTCBB', 'OTHER_OTC'][Random.nextInt(5)]
      is_otc = exchange.startsWith("OT")
      lastSaleLimit = case exchange when "OTCBB" -> 5.0 when "OTHER_OTC" -> 1.0 else 100.0 end
      lastSale = scaleTo(lastSaleLimit * Random.nextDouble(1.0), 4)
      lastSaleTime = DateTime(DateTime() - Interval(1000 * 60 * Random.nextDouble(1.0)))
      symbol = Random.nextString(['A' to 'Z'], iff(exchange.startsWith("OT"), Random.nextInt(2) + 4, Random.nextInt(4) + 2))
      select lastSaleTime, lastSale, exchange, symbol

tickers 5
| exchange  | symbol | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| OTCBB     | ZGGY   |   0.0732 | 2023-10-19T04:23:47.729Z |
| OTCBB     | SEAUJ  |   0.9292 | 2023-10-19T04:23:33.624Z |
| OTCBB     | FEKOI  |   2.9519 | 2023-10-19T04:23:47.850Z |
| NASDAQ    | RZQPA  |  30.8607 | 2023-10-19T04:23:09.445Z |
| OTHER_OTC | GGYLN  |   0.5774 | 2023-10-19T04:23:38.140Z |

create procedure (Control Flow — Procedural)

Description: Creates a database procedure

namespace "test.examples"
stockQuotes =
 | symbol | exchange | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
 | DBGK   | AMEX     |  46.2471 | 2023-08-06T04:50:07.478Z |
 | GROT   | NASDAQ   |  44.3673 | 2023-08-06T04:50:07.480Z |
 | SCOF   | NASDAQ   |  60.8058 | 2023-08-06T04:50:07.482Z |
 | CYCR   | NASDAQ   |  83.9982 | 2023-08-06T04:50:07.483Z |
 | IIDA   | NASDAQ   | 126.3182 | 2023-08-06T04:50:07.484Z |
drop if exists getStockQuote
create procedure getStockQuote(theExchange: String,
                               --> exchange: String,
                               --> total: Double,
                               --> maxPrice: Double,
                               --> minPrice: Double) :=
    select exchange, total: count(*), maxPrice: max(lastSale), minPrice: min(lastSale)
    from @@stockQuotes
    where exchange is @theExchange
    group by exchange

call getStockQuote("NASDAQ")
| exchange | total | maxPrice | minPrice |
| NASDAQ   |   4.0 | 126.3182 |  44.3673 |

def¹ (Control Flow — Functional)

Description: Defines a named user-defined function

def ¡(n: Double) := iff(n <= 1.0, 1.0, n * ¡(n - 1.0))


def² (Control Flow — Functional)

Description: Defines a named user-defined function

def msec(op: Any) := {
    import ["java.lang.System"]
    val startTime = System.nanoTime()
    val result = op()
    val elapsedTime = (System.nanoTime() - startTime) / 1000000.0
    [elapsedTime, result]

def ¡(n: Double) := iff(n <= 1.0, 1.0, n * ¡(n - 1.0))

msec(() => ¡(6))
[0.747125, 720.0]

def³ (Control Flow — Functional)

Description: Defines a named user-defined function

def roman(value: Int) := ("I" * value)
  .replaceAll("IIIII", "V")
  .replaceAll("IIII", "IV")
  .replaceAll("VV", "X")
  .replaceAll("VIV", "IX")
  .replaceAll("XXXXX", "L")
  .replaceAll("XXXX", "XL")
  .replaceAll("LL", "C")
  .replaceAll("LXL", "XC")
  .replaceAll("CCCCC", "D")
  .replaceAll("CCCC", "CD")
  .replaceAll("DD", "M")
  .replaceAll("DCD", "CM")


do (Control Flow — Procedural)

Description: Creates a loop that executes enclosed statement(s) until the test condition evaluates to false

var x = 0
var y = 1
do { x += 1; y *= x } while x < 5

each¹ (Control Flow — Declarative)

Description: Iterates a dataframe executing applying a function to each entry

stocks =
| symbol | exchange | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| LORI   | NYSE     |  89.6033 | 2023-07-29T04:09:04.524Z |
| AVSR   | AMEX     | 477.5694 | 2023-07-29T04:09:04.529Z |
| KXYP   | OTCBB    | 475.6416 | 2023-07-29T04:09:04.531Z |
| JYVV   | NYSE     | 197.1071 | 2023-07-29T04:09:04.532Z |
| EVDX   | OTCBB    |  77.1829 | 2023-07-29T04:09:04.533Z |
var messages = []
each item in (select symbol, lastSale from @@stocks where lastSale < 100)
  messages = messages.push('{{item.symbol}} is {{item.lastSale}}/share')
["LORI is 89.6033/share", "EVDX is 77.1829/share"]

each² (Control Flow — Declarative)

Description: Iterates a dataframe in reverse order applying a function to each entry

stocks =
| exchange  | symbol | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| OTHER_OTC | WAEQK  |   0.6713 | 2023-10-14T18:40:32.998Z |
| NASDAQ    | RQNMU  |  19.6168 | 2023-10-14T18:40:32.335Z |
| NASDAQ    | WP     |  45.7338 | 2023-10-14T18:40:24.264Z |
| OTHER_OTC | NNFO   |    0.151 | 2023-10-14T18:39:51.236Z |
| NASDAQ    | LVEBB  |   8.4378 | 2023-10-14T18:39:58.491Z |
| NASDAQ    | SWTD   |  22.5552 | 2023-10-14T18:39:50.783Z |
| OTHER_OTC | CZYBQ  |   0.8543 | 2023-10-14T18:40:40.513Z |
| NASDAQ    | CQ     | 174.0586 | 2023-10-14T18:39:55.858Z |
| NYSE      | QOVGA  |   1.9199 | 2023-10-14T18:40:14.590Z |
| NYSE      | ZJWL   |  17.3107 | 2023-10-14T18:40:13.205Z |
each item in reverse (from @@stocks) yield item
| exchange  | symbol | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| NYSE      | ZJWL   |  17.3107 | 2023-10-14T18:40:13.205Z |
| NYSE      | QOVGA  |   1.9199 | 2023-10-14T18:40:14.590Z |
| NASDAQ    | CQ     | 174.0586 | 2023-10-14T18:39:55.858Z |
| OTHER_OTC | CZYBQ  |   0.8543 | 2023-10-14T18:40:40.513Z |
| NASDAQ    | SWTD   |  22.5552 | 2023-10-14T18:39:50.783Z |
| NASDAQ    | LVEBB  |   8.4378 | 2023-10-14T18:39:58.491Z |
| OTHER_OTC | NNFO   |    0.151 | 2023-10-14T18:39:51.236Z |
| NASDAQ    | WP     |  45.7338 | 2023-10-14T18:40:24.264Z |
| NASDAQ    | RQNMU  |  19.6168 | 2023-10-14T18:40:32.335Z |
| OTHER_OTC | WAEQK  |   0.6713 | 2023-10-14T18:40:32.998Z |

every (Control Flow — Reactive)

Description: Schedules the execution of command(s) on a specific interval

var n = 0
val timer = every '20 millis' {
  n += 1
import "java.lang.Thread"

if (Control Flow — Procedural)

Description: If the expression is true, then outcomeA otherwise outcomeB

value = 123
if(value > 99) "Yes!" else "No."

iff (Control Flow — Functional)

Description: If the condition is true, then trueValue otherwise falseValue

value = 123
iff(value > 99, 'Yes!', 'No.')

invokeSQL (Control Flow — Procedural)

Description: Execute a SQL statement returning the results as a com.qwery.database.QueryResponse object.

stocks =
| symbol | exchange | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| FEUA   | OTCBB    |    0.473 | 2023-07-29T04:59:50.709Z |
| QMBF   | OTCBB    |   2.4309 | 2023-07-29T04:59:50.727Z |
| CVWO   | AMEX     |  29.4932 | 2023-07-29T04:59:50.728Z |
| CMJF   | AMEX     | 161.3559 | 2023-07-29T04:59:50.730Z |
| BETH   | NASDAQ   |  37.7045 | 2023-07-29T04:59:50.731Z |
invokeSQL("from stocks where symbol is 'BETH'")
| symbol | exchange | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| BETH   | NASDAQ   |  37.7045 | 2023-07-29T04:59:50.731Z |

macro (Control Flow — Declarative)

Description: Creates a user-defined instruction

macro "drawCircle ( %e:size ) @ ( %e:x , %e:y )" := {
  "Circle({{size}}) <- ({{x * 2}}, {{y / 2}})"

out <=== drawCircle(100)@(80, 650)
"Circle(100) <- (160, 325)"

once (Control Flow — Reactive)

Description: Invokes an instruction or set of instructions one-time only

[1 to 5].foreach(n => {
  out <=== 'This happens every cycle {{n}}\n'
  once out <=== 'This happens once {{n}}\n'

return (Control Flow — Procedural)

Description: Returns a result set (from a daughter scope)

return 'Hello World'
"Hello World"

throw (Control Flow — Procedural)

Description: Throws a JVM exception

  throw new `java.lang.RuntimeException`('A processing error occurred')
catch e => out <=== e.getMessage()

try¹ (Control Flow — Functional)

Description: Attempts an operation and catches any exceptions that occur preventing them from stopping program execution

def connect() := throw new `java.lang.RuntimeException`("Connection error")
try connect() catch e => err <=== e.getMessage()

try² (Control Flow — Functional)

Description: Attempts an operation and catches any exceptions that occur preventing them from stopping program execution

var n = 0
try n /= 0 catch e => err <=== e.getMessage() finally n = -1
| superScope                                                                                                | aliasedRows | aliasedSources | universe                                                                                                  | currentRow | implicitMethods | imports | returned | serverMode | observables | observed | references | tracers | valueReferences                                                                                           |
| Some(DefaultScope(superScope={}, aliasedRows={}, aliasedSources={}, universe={"isServerMode": false, ...  | {}          | {}             | QweryUniverse(dataTypeParsers=[BitArray(256)*, com.qwery.runtime.datatypes.BlobType$@4d157787, com.q ...  |            | []              | {}      | false    | false      | []          | false    | {}         | []      | {"e": Variable(name="e", _type={"_class": "com.qwery.runtime.errors.DivisionByZeroError"}, initialVa ...  |

whenever¹ (Control Flow — Reactive)

Description: Executes an instruction at the moment the expression evaluates as true

whenever n_bricks is 0 { out <=== "n_bricks is empty\n" }
out <=== "Setting n_bricks to 0\n"
n_bricks = 0

whenever² (Control Flow — Reactive)

Description: Executes an instruction at the moment the expression evaluates as true

whenever '^set(.*)'
  "instruction was '{{__INSTRUCTION__}}'" ===> out

set x = { message: "Confirmed" }

while (Control Flow — Procedural)

Description: Repeats the command while the expression is true

var x = 0
var y = 1
while x < 5 do { x += 1; y *= x }

DataFrame Examples

# (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Returns a column slice of a data frame

declare table stocks(symbol: String(4), exchange: String(6), lastSale: Double, lastSaleTime: DateTime)
containing (
| symbol | exchange | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| NQOO   | AMEX     | 190.1432 | 2023-08-10T01:44:20.075Z |
| LVMM   | NASDAQ   | 164.2654 | 2023-08-10T01:44:20.092Z |
| VQLJ   | AMEX     |  160.753 | 2023-08-10T01:44:20.093Z |
| LRBJ   | OTCBB    |  64.0764 | 2023-08-10T01:44:20.095Z |
| QFHM   | AMEX     | 148.6447 | 2023-08-10T01:44:20.096Z |
stocks#[symbol, lastSale]
| symbol | lastSale |
| NQOO   | 190.1432 |
| LVMM   | 164.2654 |
| VQLJ   |  160.753 |
| LRBJ   |  64.0764 |
| QFHM   | 148.6447 |

=>>¹ (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Monadic comprehension

import "scala.util.Success"
a = Success(75)
b = Success(25)
c = a =>> i => i * 2
| value |
|   150 |

=>>² (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Monadic comprehension

import "scala.util.Success"
a = Success(75)
b = Success(25)
c = a =>> i =>
    b =>> j => i + j
| value              |
| Success(value=100) |

alter (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Modifies the structure of a table

declare table stocks(symbol: String(5), exchange: String(6), lastSale: Double) containing (
  | symbol | exchange | lastSale |
  | XYZ    | AMEX     |    31.95 |
  | AAXX   | NYSE     |    56.12 |
  | QED    | NASDAQ   |          |
  | JUNK   | AMEX     |    97.61 |
alter table @@stocks
  prepend column saleDate: DateTime = DateTime('2023-06-20T03:52:14.543Z')
  rename column symbol as ticker
| saleDate                 | ticker | exchange | lastSale |
| 2023-06-20T03:52:14.543Z | XYZ    | AMEX     |    31.95 |
| 2023-06-20T03:52:14.543Z | AAXX   | NYSE     |    56.12 |
| 2023-06-20T03:52:14.543Z | QED    | NASDAQ   |          |
| 2023-06-20T03:52:14.543Z | JUNK   | AMEX     |    97.61 |

avg¹ (DataFrame — Functional)

Description: Computes the average of a numeric expression.

val stocks =
    | symbol | exchange | lastSale |
    | XYZ    | AMEX     |    31.95 |
    | ABC    | NYSE     |    56.12 |
    | DNS    | AMEX     |    97.61 |

avg² (DataFrame — Functional)

Description: Computes the average of a numeric expression.

val stocks =
    | symbol | exchange | lastSale |
    | XYZ    | AMEX     |    31.95 |
    | ABC    | NYSE     |    56.12 |
    | DNS    | AMEX     |    97.61 |
select avgLastSale: avg(lastSale) from @@stocks
| avgLastSale       |
| 61.89333333333334 |

between (DataFrame — Procedural)

Description: determines whether the value is between the to and from (inclusive)

from (
| ticker | market | lastSale | roundedLastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| NKWI   | OTCBB  |  98.9501 |            98.9 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.846Z |
| AQKU   | NASDAQ |  68.2945 |            68.2 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.860Z |
| WRGB   | AMEX   |  46.8355 |            46.8 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.862Z |
| ESCN   | AMEX   |  42.5934 |            42.5 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.865Z |
| NFRK   | AMEX   |  28.2808 |            28.2 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.864Z |
) where lastSale between 28.2808 and 42.5934
  order by lastSale desc
| ticker | market | lastSale | roundedLastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| ESCN   | AMEX   |  42.5934 |            42.5 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.865Z |
| NFRK   | AMEX   |  28.2808 |            28.2 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.864Z |

betwixt (DataFrame — Procedural)

Description: determines whether the value is between the to and from (non-inclusive)

from (
| ticker | market | lastSale | roundedLastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| NKWI   | OTCBB  |  98.9501 |            98.9 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.846Z |
| AQKU   | NASDAQ |  68.2945 |            68.2 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.860Z |
| WRGB   | AMEX   |  46.8355 |            46.8 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.862Z |
| ESCN   | AMEX   |  42.5934 |            42.5 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.865Z |
| NFRK   | AMEX   |  28.2808 |            28.2 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.864Z |
) where lastSale betwixt 28.2808 and 42.5934
  order by lastSale desc
| ticker | market | lastSale | roundedLastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| NFRK   | AMEX   |  28.2808 |            28.2 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.864Z |

comment (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Sets remarks (comments) on a database object

comment on if exists stocks := 'just a staging table'
| altered | created | destroyed | deleted | inserted | matched | scanned | shuffled | updated | rowIDs |
|       0 |       0 |         0 |       0 |        0 |       0 |       0 |        0 |       1 | []     |

count¹ (DataFrame — Functional)

Description: Returns the number of rows matching the query criteria.

stocks =
| exchange | symbol | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| NYSE     | RPPI   |  51.8413 | 2023-09-28T00:58:42.974Z |
| AMEX     | MDLA   | 177.1311 | 2023-09-28T00:58:44.363Z |
| OTCBB    | VMUT   |          | 2023-09-28T00:58:35.392Z |
| AMEX     | QTZUA  | 120.5353 | 2023-09-28T00:58:08.024Z |
| OTCBB    | JCJMT  |          | 2023-09-28T00:58:17.985Z |
| NASDAQ   | EMY    |  24.6447 | 2023-09-28T00:58:22.595Z |

count² (DataFrame — Functional)

Description: Returns the number of rows matching the query criteria.

stocks =
| exchange | symbol | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| NYSE     | RPPI   |  51.8413 | 2023-09-28T00:58:42.974Z |
| AMEX     | MDLA   | 177.1311 | 2023-09-28T00:58:44.363Z |
| OTCBB    | VMUT   |          | 2023-09-28T00:58:35.392Z |
| AMEX     | QTZUA  | 120.5353 | 2023-09-28T00:58:08.024Z |
| OTCBB    | JCJMT  |          | 2023-09-28T00:58:17.985Z |
| NASDAQ   | EMY    |  24.6447 | 2023-09-28T00:58:22.595Z |

count³ (DataFrame — Functional)

Description: Returns the number of rows matching the query criteria.

stocks =
| exchange | symbol | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| NYSE     | RPPI   |  51.8413 | 2023-09-28T00:58:42.974Z |
| AMEX     | MDLA   | 177.1311 | 2023-09-28T00:58:44.363Z |
| OTCBB    | VMUT   |          | 2023-09-28T00:58:35.392Z |
| AMEX     | QTZUA  | 120.5353 | 2023-09-28T00:58:08.024Z |
| OTCBB    | JCJMT  |          | 2023-09-28T00:58:17.985Z |
| NASDAQ   | EMY    |  24.6447 | 2023-09-28T00:58:22.595Z |
select total: count(*) from @@stocks
| total |
|     6 |

count° (DataFrame — Functional)

Description: Returns the number of rows matching the query criteria.

stocks =
| exchange | symbol | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| NYSE     | RPPI   |  51.8413 | 2023-09-28T00:58:42.974Z |
| AMEX     | MDLA   | 177.1311 | 2023-09-28T00:58:44.363Z |
| OTCBB    | VMUT   |          | 2023-09-28T00:58:35.392Z |
| AMEX     | QTZUA  | 120.5353 | 2023-09-28T00:58:08.024Z |
| OTCBB    | JCJMT  |          | 2023-09-28T00:58:17.985Z |
| NASDAQ   | EMY    |  24.6447 | 2023-09-28T00:58:22.595Z |
select total: count(lastSale) from @@stocks
| total |
|     4 |

countUnique¹ (DataFrame — Functional)

Description: Returns the distinct number of rows matching the query criteria.

stocks =
| symbol | exchange | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| VDON   | OTCBB    |   0.4002 | 2023-07-29T05:06:56.232Z |
| XETQ   | OTCBB    |   5.1147 | 2023-07-29T05:06:56.233Z |
| XGDJ   | NASDAQ   |  51.5446 | 2023-07-29T05:06:56.236Z |
| FQPY   | NASDAQ   |  75.4873 | 2023-07-29T05:06:56.238Z |
| VNQR   | NASDAQ   |  38.5333 | 2023-07-29T05:06:56.239Z |
select total: count(unique(exchange)) from @@stocks
| total |
|     2 |

countUnique² (DataFrame — Functional)

Description: Returns the distinct number of rows matching the query criteria.

stocks =
| symbol | exchange | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| VDON   | OTCBB    |   0.4002 | 2023-07-29T05:06:56.232Z |
| XETQ   | OTCBB    |   5.1147 | 2023-07-29T05:06:56.233Z |
| XGDJ   | NASDAQ   |  51.5446 | 2023-07-29T05:06:56.236Z |
| FQPY   | NASDAQ   |  75.4873 | 2023-07-29T05:06:56.238Z |
| VNQR   | NASDAQ   |  38.5333 | 2023-07-29T05:06:56.239Z |
select total: countUnique(exchange) from @@stocks
| total |
|     2 |

create external table (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Creates an external table

create external table if not exists customers (
  customer_uid: UUID,
  name: String,
  address: String,
  ingestion_date: Long
) containing { format: 'json', location: './datasets/customers/json/', null_values: ['n/a'] }
| altered | created | destroyed | deleted | inserted | matched | scanned | shuffled | updated | rowIDs |
|       0 |       1 |         0 |       0 |        0 |       0 |       0 |        0 |       0 | []     |

create index (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Creates a table index

create index if not exists stocks#symbol
| altered | created | destroyed | deleted | inserted | matched | scanned | shuffled | updated | rowIDs |
|       0 |       1 |         0 |   33281 |        0 |       0 |       0 |        5 |       0 | []     |

create table (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Creates a persistent database table

def generateStocks(qty: Int) := {
  [1 to qty].map(_ => {
      exchange = ['AMEX', 'NASDAQ', 'NYSE', 'OTCBB', 'OTHER_OTC'][Random.nextInt(5)]
      is_otc = exchange.startsWith("OT")
      lastSale = scaleTo(iff(is_otc, 1, 201) * Random.nextDouble(1.0), 4)
      lastSaleTime = DateTime(DateTime() - Interval(1000 * 60 * Random.nextDouble(1.0)))
      symbol = Random.nextString(['A' to 'Z'], iff(is_otc, Random.nextInt(2) + 4, Random.nextInt(4) + 2))
      select lastSaleTime, lastSale, exchange, symbol

namespace "temp.examples"
drop if exists Stocks
create table Stocks (symbol: String(10), exchange: String(10), lastSale: Double, lastSaleTime: DateTime)
  containing (generateStocks(1000))

graph { shape: "pie", title: "Small Caps" }
select exchange, total: sum(lastSale) from Stocks
where lastSale <= 5.0
group by exchange

create type (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Creates a database type

create type mood := Enum (sad, okay, happy)
| altered | created | destroyed | deleted | inserted | matched | scanned | shuffled | updated | rowIDs |
|       0 |       1 |         0 |       0 |        0 |       0 |       0 |        0 |       0 | []     |

create unique index (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Creates a unique index

namespace "temp.examples"
drop if exists Stocks
create table Stocks (
  symbol: String(5),
  lastSale: Double,
  lastSaleTime: DateTime
create unique index Stocks#symbol
| altered | created | destroyed | deleted | inserted | matched | scanned | shuffled | updated | rowIDs |
|       0 |       1 |         0 |       0 |        0 |       0 |       0 |        0 |       0 | []     |

create view (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Creates a view

namespace "temp.temp"
drop if exists Students
create table Students (name: String(64), grade: Char, ratio: Double) containing (
| name            | grade | ratio  |
| John Wayne      | D     | 0.6042 |
| Carry Grant     | B     | 0.8908 |
| Doris Day       | A     | 0.9936 |
| Audrey Hepburn  | A     | 0.9161 |
| Gretta Garbeaux | C     | 0.7656 |
drop if exists A_Students
create view A_Students as select * from Students where ratio >= 0.9
| name           | grade | ratio  |
| Doris Day      | A     | 0.9936 |
| Audrey Hepburn | A     | 0.9161 |

declare table (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Creates a durable database table

declare table Stocks (
symbol: String(8),
lastSale: Double,
lastSaleTime: DateTime)
| altered | created | destroyed | deleted | inserted | matched | scanned | shuffled | updated | rowIDs |
|       0 |       1 |         0 |       0 |        0 |       0 |       0 |        0 |       0 | []     |

declare view (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Creates a view

declare table Students (name: String(64), grade: Char, ratio: Double) containing (
| name            | grade | ratio  |
| John Wayne      | D     | 0.6042 |
| Carry Grant     | B     | 0.8908 |
| Doris Day       | A     | 0.9936 |
| Audrey Hepburn  | A     | 0.9161 |
| Gretta Garbeaux | C     | 0.7656 |
declare view A_Students as select * from Students where ratio >= 0.9
| name           | grade | ratio  |
| Doris Day      | A     | 0.9936 |
| Audrey Hepburn | A     | 0.9161 |

delete (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Deletes rows matching an expression from a table

val stocks =
| symbol | exchange | lastSale |
| OWWO   | NYSE     | 483.0286 |
| SJJR   | OTCBB    |  56.7381 |
| EGXY   | OTCBB    | 309.8648 |
| NXSQ   | OTCBB    | 254.2278 |
| LQRQ   | AMEX     |    88.42 |
delete from @@stocks where symbol is "EGXY"
| symbol | exchange | lastSale |
| OWWO   | NYSE     | 483.0286 |
| SJJR   | OTCBB    |  56.7381 |
| NXSQ   | OTCBB    | 254.2278 |
| LQRQ   | AMEX     |    88.42 |

describe (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Returns a table representing the layout of the query expression

describe (select v1: 123, v2: 'abc')
| name | type      | description | defaultValue | isNullable |
| v1   | Int       |             |              |            |
| v2   | String(3) |             |              |            |

drop (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Deletes a database object

namespace "temp.examples"
drop if exists Stocks
create table Stocks (
  symbol: String(8),
  lastSale: Double,
  lastSaleTime: DateTime,
  headlines Table ( headline String(128), newsDate DateTime )[100]
drop Stocks
| altered | created | destroyed | deleted | inserted | matched | scanned | shuffled | updated | rowIDs |
|       0 |       0 |         1 |       0 |        0 |       0 |       0 |        0 |       0 | []     |

exists (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: determines whether at least one row is found within the query

val stocks = (
| exchange | symbol | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| OTCBB    | BKULD  |   0.8745 | 2023-09-26T21:30:24.127Z |
| OTCBB    | SAFXV  |   0.8741 | 2023-09-26T21:30:13.488Z |
| NASDAQ   | ECN    |  36.9565 | 2023-09-26T21:30:05.816Z |
| AMEX     | HRB    | 164.4908 | 2023-09-26T21:30:41.457Z |
| NASDAQ   | CFF    | 107.4943 | 2023-09-26T21:30:06.283Z |
@@stocks where lastSale > 5 and exists(select symbol from @@stocks where exchange is 'OTCBB')
| exchange | symbol | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| NASDAQ   | ECN    |  36.9565 | 2023-09-26T21:30:05.816Z |
| AMEX     | HRB    | 164.4908 | 2023-09-26T21:30:41.457Z |
| NASDAQ   | CFF    | 107.4943 | 2023-09-26T21:30:06.283Z |

explode¹ (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Separates the elements of a collection expression into multiple rows, or the elements of map expr into multiple rows and columns.

explode(items: [1 to 5])
| items |
|     1 |
|     2 |
|     3 |
|     4 |
|     5 |

explode² (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Separates the elements of a collection expression into multiple rows, or the elements of map expr into multiple rows and columns.

faces = explode(face: ["2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K", "A"])
suits = explode(suit: ["", "", "", ""])
deck = faces * suits
@@deck limit 5
| face | suit |
| 8    | ♣    |
| 3    | ♠    |
| 6    | ♥    |
| 4    | ♦    |
| K    | ♦    |

from (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Retrieves rows from a datasource

from [{ item: "Apple" }, { item: "Orange" }, { item: "Cherry" }]
| item   |
| Apple  |
| Orange |
| Cherry |

graph¹ (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Produces graphical charts

graph { shape: "ring", title: "Ring Demo" } from (
  | exchange | total |
  | NASDAQ   |    24 |
  | AMEX     |     5 |
  | NYSE     |    28 |
  | OTCBB    |    32 |
  | OTHEROTC |     7 |

graph² (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Produces graphical charts

chart = { shape: "scatter", title: "Scatter Demo" }
samples = {
  import "java.lang.Math"
  def series(x: Int) := "Series {{ (x % 2) + 1 }}"
  select w, x, y from ([0 to 500]
    .map(x => select w: series(x), x, y: x * iff((x % 2) is 0, Math.cos(x), Math.sin(x)))
graph chart from samples

group by (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Aggregates a result set by a column

chart = { shape: "ring", title: "Types in Session" }
graph chart from (
    select kind, total: count(*)
    from (this.toTable())
    group by kind

having (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Applies a filter condition to an aggregate query

declare table travelers(id UUID, lastName String(12), firstName String(12), destAirportCode String(3))
containing (
| id                                   | lastName | firstName | destAirportCode |
| b938c7e6-76b4-4c0c-a849-8c6f05474270 | JONES    | GARRY     | SNA             |
| 10b6b0c1-cb90-4708-a57a-8e944bdbdd99 | JONES    | DEBBIE    | SNA             |
| 10b6b0c1-cb90-4708-a57a-8e944bdb3499 | MILLER   | SALLY MAE | MOB             |
| 326d3c64-d09d-49ef-972d-cbf815e50c16 | JONES    | TAMERA    | SNA             |
| c573d368-0f54-4f57-be31-4e6fe0059c23 | JONES    | ERIC      | SNA             |
| b493e970-2814-4d7c-9003-dcc198b0a539 | ADAMS    | KAREN     | DTW             |
| 8ab14ae0-a893-430d-bc3e-f4860d5feecb | ADAMS    | MIKE      | DTW             |
| 8e3229f0-0ac7-45a2-90b2-7fca72e4918e | JONES    | SAMANTHA  | BUR             |
| 10b6b0c1-cb90-4708-a1b0-8e944bdb34ee | MILLER   | CAROL ANN | MOB             |
| 324befc4-e584-4b94-a1b0-47faa0cb7b45 | SHARMA   | PANKAJ    | LAX             |
graph { shape: "bar", title: "Travelers" }
select lastName, members: count(*)
from @@travelers
group by lastName having members > 1

in (DataFrame — Procedural)

Description: determines whether the value matches the expression

val stocks = (
| ticker | market | lastSale | roundedLastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| AQKU   | NASDAQ |  68.2945 |            68.2 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.860Z |
| WRGB   | AMEX   |  46.8355 |            46.8 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.862Z |
| NKWI   | OTCBB  |  98.9501 |            98.9 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.846Z |
| ESCN   | AMEX   |  42.5934 |            42.5 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.865Z |
| NFRK   | AMEX   |  28.2808 |            28.2 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.864Z |
@@stocks where market in ["NASDAQ", "OTCBB"]
| ticker | market | lastSale | roundedLastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| AQKU   | NASDAQ |  68.2945 |            68.2 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.860Z |
| NKWI   | OTCBB  |  98.9501 |            98.9 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.846Z |

inner join (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Computes the inner join of two queries

namespace 'temp.examples'
drop if exists stockQuotes_A
create table stockQuotes_A (symbol: String(32), exchange: String(32), lastSale: Double)
insert into stockQuotes_A (symbol, exchange, lastSale)
values ('GREED', 'NASDAQ', 2345.78), ('BFG', 'NYSE', 113.56),
       ('ABC', 'AMEX', 11.46), ('ACME', 'NYSE', 56.78)
create index stockQuotes_A#symbol

drop if exists companies_A
create table companies_A (symbol: String(32), name: String(32))
insert into companies_A (symbol, name)
values ('ABC', 'ABC & Co'), ('BFG', 'BFG Corp.'),
       ('GREED', 'GreedIsGood.com'), ('ACME', 'ACME Inc.')
create index companies_A#symbol

select B.name, A.symbol, A.exchange, A.lastSale
from stockQuotes_A as A
inner join companies_A as B on A.symbol is B.symbol
| name            | symbol | exchange | lastSale |
| ABC & Co        | ABC    | AMEX     |    11.46 |
| ACME Inc.       | ACME   | NYSE     |    56.78 |
| BFG Corp.       | BFG    | NYSE     |   113.56 |
| GreedIsGood.com | GREED  | NASDAQ   |  2345.78 |

insert¹ (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Appends new row(s) to a table

stagedActors =
| name              | popularity | ratio   |
| John Wayne        | 42         |  0.4206 |
| Carry Grant       | 87         |  0.8712 |
| Doris Day         | 89         |  0.8907 |
| Audrey Hepburn    | 97         |  0.9732 |
| Gretta Garbeaux   | 57         |  0.5679 |

declare table Actors (name: String(64), popularity: Int)
insert into Actors (name, popularity) select name, popularity from @@stagedActors

graph { shape: "bar", title: "Popularity" } from Actors

insert² (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Appends new row(s) to a table

declare table Stocks(symbol: String(8), exchange: String(8), transactions: Table(price: Double, transactionTime: DateTime))
insert into Stocks (symbol, exchange, transactions)
values ('AAPL', 'NASDAQ', {"price":156.39, "transactionTime":"2021-08-05T19:23:11.000Z"}),
       ('AMD', 'NASDAQ',  {"price":56.87, "transactionTime":"2021-08-05T19:23:11.000Z"}),
       ('INTC','NYSE',    {"price":89.44, "transactionTime":"2021-08-05T19:23:11.000Z"}),
       ('AMZN', 'NASDAQ', {"price":988.12, "transactionTime":"2021-08-05T19:23:11.000Z"}),
       ('SHMN', 'OTCBB', [{"price":0.0010, "transactionTime":"2021-08-05T19:23:11.000Z"},
                          {"price":0.0011, "transactionTime":"2021-08-05T19:23:12.000Z"}])

insert into Stocks#transactions (price, transactionTime)
values (35.11, "2021-08-05T19:23:12.000Z"),
       (35.83, "2021-08-05T19:23:15.000Z"),
       (36.03, "2021-08-05T19:23:17.000Z")
where symbol is 'AMD'
| altered | created | destroyed | deleted | inserted | matched | scanned | shuffled | updated | rowIDs    |
|       0 |       0 |         0 |       0 |        3 |       1 |       5 |        0 |       0 | [6, 7, 8] |

intersect (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Computes the intersection of two queries

from (
    | symbol | exchange | lastSale |
    | AAXX   | NYSE     |    56.12 |
    | UPEX   | NYSE     |   116.24 |
    | XYZ    | AMEX     |    31.95 |
    | ABC    | OTCBB    |    5.887 |
) intersect (
    | symbol | exchange | lastSale |
    | JUNK   | AMEX     |    97.61 |
    | AAXX   | NYSE     |    56.12 |
    | ABC    | OTCBB    |    5.887 |
| symbol | exchange | lastSale |
| AAXX   | NYSE     |    56.12 |
| ABC    | OTCBB    |    5.887 |

into (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Inserts a result set into a table

pennyStocks = Table(symbol: String(10), exchange: String(10), lastSale: Double, lastSaleTime: DateTime)
from (
| exchange  | symbol | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| OTHER_OTC | YVWY   |   0.5407 | 2023-09-21T04:47:37.370Z |
| OTHER_OTC | EPOFJ  |   0.8329 | 2023-09-21T04:47:27.720Z |
| OTHER_OTC | QEQA   |   0.7419 | 2023-09-21T04:48:07.901Z |
| OTHER_OTC | SFWCS  |   0.9577 | 2023-09-21T04:47:54.694Z |
| OTHER_OTC | VBJHF  |   0.8121 | 2023-09-21T04:47:56.769Z |
| OTHER_OTC | SDLMF  |   0.2186 | 2023-09-21T04:48:18.913Z |
| OTHER_OTC | JXDZ   |   0.0157 | 2023-09-21T04:48:08.459Z |
| OTCBB     | ZMNF   |   0.5647 | 2023-09-21T04:47:23.112Z |
| OTCBB     | VVAH   |   0.5786 | 2023-09-21T04:47:40.420Z |
| OTCBB     | HSCKG  |   0.2719 | 2023-09-21T04:47:43.268Z |
| OTCBB     | SHDF   |   0.0161 | 2023-09-21T04:57:07.529Z |
| OTCBB     | QJGVO  |   0.0026 | 2023-09-21T04:57:39.230Z |
| OTHER_OTC | PMBFY  |   0.0139 | 2023-09-21T04:57:46.146Z |
| OTCBB     | CAVY   |   0.0047 | 2023-09-21T04:57:43.503Z |
) where lastSale <= 0.02 into @@pennyStocks
| symbol | exchange  | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| JXDZ   | OTHER_OTC |   0.0157 | 2023-09-21T04:48:08.459Z |
| SHDF   | OTCBB     |   0.0161 | 2023-09-21T04:57:07.529Z |
| QJGVO  | OTCBB     |   0.0026 | 2023-09-21T04:57:39.230Z |
| PMBFY  | OTHER_OTC |   0.0139 | 2023-09-21T04:57:46.146Z |
| CAVY   | OTCBB     |   0.0047 | 2023-09-21T04:57:43.503Z |

like (DataFrame — Procedural)

Description: determines whether the value matches the expression

"Chris" like "Ch%s"

limit (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Limits the maximum number of rows returned by a query

from (
    | ticker | market | lastSale | roundedLastSale | lastSaleTime             |
    | NKWI   | OTCBB  |  98.9501 |            98.9 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.846Z |
    | AQKU   | NASDAQ |  68.2945 |            68.2 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.860Z |
    | WRGB   | AMEX   |  46.8355 |            46.8 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.862Z |
    | ESCN   | AMEX   |  42.5934 |            42.5 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.865Z |
    | NFRK   | AMEX   |  28.2808 |            28.2 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.864Z |
) limit 3
| ticker | market | lastSale | roundedLastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| NKWI   | OTCBB  |  98.9501 |            98.9 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.846Z |
| AQKU   | NASDAQ |  68.2945 |            68.2 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.860Z |
| WRGB   | AMEX   |  46.8355 |            46.8 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.862Z |

max¹ (DataFrame — Functional)

Description: Returns the maximum value of a numeric expression.

val stocks =
    | symbol | exchange | lastSale |
    | XYZ    | AMEX     |    31.95 |
    | ABC    | NYSE     |    56.12 |
    | DNS    | AMEX     |    97.61 |

max² (DataFrame — Functional)

Description: Returns the maximum value of a numeric expression.

val stocks =
    | symbol | exchange | lastSale |
    | XYZ    | AMEX     |    31.95 |
    | ABC    | NYSE     |    56.12 |
    | DNS    | AMEX     |    97.61 |
select maxLastSale: max(lastSale) from @@stocks
| maxLastSale |
|       97.61 |

min¹ (DataFrame — Functional)

Description: Returns the minimum value of a numeric expression.

val stocks =
    | symbol | exchange | lastSale |
    | XYZ    | AMEX     |    31.95 |
    | ABC    | NYSE     |    56.12 |
    | DNS    | AMEX     |    97.61 |

min² (DataFrame — Functional)

Description: Returns the minimum value of a numeric expression.

val stocks =
    | symbol | exchange | lastSale |
    | XYZ    | AMEX     |    31.95 |
    | ABC    | NYSE     |    56.12 |
    | DNS    | AMEX     |    97.61 |
select minLastSale: min(lastSale) from @@stocks
| minLastSale |
|       31.95 |

order by (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Sorts a result set by a column

from (
 | symbol | exchange | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
 | HWWM   | NASDAQ   | 191.6725 | 2023-08-06T18:33:08.661Z |
 | VLYW   | AMEX     | 197.9962 | 2023-08-06T18:33:08.670Z |
 | VSOM   | NASDAQ   | 166.8542 | 2023-08-06T18:33:08.672Z |
 | FHWS   | NYSE     |  22.5909 | 2023-08-06T18:33:08.673Z |
 | SRGN   | AMEX     | 180.2358 | 2023-08-06T18:33:08.675Z |
 | PTFY   | NYSE     |  19.9265 | 2023-08-06T18:33:08.676Z |
) order by lastSale desc
| symbol | exchange | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| VLYW   | AMEX     | 197.9962 | 2023-08-06T18:33:08.670Z |
| HWWM   | NASDAQ   | 191.6725 | 2023-08-06T18:33:08.661Z |
| SRGN   | AMEX     | 180.2358 | 2023-08-06T18:33:08.675Z |
| VSOM   | NASDAQ   | 166.8542 | 2023-08-06T18:33:08.672Z |
| FHWS   | NYSE     |  22.5909 | 2023-08-06T18:33:08.673Z |
| PTFY   | NYSE     |  19.9265 | 2023-08-06T18:33:08.676Z |

pagination¹ (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Setups a pagination query

stocks =
| exchange  | symbol | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| OTCBB     | RPYM   |   0.4932 | 2023-10-02T01:57:31.086Z |
| OTCBB     | EGBQ   |   0.6747 | 2023-10-02T01:57:09.991Z |
| OTHER_OTC | PEMCQ  |   0.6176 | 2023-10-02T01:57:23.684Z |
| NASDAQ    | IPHBY  | 113.9129 | 2023-10-02T01:57:01.837Z |
| NASDAQ    | HLOQW  | 159.1307 | 2023-10-02T01:57:50.139Z |
| NYSE      | WQN    | 177.4067 | 2023-10-02T01:57:17.371Z |
| NASDAQ    | JONV   | 139.6465 | 2023-10-02T01:57:55.758Z |
| NASDAQ    | KKLPE  | 135.2768 | 2023-10-02T01:57:07.520Z |
| AMEX      | KHGRO  | 163.3631 | 2023-10-02T01:57:21.286Z |
| NASDAQ    | GSCF   |  75.8721 | 2023-10-02T01:57:21.640Z |
| NASDAQ    | ZEP    |   91.009 | 2023-10-02T01:57:03.740Z |
| OTHER_OTC | KMUEH  |   0.2605 | 2023-10-02T01:57:03.702Z |
| OTCBB     | WLXIM  |   0.6886 | 2023-10-02T01:57:45.739Z |
| NASDAQ    | OVTS   | 153.5991 | 2023-10-02T01:57:23.061Z |
| OTCBB     | YGIVQ  |   0.8364 | 2023-10-02T01:57:38.882Z |
stocksP = pagination(select * from stocks)
| exchange  | symbol | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| OTCBB     | RPYM   |   0.4932 | 2023-10-02T01:57:31.086Z |
| OTCBB     | EGBQ   |   0.6747 | 2023-10-02T01:57:09.991Z |
| OTHER_OTC | PEMCQ  |   0.6176 | 2023-10-02T01:57:23.684Z |
| NASDAQ    | IPHBY  | 113.9129 | 2023-10-02T01:57:01.837Z |
| NASDAQ    | HLOQW  | 159.1307 | 2023-10-02T01:57:50.139Z |

pagination² (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Setups a pagination query

stocks =
| exchange  | symbol | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| OTCBB     | RPYM   |   0.4932 | 2023-10-02T01:57:31.086Z |
| OTCBB     | EGBQ   |   0.6747 | 2023-10-02T01:57:09.991Z |
| OTHER_OTC | PEMCQ  |   0.6176 | 2023-10-02T01:57:23.684Z |
| NASDAQ    | IPHBY  | 113.9129 | 2023-10-02T01:57:01.837Z |
| NASDAQ    | HLOQW  | 159.1307 | 2023-10-02T01:57:50.139Z |
| NYSE      | WQN    | 177.4067 | 2023-10-02T01:57:17.371Z |
| NASDAQ    | JONV   | 139.6465 | 2023-10-02T01:57:55.758Z |
| NASDAQ    | KKLPE  | 135.2768 | 2023-10-02T01:57:07.520Z |
| AMEX      | KHGRO  | 163.3631 | 2023-10-02T01:57:21.286Z |
| NASDAQ    | GSCF   |  75.8721 | 2023-10-02T01:57:21.640Z |
| NASDAQ    | ZEP    |   91.009 | 2023-10-02T01:57:03.740Z |
| OTHER_OTC | KMUEH  |   0.2605 | 2023-10-02T01:57:03.702Z |
| OTCBB     | WLXIM  |   0.6886 | 2023-10-02T01:57:45.739Z |
| NASDAQ    | OVTS   | 153.5991 | 2023-10-02T01:57:23.061Z |
| OTCBB     | YGIVQ  |   0.8364 | 2023-10-02T01:57:38.882Z |
stocksP = pagination(select * from stocks)
| exchange  | symbol | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| NASDAQ    | ZEP    |   91.009 | 2023-10-02T01:57:03.740Z |
| OTHER_OTC | KMUEH  |   0.2605 | 2023-10-02T01:57:03.702Z |
| OTCBB     | WLXIM  |   0.6886 | 2023-10-02T01:57:45.739Z |
| NASDAQ    | OVTS   | 153.5991 | 2023-10-02T01:57:23.061Z |
| OTCBB     | YGIVQ  |   0.8364 | 2023-10-02T01:57:38.882Z |

pagination³ (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Setups a pagination query

stocks =
| exchange  | symbol | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| OTCBB     | RPYM   |   0.4932 | 2023-10-02T01:57:31.086Z |
| OTCBB     | EGBQ   |   0.6747 | 2023-10-02T01:57:09.991Z |
| OTHER_OTC | PEMCQ  |   0.6176 | 2023-10-02T01:57:23.684Z |
| NASDAQ    | IPHBY  | 113.9129 | 2023-10-02T01:57:01.837Z |
| NASDAQ    | HLOQW  | 159.1307 | 2023-10-02T01:57:50.139Z |
| NYSE      | WQN    | 177.4067 | 2023-10-02T01:57:17.371Z |
| NASDAQ    | JONV   | 139.6465 | 2023-10-02T01:57:55.758Z |
| NASDAQ    | KKLPE  | 135.2768 | 2023-10-02T01:57:07.520Z |
| AMEX      | KHGRO  | 163.3631 | 2023-10-02T01:57:21.286Z |
| NASDAQ    | GSCF   |  75.8721 | 2023-10-02T01:57:21.640Z |
| NASDAQ    | ZEP    |   91.009 | 2023-10-02T01:57:03.740Z |
| OTHER_OTC | KMUEH  |   0.2605 | 2023-10-02T01:57:03.702Z |
| OTCBB     | WLXIM  |   0.6886 | 2023-10-02T01:57:45.739Z |
| NASDAQ    | OVTS   | 153.5991 | 2023-10-02T01:57:23.061Z |
| OTCBB     | YGIVQ  |   0.8364 | 2023-10-02T01:57:38.882Z |
stocksP = pagination(select * from stocks)
| exchange | symbol | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| NYSE     | WQN    | 177.4067 | 2023-10-02T01:57:17.371Z |
| NASDAQ   | JONV   | 139.6465 | 2023-10-02T01:57:55.758Z |
| NASDAQ   | KKLPE  | 135.2768 | 2023-10-02T01:57:07.520Z |
| AMEX     | KHGRO  | 163.3631 | 2023-10-02T01:57:21.286Z |
| NASDAQ   | GSCF   |  75.8721 | 2023-10-02T01:57:21.640Z |

rlike (DataFrame — Procedural)

Description: determines whether the value matches the regular expression

"Lawrence" rlike "Lawr(.*)"

select (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Returns row(s) of data based on the expression and options

select symbol: 'GMTQ', exchange: 'OTCBB', lastSale: 0.1111, lastSaleTime: DateTime()
| symbol | exchange | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| GMTQ   | OTCBB    |   0.1111 | 2023-10-19T04:24:09.745Z |

subtract (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Computes the subtraction of two queries

from (
    | symbol | exchange | lastSale |
    | AAXX   | NYSE     |    56.12 |
    | UPEX   | NYSE     |   116.24 |
    | JUNK   | AMEX     |    97.61 |
    | XYZ    | AMEX     |    31.95 |
) subtract (
    | symbol | exchange | lastSale |
    | JUNK   | AMEX     |    97.61 |
    | ABC    | OTCBB    |    5.887 |
    | XYZ    | AMEX     |    31.95 |
| symbol | exchange | lastSale |
| AAXX   | NYSE     |    56.12 |
| UPEX   | NYSE     |   116.24 |

sum¹ (DataFrame — Functional)

Description: Returns the sum of a numeric expression.

stocks = (
| symbol | lastSale |
| VHLH   | 153.2553 |
| GPI    |  89.7307 |
| SGE    | 131.6038 |
| GVABB  |  31.1324 |
| GTIT   | 110.6881 |
| JDXEZ  | 243.4389 |
| RNUBE  | 157.2571 |
| DBY    | 237.5894 |
| CO     | 109.6587 |
| BIU    | 232.9175 |

sum² (DataFrame — Functional)

Description: Returns the sum of a numeric expression.

select total: sum(lastSale) from (
| symbol | lastSale |
| VHLH   | 153.2553 |
| GPI    |  89.7307 |
| SGE    | 131.6038 |
| GVABB  |  31.1324 |
| GTIT   | 110.6881 |
| JDXEZ  | 243.4389 |
| RNUBE  | 157.2571 |
| DBY    | 237.5894 |
| CO     | 109.6587 |
| BIU    | 232.9175 |
| total     |
| 1497.2719 |

Table (DataFrame — Functional)

Description: Returns a new transient table

val stocks = Table(symbol: String(4), exchange: String(6), transactions: Table(price: Double, transactionTime: DateTime)[5])
insert into @@stocks (symbol, exchange, transactions)
values ('AAPL', 'NASDAQ', {price:156.39, transactionTime:"2021-08-05T19:23:11.000Z"}),
       ('AMD',  'NASDAQ', {price:56.87, transactionTime:"2021-08-05T19:23:11.000Z"}),
       ('INTC', 'NYSE',   {price:89.44, transactionTime:"2021-08-05T19:23:11.000Z"}),
       ('AMZN', 'NASDAQ', {price:988.12, transactionTime:"2021-08-05T19:23:11.000Z"}),
       ('SHMN', 'OTCBB', [{price:0.0010, transactionTime:"2021-08-05T19:23:11.000Z"},
                          {price:0.0011, transactionTime:"2021-08-05T19:23:12.000Z"}])
| symbol | exchange | transactions                                   |
| AAPL   | NASDAQ   | (price, transactionTime)                       |
| AMD    | NASDAQ   | (price, transactionTime)                       |
| INTC   | NYSE     | (price, transactionTime)                       |
| AMZN   | NASDAQ   | (price, transactionTime)                       |
| SHMN   | OTCBB    | ByteArrayRowCollection(price, transactionTime) |

tableLike (DataFrame — Functional)

Description: Creates a new table file, which will be identical to the source table.

val stocksA =
 | symbol | exchange | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
 | NUBD   | NYSE     | 183.8314 | 2023-08-06T03:56:12.932Z |
 | UAGU   | NASDAQ   | 105.9287 | 2023-08-06T03:56:12.940Z |
 | XUWH   | NASDAQ   |   58.743 | 2023-08-06T03:56:12.941Z |
 | EDVC   | NYSE     | 186.1966 | 2023-08-06T03:56:12.943Z |
 | LFUG   | NYSE     | 128.5487 | 2023-08-06T03:56:12.944Z |
val stocksB = tableLike(stocksA)
insert into @@stocksB from stocksA where lastSale >= 120
| symbol | exchange | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| NUBD   | NYSE     | 183.8314 | 2023-08-06T03:56:12.932Z |
| EDVC   | NYSE     | 186.1966 | 2023-08-06T03:56:12.943Z |
| LFUG   | NYSE     | 128.5487 | 2023-08-06T03:56:12.944Z |

TableZoo (DataFrame — Functional)

Description: Returns a Table builder

val stocks =
  TableZoo(symbol: String(10), exchange: String(10), lastSale: Double, lastSaleTime: DateTime)
insert into @@stocks
| exchange  | symbol | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| OTHER_OTC | MBANF  |   0.0109 | 2023-09-21T04:57:58.702Z |
| OTHER_OTC | YAMJI  |   0.0155 | 2023-09-21T04:57:24.456Z |
| OTCBB     | HQCY   |   0.0135 | 2023-09-21T04:57:53.351Z |
| OTHER_OTC | GEYSG  |   0.0186 | 2023-09-21T04:57:28.014Z |
| OTHER_OTC | WYISA  |   0.0132 | 2023-09-21T04:57:58.271Z |
| OTCBB     | TXWFI  |   0.0194 | 2023-09-21T04:58:06.199Z |
| OTCBB     | ZIYBG  |   0.0167 | 2023-09-21T04:58:03.392Z |
| symbol | exchange  | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| MBANF  | OTHER_OTC |   0.0109 | 2023-09-21T04:57:58.702Z |
| YAMJI  | OTHER_OTC |   0.0155 | 2023-09-21T04:57:24.456Z |
| HQCY   | OTCBB     |   0.0135 | 2023-09-21T04:57:53.351Z |
| GEYSG  | OTHER_OTC |   0.0186 | 2023-09-21T04:57:28.014Z |
| WYISA  | OTHER_OTC |   0.0132 | 2023-09-21T04:57:58.271Z |
| TXWFI  | OTCBB     |   0.0194 | 2023-09-21T04:58:06.199Z |
| ZIYBG  | OTCBB     |   0.0167 | 2023-09-21T04:58:03.392Z |

truncate (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Removes all of the data from a table

val stocks =
  | symbol | exchange | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
  | CJHK   | OTCBB    |  36.4423 | 2023-08-03T00:09:42.263Z |
  | OZIS   | NYSE     |  97.3854 | 2023-08-03T00:09:42.279Z |
  | DKRA   | NASDAQ   | 127.5813 | 2023-08-03T00:09:42.280Z |
  | IWEC   | AMEX     | 132.1874 | 2023-08-03T00:09:42.282Z |
  | JIRD   | OTCBB    |  22.0003 | 2023-08-03T00:09:42.283Z |
truncate @@stocks
| altered | created | destroyed | deleted | inserted | matched | scanned | shuffled | updated | rowIDs |
|       0 |       0 |         0 |       5 |        0 |       0 |       0 |        0 |       0 | []     |

undelete (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Restores rows matching an expression from a table

val stocks =
 | symbol | exchange | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
 | CMHA   | NASDAQ   | 121.4325 | 2023-08-05T22:45:29.370Z |
 | JPJI   | NYSE     | 185.8192 | 2023-08-05T22:45:29.371Z |
 | QCYA   | AMEX     | 152.0165 | 2023-08-05T22:45:29.372Z |
 | TGRV   | NYSE     |   80.225 | 2023-08-05T22:45:29.373Z |
 | XHMQ   | NASDAQ   |   98.445 | 2023-08-05T22:45:29.374Z |
delete from @@stocks where symbol is "CMHA"
undelete from @@stocks where symbol is "CMHA"
| altered | created | destroyed | deleted | inserted | matched | scanned | shuffled | updated | rowIDs |
|       0 |       0 |         0 |       0 |        0 |       1 |       1 |        0 |       1 | []     |

union (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Combines two (or more) result sets (vertically)

from (
  | symbol | exchange | lastSale |
  | AAXX   | NYSE     |    56.12 |
  | UPEX   | NYSE     |   116.24 |
  | XYZ    | AMEX     |    31.95 |
) union (
  | symbol | exchange | lastSale |
  | JUNK   | AMEX     |    97.61 |
  | ABC    | OTC BB   |    5.887 |
| symbol | exchange | lastSale |
| AAXX   | NYSE     |    56.12 |
| UPEX   | NYSE     |   116.24 |
| XYZ    | AMEX     |    31.95 |
| JUNK   | AMEX     |    97.61 |
| ABC    | OTC BB   |    5.887 |

union distinct (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Combines two (or more) result sets (vertically) retaining only distinct rows

from (
    | symbol | exchange | lastSale |
    | AAXX   | NYSE     |    56.12 |
    | UPEX   | NYSE     |   116.24 |
    | XYZ    | AMEX     |    31.95 |
    | ABC    | OTCBB    |    5.887 |
) union distinct (
    | symbol | exchange | lastSale |
    | JUNK   | AMEX     |    97.61 |
    | AAXX   | NYSE     |    56.12 |
    | ABC    | OTCBB    |    5.887 |
| symbol | exchange | lastSale |
| AAXX   | NYSE     |    56.12 |
| UPEX   | NYSE     |   116.24 |
| XYZ    | AMEX     |    31.95 |
| ABC    | OTCBB    |    5.887 |
| JUNK   | AMEX     |    97.61 |

unique (DataFrame — Functional)

Description: Returns a unique collection of elements based on the query criteria.

val stocks =
  | symbol | exchange | lastSale |
  | XYZ    | AMEX     |    31.95 |
  | ABC    | NYSE     |    56.12 |
  | YOKE   | NYSE     |    56.12 |
  | DNS    | AMEX     |    97.61 |
select exchange: unique(exchange) from @@stocks
| exchange         |
| ["AMEX", "NYSE"] |

unlike (DataFrame — Procedural)

Description: determines whether the value does not match the expression

"Chris" unlike "h%s"

unnest (DataFrame — Functional)

Description: Separates the elements of a collection expression into multiple rows, or the elements of map expr into multiple rows and columns.

declare table stocks(symbol: String(4), exchange: String(6), transactions: Table(price: Double, transactionTime: DateTime)[5])
insert into @@stocks (symbol, exchange, transactions)
values ('AAPL', 'NASDAQ', {price:156.39, transactionTime:"2021-08-05T19:23:11.000Z"}),
       ('AMD',  'NASDAQ', {price:56.87, transactionTime:"2021-08-05T19:23:11.000Z"}),
       ('INTC', 'NYSE',   {price:89.44, transactionTime:"2021-08-05T19:23:11.000Z"}),
       ('AMZN', 'NASDAQ', {price:988.12, transactionTime:"2021-08-05T19:23:11.000Z"}),
       ('SHMN', 'OTCBB', [{price:0.0010, transactionTime:"2021-08-05T19:23:11.000Z"},
                          {price:0.0011, transactionTime:"2021-08-05T19:23:12.000Z"}])

select symbol, exchange, unnest(transactions) from @@stocks where symbol is 'SHMN'
| symbol | exchange | price  | transactionTime          |
| SHMN   | OTCBB    |  0.001 | 2021-08-05T19:23:11.000Z |
| SHMN   | OTCBB    | 0.0011 | 2021-08-05T19:23:12.000Z |

update¹ (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Modifies rows matching a conditional expression from a table

val stocks =
 | symbol | exchange | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
 | ISIT   | NASDAQ   | 189.3509 | 2023-08-05T22:34:20.263Z |
 | OBEA   | NASDAQ   |  99.1026 | 2023-08-05T22:34:20.279Z |
 | IJYY   | AMEX     | 190.4665 | 2023-08-05T22:34:20.280Z |
 | SMPG   | NYSE     | 184.6356 | 2023-08-05T22:34:20.282Z |
 | UKHT   | NASDAQ   |  71.1514 | 2023-08-05T22:34:20.283Z |
update @@stocks set lastSaleTime = DateTime() where exchange is "NASDAQ"
| symbol | exchange | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| ISIT   | NASDAQ   | 189.3509 | 2023-10-19T04:24:09.899Z |
| OBEA   | NASDAQ   |  99.1026 | 2023-10-19T04:24:09.899Z |
| IJYY   | AMEX     | 190.4665 | 2023-08-05T22:34:20.280Z |
| SMPG   | NYSE     | 184.6356 | 2023-08-05T22:34:20.282Z |
| UKHT   | NASDAQ   |  71.1514 | 2023-10-19T04:24:09.899Z |

update² (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Modifies rows matching a conditional expression from a table

declare table stocks (symbol: String(8), exchange: String(8), transactions: Table (price: Double, transactionTime: DateTime)[5])
insert into @@stocks (symbol, exchange, transactions)
values ('AAPL', 'NASDAQ', {"price":156.39, "transactionTime":"2021-08-05T19:23:11.000Z"}),
       ('AMD', 'NASDAQ',  {"price":56.87, "transactionTime":"2021-08-05T19:23:11.000Z"}),
       ('INTC','NYSE',    {"price":89.44, "transactionTime":"2021-08-05T19:23:11.000Z"}),
       ('AMZN', 'NASDAQ', {"price":988.12, "transactionTime":"2021-08-05T19:23:11.000Z"}),
       ('SHMN', 'OTCBB', [{"price":0.0010, "transactionTime":"2021-08-05T19:23:11.000Z"},
                          {"price":0.0011, "transactionTime":"2021-08-05T19:23:12.000Z"}])

update @@stocks#transactions
set price = 0.0012
where symbol is 'SHMN'
and transactions wherein (price is 0.001)
limit 1
| symbol | exchange | transactions                                            |
| AAPL   | NASDAQ   | EmbeddedInnerTableRowCollection(price, transactionTime) |
| AMD    | NASDAQ   | EmbeddedInnerTableRowCollection(price, transactionTime) |
| INTC   | NYSE     | EmbeddedInnerTableRowCollection(price, transactionTime) |
| AMZN   | NASDAQ   | EmbeddedInnerTableRowCollection(price, transactionTime) |
| SHMN   | OTCBB    | EmbeddedInnerTableRowCollection(price, transactionTime) |

upsert¹ (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Inserts (or updates) new row(s) into a table

namespace "temp.examples"
drop if exists Stocks &&
create table Stocks (symbol: String(8), exchange: String(8), lastSale: Double) &&
create index Stocks#symbol &&
insert into Stocks (symbol, exchange, lastSale)
  | symbol | exchange | lastSale |
  | ATT    | NYSE     |    66.78 |
  | UPEX   | NASDAQ   |   116.24 |
  | XYZ    | AMEX     |    31.95 |
  | ABC    | OTCBB    |    5.887 |
upsert into Stocks (symbol, exchange, lastSale) values ('AAPL', 'NASDAQ', 156.39) where symbol is 'AAPL'
| symbol | exchange | lastSale |
| ATT    | NYSE     |    66.78 |
| UPEX   | NASDAQ   |   116.24 |
| XYZ    | AMEX     |    31.95 |
| ABC    | OTCBB    |    5.887 |
| AAPL   | NASDAQ   |   156.39 |

upsert² (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Inserts (or updates) new row(s) into a table

namespace "temp.examples"
drop if exists Stocks &&
create table Stocks (symbol: String(8), exchange: String(8), lastSale: Double) &&
create index Stocks#symbol &&
insert into Stocks (symbol, exchange, lastSale)
  | symbol | exchange | lastSale |
  | AAPL   | NASDAQ   |   156.12 |
  | ATT    | NYSE     |    66.78 |
  | UPEX   | NASDAQ   |   116.24 |
  | XYZ    | AMEX     |    31.95 |
  | ABC    | OTCBB    |    5.887 |
upsert into Stocks (symbol, exchange, lastSale) values ('AAPL', 'NASDAQ', 156.39) where symbol is 'AAPL'
| symbol | exchange | lastSale |
| AAPL   | NASDAQ   |   156.39 |
| ATT    | NYSE     |    66.78 |
| UPEX   | NASDAQ   |   116.24 |
| XYZ    | AMEX     |    31.95 |
| ABC    | OTCBB    |    5.887 |

where (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: Filters a result set

from (
| symbol | exchange | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| HWWM   | NASDAQ   | 191.6725 | 2023-08-06T18:33:08.661Z |
| VLYW   | AMEX     | 197.9962 | 2023-08-06T18:33:08.670Z |
| VSOM   | NASDAQ   | 166.8542 | 2023-08-06T18:33:08.672Z |
| FHWS   | NYSE     |  22.5909 | 2023-08-06T18:33:08.673Z |
| SRGN   | AMEX     | 180.2358 | 2023-08-06T18:33:08.675Z |
| PTFY   | NYSE     |  19.9265 | 2023-08-06T18:33:08.676Z |
) where lastSale < 50.0
| symbol | exchange | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| FHWS   | NYSE     |  22.5909 | 2023-08-06T18:33:08.673Z |
| PTFY   | NYSE     |  19.9265 | 2023-08-06T18:33:08.676Z |

wherein (DataFrame — Declarative)

Description: determines whether the value contains the expression

stocks = Table(symbol: String(4), exchange: String(8), transactions: Table(price: Double, transactionTime: DateTime)[2])
insert into @@stocks (symbol, exchange, transactions)
values ('AAPL', 'NASDAQ', {price: 156.39, transactionTime: "2021-08-05T19:23:11.000Z"}),
       ('AMD',  'NASDAQ', {price:  56.87, transactionTime: "2021-08-05T19:23:11.000Z"}),
       ('INTC', 'NYSE',   {price:  89.44, transactionTime: "2021-08-05T19:23:11.000Z"}),
       ('AMZN', 'NASDAQ', {price: 988.12, transactionTime: "2021-08-05T19:23:11.000Z"}),
       ('SHMN', 'OTCBB', [{price: 0.0010, transactionTime: "2021-08-05T19:23:11.000Z"},
                          {price: 0.0011, transactionTime: "2021-08-05T19:23:12.000Z"}])

select unnest(transactions)
from @@stocks
where transactions wherein (price is 0.0011)
| price  | transactionTime          |
|  0.001 | 2021-08-05T19:23:11.000Z |
| 0.0011 | 2021-08-05T19:23:12.000Z |

Distributed Processing Examples

nodeAPI (Distributed Processing — Functional)

Description: Creates a new REST API endpoint

import "java.lang.Thread"
var port = nodeStart()
nodeAPI(port, '/api/comments/', {
  post: (message: String) => { out <=== "post '{{message}}'" },
  get: (id: UUID) => { out <=== "get {{(id}}" },
  put: (id: UUID, message: String) => { out <=== "put '{{message}}' ~> {{(id}}" },
  delete: (id: UUID) => { out <=== "delete {{(id}}" }
http post "{{port}}/api/comments/" <~ { message: "Hello World" }
| body                         | message | statusCode | responseID                           |
| java.io.PrintStream@4c36250e | OK      |        200 | 251f82f8-3b0c-437d-abd7-e346acd9d399 |

nodeConsole (Distributed Processing — Functional)

Description: Opens a commandline interface to a remote Qwery peer node.

val remotePort = nodeStart()
after Interval("5 seconds") nodeStop(remotePort)
nodeConsole(remotePort, [
  "from help() limit 6"
| name | category           | paradigm        | description                                                                      | example                                                                                                   |
| #    | DataFrame          | Declarative     | Returns a column slice of a data frame                                           | declare table stocks(symbol: String(4), exchange: String(6), lastSale: Double, lastSaleTime: DateTim ...  |
| &&   | Miscellaneous      | Declarative     | Binds multiple statements together                                               | declare table if not exists TradingSystem ( stock_id: RowNumber, symbol: String(5), exchange: Enum ( ...  |
| .!   | JVM and Reflection | Object-Oriented | Invokes a virtual method                                                         | val items = values ("NASDAQ", 1276), ("AMEX", 1259), ("NYSE", 1275), ("OTCBB", 1190) items.!toTable( ...  |
| ...  | Miscellaneous      | Declarative     | The argument spread operator: can convert an array into individual arguments     | def p3d(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double) := (x, y, z)  p3d([ x: 123, y:13, z: 67 ]...)                    |
| ...  | Miscellaneous      | Declarative     | The argument spread operator: can convert a dictionary into individual arguments | def p3d(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double) := (x, y, z)  p3d({ x: 123, y:13, z: 67 }...)                    |
| .?   | JVM and Reflection | Object-Oriented | determines whether the method exists within the instance                         | val num = 5 num.?MAX_VALUE                                                                                |

nodeExec (Distributed Processing — Functional)

Description: Executes a query on a running Qwery peer node.

val port = nodeStart()
after Interval('4 seconds') nodeStop(port)
nodeExec(port, '''
from (
    | ticker | market | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
    | NKWI   | OTCBB  |  98.9501 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.846Z |
    | AQKU   | NASDAQ |  68.2945 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.860Z |
    | WRGB   | AMEX   |  46.8355 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.862Z |
    | ESCN   | AMEX   |  42.5934 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.865Z |
    | NFRK   | AMEX   |  28.2808 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.864Z |
) where lastSale < 30
| ticker | market | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| NFRK   | AMEX   |  28.2808 | 2022-09-04T23:36:47.864Z |

nodeScan (Distributed Processing — Functional)

Description: Returns an array of Qwery peer node port numbers.

[10408, 14829, 9930]

nodeStart (Distributed Processing — Functional)

Description: Starts a Qwery peer node.


nodeStop (Distributed Processing — Functional)

Description: shuts down a running Qwery peer node.


nodeWWW (Distributed Processing — Functional)

Description: Creates a new HTML/CSS/File endpoint

import "java.lang.Thread"

val port = nodeStart()
nodeWWW(port, '/www/notebooks/', {
  "" : "public/index.html",
  "*" : "public"

JVM and Reflection Examples

.! (JVM and Reflection — Object-Oriented)

Description: Invokes a virtual method

val items = values ("NASDAQ", 1276), ("AMEX", 1259), ("NYSE", 1275), ("OTCBB", 1190)
| A      | B    |
| NASDAQ | 1276 |
| AMEX   | 1259 |
| NYSE   | 1275 |
| OTCBB  | 1190 |

.? (JVM and Reflection — Object-Oriented)

Description: determines whether the method exists within the instance

val num = 5

classOf (JVM and Reflection — Object-Oriented)

Description: Returns a class instance by name (e.g. "Class.forName")


codecOf (JVM and Reflection — Functional)

Description: Returns the CODEC (encoder/decoder) of an expression.

val counter = 5

interfacesOf (JVM and Reflection — Object-Oriented)

Description: Returns the interfaces implemented by a class or instance

[`java.util.List`, `java.util.RandomAccess`, `java.lang.Cloneable`, `java.io.Serializable`, `java.util.Collection`, `java.lang.Iterable`]

membersOf (JVM and Reflection — Functional)

Description: Returns the members (constructors, fields and methods) of a JVM Class as a Table

from membersOf(new `java.util.Date`()) limit 5
| modifiers | member                                                                           | returnType     | memberType  |
| public    | java.util.Date(arg0: String)                                                     | java.util.Date | Constructor |
| public    | java.util.Date(arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int, arg4: int, arg5: int) | java.util.Date | Constructor |
| public    | java.util.Date(arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int, arg4: int)            | java.util.Date | Constructor |
| public    | java.util.Date()                                                                 | java.util.Date | Constructor |
| public    | java.util.Date(arg0: long)                                                       | java.util.Date | Constructor |

objectOf (JVM and Reflection — Object-Oriented)

Description: Returns a Scala object instance by name


superClassesOf (JVM and Reflection — Object-Oriented)

Description: Returns the super-classes extended by a class or instance

[`java.util.AbstractList`, `java.util.AbstractCollection`, `java.lang.Object`]

typeOf (JVM and Reflection — Functional)

Description: Returns the type of an expression.

counter = 5

Miscellaneous Examples

&& (Miscellaneous — Declarative)

Description: Binds multiple statements together

declare table if not exists TradingSystem (
  stock_id: RowNumber,
  symbol: String(5),
  exchange: Enum ('AMEX', 'NASDAQ', 'NYSE', 'OTCBB', 'OTHEROTC'),
  lastSale: Double,
  lastSaleTime: DateTime = DateTime())
&& insert into TradingSystem (symbol, exchange, lastSale, lastSaleTime)
   values ("MSFT", "NYSE", 56.55, DateTime()),
          ("AAPL", "NASDAQ", 98.55, DateTime()),
          ("AMZN", "NYSE", 56.55, DateTime()),
          ("GOOG", "NASDAQ", 98.55, DateTime())
&& from TradingSystem
| stock_id | symbol | exchange | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
|        0 | MSFT   | NYSE     |    56.55 | 2023-10-19T04:24:12.097Z |
|        1 | AAPL   | NASDAQ   |    98.55 | 2023-10-19T04:24:12.097Z |
|        2 | AMZN   | NYSE     |    56.55 | 2023-10-19T04:24:12.097Z |
|        3 | GOOG   | NASDAQ   |    98.55 | 2023-10-19T04:24:12.097Z |

...¹ (Miscellaneous — Declarative)

Description: The argument spread operator: can convert an array into individual arguments

def p3d(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double) := (x, y, z)

p3d([ x: 123, y:13, z: 67 ]...)
| _1  | _2 | _3 |
| 123 | 13 | 67 |

...² (Miscellaneous — Declarative)

Description: The argument spread operator: can convert a dictionary into individual arguments

def p3d(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double) := (x, y, z)

p3d({ x: 123, y:13, z: 67 }...)
| _1  | _2 | _3 |
| 123 | 13 | 67 |

Pattern Matching Examples

case (Pattern Matching — Declarative)

Description: An if-else alternative

val sector = 'Oil & Gas Production'
case sector
  when 'Financial Services' -> "Fin-Svc"
  when 'Oil & Gas Production' -> 'Oil-Gas'
  when 'Public Utilities' -> 'Pub-Utils'
  else 'Unknown'

expose (Pattern Matching — Declarative)

Description: Exposes the components of a matches expression

isString = v => v.isString()
isUUID = v => v.isUUID()
isNumber = v => v.isNumber()
response = { id: "a891ee9b-6667-40fc-9ed1-a129d04c8b6d", symbol: "ABC", exchange: "NYSE", lastSale: "35.76" }
expose(response matches { id: isUUID, symbol: isString, exchange: isString, lastSale: isNumber })
| expression               | value                                  | result |
| (v: Any) => v.isUUID()   | "a891ee9b-6667-40fc-9ed1-a129d04c8b6d" | true   |
| (v: Any) => v.isString() | "ABC"                                  | true   |
| (v: Any) => v.isString() | "NYSE"                                 | true   |
| (v: Any) => v.isNumber() | "35.76"                                | false  |

matches (Pattern Matching — Declarative)

Description: determines whether the value matches the expression

response = [{ id: 5678, symbol: "DOG", exchange: "NYSE", "lastSale": 90.67 }]
isNumber = x => x.isNumber()
isString = x => x.isString()
response matches [{ id: isNumber, symbol: isString, exchange: isString, lastSale: isNumber }]

Science and Mathematics Examples

Matrix (Science and Mathematics — Procedural)

Description: Creates a new matrix

vector = [2.0, 1.0, 3.0]
matrixA = new Matrix([
  [1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
  [4.0, 5.0, 6.0],
  [7.0, 8.0, 9.0]
matrixA * vector
[13.0, 31.0, 49.0]

scaleTo (Science and Mathematics — Functional)

Description: Returns the the numeric expression truncated after scale decimal places.

scaleTo(0.567, 2)

Scope and Session Examples

<|> (Scope and Session — Functional)

Description: Horizontally combines two arrays.

['a', 'b', 'c'] <|> [1, 2, 3]
[['a', 1], ['b', 2], ['c', 3]]

=> (Scope and Session — Functional)

Description: Defines an anonymous function

val f = n => n * n

@ (Scope and Session — Procedural)

Description: used to disambiguate a variable from a field or other identifiers

x = 1

@@ (Scope and Session — Procedural)

Description: used to disambiguate a table variable from a field or other identifiers

r = select value: 1
| value |
|     1 |

as (Scope and Session — Declarative)

Description: Applies an alias to an expression or query

stocks =
| exchange | symbol | lastSale | lastSaleTime             |
| NASDAQ   | RY     |  68.6234 | 2023-09-28T22:25:55.559Z |
| OTCBB    | OUSVN  |   0.7195 | 2023-09-28T22:25:59.404Z |
| NYSE     | FTR    |  40.7124 | 2023-09-28T22:26:21.811Z |
| OTCBB    | TWVD   |   0.0401 | 2023-09-28T22:26:10.017Z |
| OTCBB    | GVHMN  |   0.9648 | 2023-09-28T22:25:57.608Z |
| NASDAQ   | DS     |  155.021 | 2023-09-28T22:25:59.213Z |
select count(*) as total,
       avg(lastSale) as avgLastSale,
       max(lastSale) as maxLastSale,
       min(lastSale) as minLastSale,
       sum(lastSale) as sumLastSale
from @@stocks
| total | avgLastSale       | maxLastSale | minLastSale | sumLastSale        |
|     6 | 44.34686666666666 |     155.021 |      0.0401 | 266.08119999999997 |

class (Scope and Session — Object-Oriented)

Description: Creates a new ephemeral (in-memory) JVM-compatible class

import "java.util.Date"
class Stocks(symbol: String, exchange: String, lastSale: Double, lastSaleTime: Date)
class Stocks(symbol: String, exchange: String, lastSale: Double, lastSaleTime: Date)

destroy (Scope and Session — Procedural)

Description: Removes a variable from the active scope

destroy stocks

include (Scope and Session — Procedural)

Description: incorporates the contents of an external file into current scope


let (Scope and Session — Functional)

Description: Creates a variable that automatically applies a CODEC function when mutated.

base64 = (value: String) => value.getBytes().base64()
let b64 : base64 = "Hello"

namespace (Scope and Session — Procedural)

Description: Sets the active database

namespace 'stocks_demo'

new¹ (Scope and Session — Object-Oriented)

Description: The new operator can be used to instantiate JVM classes.

new `java.util.Date`()

new² (Scope and Session — Object-Oriented)

Description: The new operator can be used to instantiate Qwery-defined classes.

import "java.util.Date"
class QStock(symbol: String, exchange: String, lastSale: Double, lastSaleTime: Date)
stock = new QStock("AAPL", "NASDAQ", 31.23, new Date())

new³ (Scope and Session — Object-Oriented)

Description: The new operator can be used to create anonymous objects from interfaces or traits.

import "java.awt.event.MouseListener"
import "java.awt.event.MouseEvent"
new MouseListener() {
    mouseClicked: (e: MouseEvent) => out <=== "mouseClicked"
    mousePressed: (e: MouseEvent) => out <=== "mousePressed"
    mouseReleased: (e: MouseEvent) => out <=== "mouseReleased"
    mouseEntered: (e: MouseEvent) => out <=== "mouseEntered"
    mouseExited: (e: MouseEvent) => out <=== "mouseExited"
new MouseListener() { mouseClicked: (e: MouseEvent) => out <=== "mouseClicked", mousePressed: (e: MouseEvent) => out <=== "mousePressed", mouseReleased: (e: MouseEvent) => out <=== "mouseReleased", mouseEntered: (e: MouseEvent) => out <=== "mouseEntered", mouseExited: (e: MouseEvent) => out <=== "mouseExited" }

ns (Scope and Session — Functional)

Description: Returns a persistent object (e.g. table, view, et al) from disk via a namespace

from ns('examples.shocktrade.Contests') limit 5
| contest_id                           | name               | funds  | creationTime             |
| 6dadb0db-149a-430d-8481-53cec5ef8450 | Winter is coming   | 2000.0 | 2023-10-19T00:21:23.296Z |
| c5d120a9-9722-4755-8a96-5a9354179baf | Winter has come!!! | 2000.0 | 2023-10-19T00:21:23.349Z |

reset (Scope and Session — Procedural)

Description: Resets the scope; wiping out all state


set (Scope and Session — Declarative)

Description: Sets the value of a variable

set x = { a: { b: { c : 98 } } }

this (Scope and Session — Object-Oriented)

Description: Table representation of the current scope

| superScope | aliasedRows | aliasedSources | universe                                                                                                  | currentRow | implicitMethods | imports                                                                                                   | returned | serverMode | observables | observed | references | tracers | valueReferences                                                                                           |
|            | {}          | {}             | QweryUniverse(dataTypeParsers=[BitArray(256)*, com.qwery.runtime.datatypes.BlobType$@4d157787, com.q ...  |            | []              | {"IOCost": "qwery.io.IOCost", "BitArray": "qwery.lang.BitArray", "RowIDRange": "qwery.io.RowIDRange" ...  | false    | false      | []          | false    | {}         | []      | {"Random": Variable(name="Random", _type={"_class": "qwery.lang.Random$"}, initialValue=qwery.lang.R ...  |

val (Scope and Session — Procedural)

Description: Creates a read-only variable

val greeting: String = 'Hello World'

var (Scope and Session — Procedural)

Description: Creates a variable

var customer_id: Int = 5

Synchronous I/O Examples

<=== (Synchronous I/O — Declarative)

Description: A declarative way to write to OutputStream or Writer resources

import "java.io.File"
f = new File("./test1.json")
f <=== "Hello World\n"
f ===> out

===> (Synchronous I/O — Declarative)

Description: A declarative way to write to OutputStream or Writer resources

import "java.io.File"
f = new File("./test.json")
f ===> out

synchronized (Synchronous I/O — Procedural)

Description: Synchronizes access to an object; providing an exclusive read/write lock over it

bag = { message: null }
synchronized(bag) {
   bag.message = 'Hello'
{"message": "Hello"}

with (Synchronous I/O — Functional)

Description: Provides a closure over a resource; closing it upon completion.

namespace "temp.examples"
drop if exists `Stocks`
create table `Stocks` (
    symbol: String(8),
    exchange: Enum (AMEX, NASDAQ, NYSE, OTCBB, OTHEROTC),
    lastSale: Double
) containing (
    | symbol | exchange | lastSale |
    | AAXX   | NYSE     |    56.12 |
    | UPEX   | NYSE     |   116.24 |
    | XYZ    | AMEX     |    31.95 |
    | JUNK   | AMEX     |    97.61 |
    | ABC    | OTCBB    |    5.887 |

with ns("Stocks") { stocks => @@stocks where lastSale < 50 }
| symbol | exchange | lastSale |
| XYZ    | AMEX     |    31.95 |
| ABC    | OTCBB    |    5.887 |

System Tools Examples

DateTime (System Tools — Procedural)

Description: Creates new date instance


help¹ (System Tools — Procedural)

Description: Provides offline manual pages for instructions

| name   | category  | paradigm    | description                                                | example                                                                              |
| select | DataFrame | Declarative | Returns row(s) of data based on the expression and options | select symbol: 'GMTQ', exchange: 'OTCBB', lastSale: 0.1111, lastSaleTime: DateTime() |

help² (System Tools — Procedural)

Description: Provides offline manual pages for instructions

chart = { shape: "ring", title: "Help By Paradigm" }
graph chart from (
    select paradigm, total: count(*)
    from (help())
    group by paradigm

help³ (System Tools — Procedural)

Description: Provides offline manual pages for instructions

chart = { shape: "ring", title: "Help By Category" }
graph chart from (
    select category, total: count(*)
    from (help())
    group by category

implicit (System Tools — Object-Oriented)

Description: Binds a virtual method to a class

implicit class `java.lang.String` {
    def reverseString(self: String) := {
        import "java.lang.StringBuilder"
        val src = self.toCharArray()
        val dest = new StringBuilder(self.length())
        val eol = self.length() - 1
        var n = 0
        while (n <= eol) {
          dest.append(src[eol - n])
          n += 1

"Hello World".reverseString()
"dlroW olleH"

import (System Tools — Object-Oriented)

Description: Imports a JVM class

import 'java.util.Date'

import implicit (System Tools — Object-Oriented)

Description: Imports the methods of a Scala implicit class

import implicit "com.qwery.util.StringRenderHelper$StringRenderer"

require (System Tools — Object-Oriented)

Description: Downloads a JVM dependency (jar) from a repository

require ['org.apache.spark:spark-core_2.13:3.3.0']

trace (System Tools — Functional)

Description: Executes an instruction

trace set x = 1

whoami (System Tools — Procedural)

Description: Returns the name of the current user


Testing Examples

assert¹ (Testing — Procedural)

Description: Assertion: if the expression evaluates to false, an exception is thrown.

total = 99
assert(total < 100, 'total must be less than 100')

assert² (Testing — Procedural)

Description: Assertion: if the expression evaluates to false, an exception is thrown.

total = 101
  assert(total < 100, 'total must be less than 100')
catch e =>
  err <=== e.getMessage()

feature (Testing — Declarative)

Description: Feature-based test declaration

namespace 'temp.examples'

// startup a listener node
val port = nodeStart()

// create a table
drop if exists Travelers
create table Travelers (id: UUID, lastName: String(32), firstName: String(32), destAirportCode: String(3))
insert into Travelers (id, lastName, firstName, destAirportCode)
| id                                   | lastName | firstName | destAirportCode |
| 7bd0b461-4eb9-400a-9b63-713af85a43d0 | JONES    | GARRY     | SNA             |
| 73a3fe49-df95-4a7a-9809-0bb4009f414b | JONES    | DEBBIE    | SNA             |
| e015fc77-45bf-4a40-9721-f8f3248497a1 | JONES    | TAMERA    | SNA             |
| 33e31b53-b540-45e3-97d7-d2353a49f9c6 | JONES    | ERIC      | SNA             |
| e4dcba22-56d6-4e53-adbc-23fd84aece72 | ADAMS    | KAREN     | DTW             |
| 3879ba60-827e-4535-bf4e-246ca8807ba1 | ADAMS    | MIKE      | DTW             |
| 3d8dc7d8-cd86-48f4-b364-d2f40f1ae05b | JONES    | SAMANTHA  | BUR             |
| 22d10aaa-32ac-4cd0-9bed-aa8e78a36d80 | SHARMA   | PANKAJ    | LAX             |

// create the webservice that reads from the table
nodeAPI(port, '/api/temp/examples', {
  post: (id: UUID, firstName: String, lastName: String, destAirportCode: String) => {
     insert into Travelers (id, firstName, lastName, destAirportCode)
     values (@id, @firstName, @lastName, @destAirportCode)
  get: (firstName: String, lastName: String) => {
     select * from Travelers where firstName is @firstName and lastName is @lastName
  put: (id: Long, name: String) => {
     update subscriptions set name = @name where id is @id
  delete: (id: UUID) => {
     delete from Travelers where id is @id

// test the service
feature "Traveler information service" {
    set __AUTO_EXPAND__ = true // Product classes are automatically expanded into the scope
    scenario "Testing that DELETE requests produce the correct result" {
       http delete "{{port}}/api/temp/examples"
           <~ { id: '3879ba60-827e-4535-bf4e-246ca8807ba1' }
       verify statusCode is 200
    scenario "Testing that GET response contains specific field" {
       http get "{{port}}/api/temp/examples?firstName=GARRY&lastName=JONES"
       verify statusCode is 200
           and body.size() >= 0
           and body[0].id is '7bd0b461-4eb9-400a-9b63-713af85a43d0'
    scenario "Testing that POST creates a new record" {
        http post "{{port}}/api/temp/examples"
           <~ { id: "119ff8a6-b569-4d54-80c6-03eb1c7f795d", firstName: "CHRIS", lastName: "DANIELS", destAirportCode: "DTW" }
        verify statusCode is 200
    scenario "Testing that we GET the record we previously created" {
       http get "{{port}}/api/temp/examples?firstName=CHRIS&lastName=DANIELS"
       verify statusCode is 200
          and body.size() >= 0
          and body[0].id is "119ff8a6-b569-4d54-80c6-03eb1c7f795d"
          and body[0].firstName is "CHRIS"
          and body[0].lastName is "DANIELS"
          and body[0].destAirportCode is "DTW"
    scenario "Testing what happens when a response does not match the expected value" {
       http get "{{port}}/api/temp/examples?firstName=SAMANTHA&lastName=JONES"
       verify statusCode is 200
          and body.size() >= 0
          and body[0].id is "7bd0b461-4eb9-400a-9b63-713af85a43d1"
          and body[0].firstName is "SAMANTHA"
          and body[0].lastName is "JONES"
          and body[0].destAirportCode is "BUR"
{"passed": 4, "failed": 1}

http¹ (Testing — Declarative)

Description: Query-native HTTP client

http get('https://example.com/')
| body                                                                                                      | message | statusCode | responseID                           |
| <!doctype html>\n<html>\n<head>\n    <title>Example Domain</title>\n\n    <meta charset="utf-8" />\n ...  | OK      |        200 | ad40d631-811d-4bf6-aa07-f70d80d0e74a |

http² (Testing — Declarative)

Description: Returns a URL based on a relative path.

http path('users')
| body | message | statusCode | responseID                           |
|      |         |        200 | 487cb620-e871-4c52-b3ad-f1071f793424 |

http³ (Testing — Declarative)

Description: Returns a URL based on a relative path.

http uri('users')
| body | message | statusCode | responseID                           |
|      |         |        200 | 0f7ac1b3-77d9-4182-87b2-2751ffec658b |

scenario (Testing — Declarative)

Description: scenario-based test declaration

feature "State Inheritance" {
  scenario 'Create a contest' {
    val contest_id = "40d1857b-474c-4400-8f07-5e04cbacc021"
    var counter = 1
    out <=== "contest_id = {{contest_id}}, counter = {{counter}}"
    verify contest_id is "40d1857b-474c-4400-8f07-5e04cbacc021"
        and counter is 1

  scenario 'Create a member' {
    val member_id = "4264f8a5-6fa3-4a38-b3bb-30e2e0b826d1"
    out <=== "member_id = {{member_id}}"
    verify member_id is "4264f8a5-6fa3-4a38-b3bb-30e2e0b826d1"

  scenario 'Inherit contest state' extends 'Create a contest' {
    counter = counter + 1
    out <=== "contest_id = {{contest_id}}, counter = {{counter}}"
    verify contest_id is "40d1857b-474c-4400-8f07-5e04cbacc021"
        and counter is 2

  scenario 'Inherit contest and member state' extends ['Create a contest', 'Create a member'] {
    counter = counter + 1
    out <=== "contest_id = {{contest_id}}, member_id = {{member_id}}, counter = {{counter}}"
    verify contest_id is "40d1857b-474c-4400-8f07-5e04cbacc021"
        and member_id is "4264f8a5-6fa3-4a38-b3bb-30e2e0b826d1"
        and counter is 3
{"passed": 4, "failed": 0}

verify (Testing — Procedural)

Description: Verifies the current state of the scope

response = { id: 357 }
verify response.id is 357
          ^^^ 'Success!'