Play extension

travis-badge bintray-badge


resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("larousso", "maven")

libraryDependencies += "com.adelegue" %% "playjson-extended" % "X.X.X"


With play json you can write this :

    import play.api.libs.json._
    case class Village(name: String)
    object Village {
      implicit val reads = Json.reads[Village]
    case class Viking(name: String, surname: String, weight: Int, village: Seq[Village])

    implicit val reads = Json.reads[Viking]

And if you want to add advanced validation you have to write this

    import play.api.libs.json._
    import play.api.libs.json.Reads._
    import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
    case class Village(name: String)
    object Village {
     implicit val reads = Json.reads[Village]
    case class Viking(name: String, surname: String, weight: Int, village: Seq[Village])
    implicit val reads = (
        (__ \ 'name).read[String] and 
        (__ \ 'surname).read[String] and 
        (__ \ 'weight).read[Int](min(0) keepAnd max(150)) and 
        (__ \ 'village).read[Seq[Village]]
    )(Viking.apply _)

Here we have to write all the parsing rules just to validate weight.

With this lib you can just write

    import play.api.libs.json._
    import play.api.libs.json.Reads._
    import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
    import shapeless._
    import syntax.singleton._
    import playjson.rules._
    case class Village(name: String)
    object Village {
      implicit val reads = Json.reads[Village]
    case class Viking(name: String, surname: String, weight: Int, village: Seq[Village])
    implicit val reads: Reads[Viking] = jsonRead[Viking].withRules(
      'weight ->> read(min(0) keepAnd max(150))

You can just generate a Reads[T] using shapeless instead of scala macro

    import play.api.libs.json._
    import playjson.reads._
    val monMojoReads: Reads[Viking] = hReads[Viking]


Transform json before converting to case class :

    import play.api.libs.json._
    import play.api.libs.json.Reads._
    import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
    import shapeless._
    import syntax.singleton._
    import playjson.rules._
    import playjson.transformation._
    case class Village(name: String)
    object Village {
      implicit val reads = Json.reads[Village]
    case class Viking(name: String, surname: String, weight: Int, village: Seq[Village])
    val reads: Reads[Viking] =
        ((__ \ 'theName) to (__ \ 'name)) and
        ((__ \ 'theSurname) to (__ \ 'surname)) and
        ((__ \ 'theVillage) to (__ \ 'village))
    ) andThen Json.reads[Viking]
    val jsResult: JsResult[Viking] = reads.reads(Json.obj(
        "theName" -> "Ragnar",
        "theSurname" -> "Lothbrok",
        "theVillage" -> Seq(Json.obj("name" -> "Kattegat")),
        "weight" -> 2

You can combine both rules and transformations

      val reads: Reads[Viking] =
            ((__ \ 'theName) to (__ \ 'name)) and
            ((__ \ 'theSurname) to (__ \ 'surname)) and
            ((__ \ 'theVillage) to (__ \ 'village))
        ) andThen jsonRead[Viking].withRules(
          'weight ->> read(min(0) keepAnd max(150)) and
          'name ->> read(pattern(".*".r)) and
          'surname ->> read(pattern(".*".r))

Or use reads generated from shapeless LabelledGeneric :

    val reads: Reads[Viking] =
          ((__ \ 'theName) to (__ \ 'name)) and
            ((__ \ 'theSurname) to (__ \ 'surname)) and
            ((__ \ 'theVillage) to (__ \ 'village))
        ) andThen hReads[Viking]


sbt "release with-defaults"