This is a work in progress project. The goal is to allow launching Cassandra during tests, and test your application against it (much like the plugin for maven). at this pre-mature phase, only the very basic functionality works (and only on linux/unix). API is not final, and might (probably will) change down the road. However, the plugin is already usable as is.
Add the following to your project/plugins.sbt
resolvers += "Sonatype OSS Releases" at ""
addSbtPlugin("com.github.hochgi" % "sbt-cassandra-plugin" % "0.6")
import com.github.hochgi.sbt.cassandra._
test in Test <<= (test in Test).dependsOn(startCassandra)
To choose a specific version of cassandra (default is 2.0.9), you can use:
cassandraVersion := "2.1.2"
cassandra now shuts down by default when tests are done. to disable this behavior, set:
stopCassandraAfterTests := false
cassandra will also clean it's data by default when it stops (after tests or when invoking stopCassandra
task explicitly). to disable this behavior, set:
cleanCassandraAfterStop := false
to use special configuration files suited for your use case, use:
cassandraConfigDir := "/path/to/your/conf/dir"
to intialize cassandra with your custom cassandra-cli commands, use:
cassandraCliInit := "/path/to/cassandra-cli/commands/file"
to intialize cassandra with your custom cql commands, use:
cassandraCqlInit := "/path/to/cassandra-cql/commands/file"
to change cassandra rpc port (note: even if you change the port on the configuration, this is the port number that will be used), use:
cassandraPort := "PORT_NUMBER"
timeout for waiting on cassandra to start (default is 20 seconds) can be configured with property (in seconds):
cassandraStartDeadline := 10
also, you may override any other configuration, e.g:
configMappings += "auto_snapshot" -> true
configMappings ++= Seq(
"rpc_server_type" -> "sync",
"data_file_directories" -> {
val list = new java.util.LinkedList[String]()
- don't use both CQL & CLI. choose only one...
- the
key takes a sequence of(String,java.lang.Object)
, and should be compatible with actual value represented by the key in the yaml file.