A Google Maps geocoding library for Scala. The goal of the library is provide lightweight, easy to use geocoding functions that are thoroughly tested.
- No 3rd-party dependencies (
is required for projects building on2.11.x+
) - Fully unit tested
- API Compliant
- Easy to use and integrate
Include the following in your build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "com.koddi" %% "geocoder" % "1.1.0"
And then import the classes into your code
import com.koddi.geocoder.Geocoder
val geo = Geocoder.create
To build simply run the following sbt
$ sbt clean compile test doc assembly
API Documentation will be generated in target/scala-2.{version}/api/
To create a Geocoder
simply call the Geocoder.create
function. Refer to the test/
for more in depth examples, below is a high level overview on how to use the library.
// Bring the Geocoder into scope
import com.koddi.geocoder.{Geocoder, ResponseParser}
// The factory object can be used to lazily create Geocoders
val geo = Geocoder.create
// If you need to use an API key because of limiting
val geoWithKey = Geocoder.create(MY_KEY)
// Geocoders can be created with parameters that will be passed at every lookup
val geoWithParams = Geocoder.create(Parameters(region = Some("us")))
// And lastly if you need to manually create the Geocoder
// that's supported as well.
val customGeo = new Geocoder(API_URL, Some(API_KEY), None, new ResponseParser)
To perform latitude/longitude lookups simply provide a formatted address.
// Lookup a location with a formatted address string
// Returns a Seq[Result]
val results = geo.lookup("2821 W 7th St, Fort Worth, TX")
// Access the MapComponents geometry data to get the location
val location = results.head.geometry.location
println(s"Latitude: ${location.latitude}, Longitude: ${location.longitude}")
Performing reverse lookups is just as easy.
// Lookup an address by latitude/longitude
// Reverse lookups also produce Seq[Result] objects
val results = geo.lookup(32.857, -96.748)
// Lookups can also be done with Component objects
// See com.koddi.geocoder.Component for more examples
val results = geo.lookup(Seq(CountryComponent("fr")))
// Place IDs are also supported
val results = geo.lookupPlace("ChIJk4x9peBzToYRBYLucCG-eGY")
Asynchronous calls are also supported.
// Can also be created with a key
val geo = Geocoder.createAsync
// Returns a Future[Seq[Result]]
val query = geo.lookup("2821 W 7th St, Fort Worth, TX")
// Process the Seq[Result]
query onComplete {
case Success(results) => {
for (result <- results) {
// do something...
case Failure(error) => println(error.getMessage)
These projects acheive the same purpose as this library and provide alternative options if this library is unsuitable.