j5ik2o / scalatestplus-db   1.0.17

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ScalaTest for MySQL and Flyway Support

Scala versions: 2.13 2.12 2.11



This library is a ScalaTest extension library that supports embedded MySQL and Flyway.


Add the following to your sbt build (Scala 2.11.x, 2.12.x, 2.13.x):

Release Version

resolvers ++= Seq(
  "Seasar Repository" at "https://maven.seasar.org/maven2/",

libraryDependencies += "com.github.j5ik2o" %% "scalatestplus-db" % "<version>"

Snapshot Version

resolvers ++= Seq(
  "Seasar Repository" at "https://maven.seasar.org/maven2/",

libraryDependencies += "com.github.j5ik2o" %% "scalatestplus-db" % "<version>-SNAPSHOT"


When starting MySQLd for each test class

import com.wix.mysql.EmbeddedMysql
import org.scalatest.freespec.AnyFreeSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.must.Matchers

class MySQLdOneInstancePerFreeSpec extends AnyFreeSpec with Matchers with MySQLdOneInstancePerSuite {

  override protected val schemaConfigs: Seq[SchemaConfig] = Seq(SchemaConfig(name = "test"))

  var mysqld: EmbeddedMysql = _

  "MySQLdOneInstancePerFreeSpec" - {
    "should start & stop mysqld1" in {
      println(s"context = $mySQLdContext")
      mySQLdContext mustNot be(null)
      mySQLdContext.schemaConfigs.head.name mustBe "test"
      mysqld = mySQLdContext.embeddedMysql
    "should start & stop mysqld2" in {
      println(s"context = $mySQLdContext")
      mySQLdContext mustNot be(null)
      mySQLdContext.schemaConfigs.head.name mustBe "test"
      mySQLdContext.embeddedMysql mustBe mysqld


When starting MySQLd for each test case

import com.wix.mysql.EmbeddedMysql
import org.scalatest.freespec.FixtureAnyFreeSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.must.Matchers

class MySQLdOneInstancePerTestOfFreeSpec extends FixtureAnyFreeSpec with Matchers with MySQLdOneInstancePerTest {

  override protected val schemaConfigs: Seq[SchemaConfig] = Seq(SchemaConfig(name = "test"))

  var mysqld: EmbeddedMysql = _

  "MySQLdOneInstancePerTestOfFreeSpec" - {
    "should start & stop mysqld1" in { context =>
      println(s"context = $context")
      context mustNot be(null)
      context.schemaConfigs.head.name mustBe "test"
      mysqld = context.embeddedMysql
    "should start & stop mysqld2" in { context =>
      println(s"bbbb = $context")
      context mustNot be(null)
      context.schemaConfigs.head.name mustBe "test"
      context.embeddedMysql mustNot be(mysqld)

When starting MySQLd with Flyway for each test class

import com.wix.mysql.EmbeddedMysql
import org.scalatest.freespec.AnyFreeSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.must.Matchers

class FlywayWithMySQLdOneInstancePerFreeSpec
    extends AnyFreeSpec
    with Matchers
    with FlywayWithMySQLdOneInstancePerSuite {

  override protected val schemaConfigs: Seq[SchemaConfig] = Seq(SchemaConfig(name = "test"))

  override protected def flywayConfig(jdbcUrl: String): FlywayConfig = FlywayConfig(locations = Seq("db"))

  var mysqld: EmbeddedMysql = _

  "FlywayWithMySQLdOneInstancePerFreeSpec" - {
    "should start & stop mysqld1" in {
      println(s"context = $mySQLdContext")
      mySQLdContext mustNot be(null)
      mySQLdContext.schemaConfigs.head.name mustBe "test"
      mysqld = mySQLdContext.embeddedMysql
    "should start & stop mysqld2" in {
      println(s"context = $mySQLdContext")
      mySQLdContext mustNot be(null)
      mySQLdContext.schemaConfigs.head.name mustBe "test"
      mySQLdContext.embeddedMysql mustBe mysqld


When starting MySQLd with Flyway for each test case

import com.wix.mysql.EmbeddedMysql
import org.scalatest.freespec.FixtureAnyFreeSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.must.Matchers

class FlywayWithMySQLdOneInstancePerTestOfFreeSpec
    extends FixtureAnyFreeSpec
    with Matchers
    with FlywayWithMySQLdOneInstancePerTest {

  override protected val schemaConfigs: Seq[SchemaConfig] = Seq(SchemaConfig(name = "test"))

  override protected def flywayConfig(jdbcUrl: String): FlywayConfig = FlywayConfig(locations = Seq("db"))

  var mysqld: EmbeddedMysql = _

  "FlywayWithMySQLdOneInstancePerTestOfFreeSpec" - {
    "should start & stop mysqld1" in { context =>
      println(s"context = $context")
      context.mySQLdContext mustNot be(null)
      context.mySQLdContext.schemaConfigs.head.name mustBe "test"
      mysqld = context.mySQLdContext.embeddedMysql
    "should start & stop mysqld2" in { context =>
      println(s"context = $context")
      context.mySQLdContext mustNot be(null)
      context.mySQLdContext.schemaConfigs.head.name mustBe "test"
      context.mySQLdContext.embeddedMysql mustNot be(mysqld)
