akka-persistence-s3 writes snapshot entries to AWS S3. It's non-blocking I/ O used by aws-sdk-java-v2.
- Java:
- Scala:
- Akka:
Add the following to your sbt build (2.12.x, 2.13.x, 3.0.0):
val version = "..."
libraryDependencies += Seq(
"com.github.j5ik2o" %% "akka-persistence-s3-journal" % version,
"com.github.j5ik2o" %% "akka-persistence-s3-snapshot" % version
The minimum necessary settings are as follows.
j5ik2o {
s3-snapshot-store {
# if need to resolve a static value
# bucket-name = "..."
# if need to resolve a dynamic value
bucket-name-resolver-class-name = "com.github.j5ik2o.akka.persistence.s3.resolver.BucketNameResolver$PersistenceId"
key-converter-class-name = "com.github.j5ik2o.akka.persistence.s3.resolver.KeyConverter$PersistenceId"
# if need to resolve a static value
# path-prefix = "..."
# if need to resolve a dynamic value
path-prefix-resolver-class-name = "com.github.j5ik2o.akka.persistence.s3.resolver.PathPrefixResolver$PersistenceId"
extension-name = "snapshot"
max-load-attempts = 3
s3-client {
# Set the following as needed
access-key-id = "..."
secret-access-key = "..."
endpoint = "..."
region = "..."
max-concurrency = 128
max-pending-connection-acquires = ?
read-timeout = 3 s
write-timeout = 3 s
connection-timeout = 3 s
connection-acquisition-timeout = 3 s
connection-time-to-live = 3 s
max-idle-connection-timeout = 3 s
use-connection-reaper = true
threads-of-event-loop-group = 32
user-http2 = true
max-http2-streams = 32
batch-get-item-limit = 100
batch-write-item-limit = 25
s3-options {
dualstack-enabled = false
accelerate-mode-enabled = false
path-style-access-enabled = true
checksum-validation-enabled = false
chunked-encoding-enabled = false
use-arn-region-enabled = false