j5ik2o / akka-backoff-supervisor-enhancement   1.0.2

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Akka BackOffSupervisor Enhancement

Scala versions: 2.12 2.11


This product is enhancement library to BackOffSupervisor of Akka. I'm going to propose this enhancement method to akka team after this experiment. Please give me your opinion.


Add the following to your sbt build (Scala 2.11.x, 2.12.x):

Release Version

resolvers += "Sonatype OSS Release Repository" at "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases/"

libraryDependencies += "com.github.j5ik2o" %% "akka-backoff-supervisor-enhancement" % "1.0.2"

Snapshot Version

resolvers += "Sonatype OSS Snapshot Repository" at "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/"

libraryDependencies += "com.github.j5ik2o" %% "akka-backoff-supervisor-enhancement" % "1.0.1-SNAPSHOT"


You can use the following enhancement methods, and standard methods provided by akka. These methods provide functions to handle start and stop events of child actors under BackOffSupervisor.

How to register onStartChildHandler/onStopChildHandler

The handler that registered by withOnStartChildHandler/withOnStopChildHandler is called by BackOffSupervisor when the child actor is started/stopped.

val childProps = Props(classOf[ChildActor])
val stopBackOffOptions = Backoff.onStop(childProps, "c1", 100.millis, 3.seconds, 0.2)
    .withOnStartChildHandler { case (supervisorRef, exOpt) =>
        system.log.info(s"on start child: $supervisorRef, $exOpt")
        exOpt.foreach(supervisorRef ! _) // retry to send a message
}.withOnStopChildHandler { supervisorRef => 
  system.log.info(s"on stop child: $supervisorRef")
val stopBackOffSupervisor = system.actorOf(BackoffSupervisor.props(stopBackOffOptions))

How to send ChildStarted/ChildStopped message to EventSubscriber

The ChildStarted/ChildStopped message is sent by BackOffSupervisor when the child actor is started/stopped.

object EventSubscriber {
  def props: Props = Props[EventSubscriber]

class EventSubscriber extends Actor with ActorLogging {
  override def receive: Receive = {
    case ChildStarted(Some(ChildException(msg))) =>
      log.info(s"child actor was started: $ex")
      sender() ! msg // retry to send a message
    case ChildStopped =>
      log.info("child actor was stopped")

val eventSubscriber = system.actorRef(EventSubscriber.props)
val childProps = Props(classOf[ChildActor])
val stopBackOffOptions = Backoff.onStop(childProps, "c1", 100.millis, 3.seconds, 0.2)
val stopBackOffSupervisor = system.actorOf(BackoffSupervisor.props(stopBackOffOptions))

How to make Custom BackOffSupervisor implementation

The Custom BackOffSupervisor is supported by BackoffOnRestartSupervisor or BackoffSupervisor if you want to use the Actor. This BackOffSupervisor retries to send the message by self.

object CustomBackOffSupervisor {

  def props(backoffOptions: BackoffOptions): Props =
    Props(new Supervisor(backoffOptions))


class CustomBackOffSupervisor(backoffOptions: BackoffOptions)
  extends BackoffOnRestartSupervisor {

  override val minBackoff = backoffOptions.minBackoff
  override val maxBackoff = backoffOptions.maxBackoff
  override val randomFactor = backoffOptions.randomFactor
  override val reset = backoffOptions

  override def childProps: Props = ChildActor.props
  override def childName: String = "child"

  override def handleCommand: Receive = {
    case msg =>
      child.get forward msg

  override def onStartChild(exOpt: Option[Throwable]): Unit =
    exOpt.foreach { case ChildException(msg) =>
      child.get ! msg // retry to send a message


val childProps = Props(classOf[ChildActor])
val backOffOptions = Backoff.custom(childProps, "c1", 100.millis, 3.seconds, 0.2)
val backOffSupervisor = system.actorOf(CustomBackOffSupervisor.props(backOffOptions))