Quarts scheduler library using cats-effect queues for handling results.
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.itv" %% "quartz4s-core" % "1.0.5+12-d29e6643-SNAPSHOT",
The project uses a quartz scheduler, and as scheduled messages are generated from Quartz they are
decoded and put onto an cats.effect.std.Queue
- a
QuartzTaskScheduler[F[_], A]
which schedules jobs of typeA
- a
which encodes job data in a map for the given job of typeA
- a job factory which is triggered by quartz when a scheduled task occurs and creates messages to put on the queue
- a
which decodes the incoming message data map into anA
- the decoded message is put onto the provided
We need to have a set of types to encode and decode.
We provide the ability to encode/decode an object as a Map[String, String]
, which works perfectly for
putting data into the quartz JobDataMap
. (Heavily inspired by extruder).
import com.itv.scheduler.{JobDataEncoder, JobDecoder}
import com.itv.scheduler.extruder.semiauto._
sealed trait ParentJob
case object ChildObjectJob extends ParentJob
case class UserJob(id: String) extends ParentJob
object ParentJob {
implicit val jobDataEncoder: JobDataEncoder[ParentJob] = deriveJobEncoder[ParentJob]
implicit val jobDecoder: JobDecoder[ParentJob] = deriveJobDecoder[ParentJob]
//or, simply: implicit val jobCodec: JobCodec[ParentJob] = deriveJobCodec[ParentJob]
There are 2 options when creating a CallbackJobFactory
: auto-acked and manually acked messages.
Scheduled jobs from quartz are immediately acked and the resulting message of type A
is placed on a Queue[F, A]
If the message taken from the queue isn't handled cleanly then the resulting quartz job won't be re-run,
as it has already been marked as successful.
import cats.effect._
import com.itv.scheduler._
import cats.effect.std.Queue
import cats.effect.unsafe.implicits.global
val jobMessageQueue = Queue.unbounded[IO, ParentJob].unsafeRunSync()
// jobMessageQueue: Queue[[A >: Nothing <: Any] => IO[A], ParentJob] = cats.effect.std.Queue$BoundedQueue@461ee05a
val autoAckJobFactory = MessageQueueJobFactory.autoAcking[IO, ParentJob](jobMessageQueue)
// autoAckJobFactory: Resource[[A >: Nothing <: Any] => IO[A], AutoAckingQueueJobFactory[[A >: Nothing <: Any] => IO[A], ParentJob]] = Bind(
// source = Bind(
// source = Bind(
// source = Allocate(
// resource = cats.effect.kernel.Resource$$$Lambda$15134/0x0000000804148840@7bb872ea
// ),
// fs = cats.effect.kernel.Resource$$Lambda$15136/0x000000080414a040@4c3acfdb
// ),
// fs = cats.effect.std.Dispatcher$$$Lambda$15137/0x000000080414b040@89f3d7e
// ),
// fs = cats.effect.kernel.Resource$$Lambda$15136/0x000000080414a040@5de0523b
// )
Scheduled jobs are received but only acked with quartz once the handler has completed via an acker: MessageAcker[F, A]
Scheduled jobs from quartz are bundled into a message: A
and an acker: MessageAcker[F, A]
The items in the queue are each a Resource[F, A]
which uses the message and acks the message as the Resource
is use
Alternatively the lower-level way of handling each message is via a queue of
AckableMessage[F, A](message: A, acker: MessageAcker[F, A])
items where the message is explicitly acked by the user.
In both cases, the quartz job is only marked as complete once the acker.complete(result: Either[Throwable, Unit])
is called.
// each message is wrapped as a `Resource` which acks on completion
val ackableJobResourceMessageQueue = Queue.unbounded[IO, Resource[IO, ParentJob]].unsafeRunSync()
// ackableJobResourceMessageQueue: Queue[[A >: Nothing <: Any] => IO[A], Resource[[A >: Nothing <: Any] => IO[A], ParentJob]] = cats.effect.std.Queue$BoundedQueue@12b71557
val ackingResourceJobFactory: Resource[IO, AckingQueueJobFactory[IO, Resource, ParentJob]] =
// ackingResourceJobFactory: Resource[[A >: Nothing <: Any] => IO[A], AckingQueueJobFactory[[A >: Nothing <: Any] => IO[A], Resource, ParentJob]] = Bind(
// source = Bind(
// source = Bind(
// source = Allocate(
// resource = cats.effect.kernel.Resource$$$Lambda$15134/0x0000000804148840@86954cd
// ),
// fs = cats.effect.kernel.Resource$$Lambda$15136/0x000000080414a040@796cec73
// ),
// fs = cats.effect.std.Dispatcher$$$Lambda$15137/0x000000080414b040@264218ef
// ),
// fs = cats.effect.kernel.Resource$$Lambda$15136/0x000000080414a040@c75acdd
// )
// each message is wrapped as a `AckableMessage` which acks on completion
val ackableJobMessageQueue = Queue.unbounded[IO, AckableMessage[IO, ParentJob]].unsafeRunSync()
// ackableJobMessageQueue: Queue[[A >: Nothing <: Any] => IO[A], AckableMessage[[A >: Nothing <: Any] => IO[A], ParentJob]] = cats.effect.std.Queue$BoundedQueue@4ef85ea2
val ackingJobFactory: Resource[IO, AckingQueueJobFactory[IO, AckableMessage, ParentJob]] =
// ackingJobFactory: Resource[[A >: Nothing <: Any] => IO[A], AckingQueueJobFactory[[A >: Nothing <: Any] => IO[A], [F >: Nothing <: [_$3 >: Nothing <: Any] => Any, A >: Nothing <: Any] => AckableMessage[F, A], ParentJob]] = Bind(
// source = Bind(
// source = Bind(
// source = Allocate(
// resource = cats.effect.kernel.Resource$$$Lambda$15134/0x0000000804148840@50e92c7a
// ),
// fs = cats.effect.kernel.Resource$$Lambda$15136/0x000000080414a040@665ac3e8
// ),
// fs = cats.effect.std.Dispatcher$$$Lambda$15137/0x000000080414b040@47e898ba
// ),
// fs = cats.effect.kernel.Resource$$Lambda$15136/0x000000080414a040@4b69c3ab
// )
val quartzProperties = QuartzProperties(new java.util.Properties())
// quartzProperties: QuartzProperties = QuartzProperties(properties = {})
val schedulerResource: Resource[IO, QuartzTaskScheduler[IO, ParentJob]] =
autoAckJobFactory.flatMap { jobFactory =>
QuartzTaskScheduler[IO, ParentJob](quartzProperties, jobFactory)
// schedulerResource: Resource[[A >: Nothing <: Any] => IO[A], QuartzTaskScheduler[[A >: Nothing <: Any] => IO[A], ParentJob]] = Bind(
// source = Bind(
// source = Bind(
// source = Bind(
// source = Allocate(
// resource = cats.effect.kernel.Resource$$$Lambda$15134/0x0000000804148840@7bb872ea
// ),
// fs = cats.effect.kernel.Resource$$Lambda$15136/0x000000080414a040@4c3acfdb
// ),
// fs = cats.effect.std.Dispatcher$$$Lambda$15137/0x000000080414b040@89f3d7e
// ),
// fs = cats.effect.kernel.Resource$$Lambda$15136/0x000000080414a040@5de0523b
// ),
// fs = repl.MdocSession$MdocApp$$Lambda$15141/0x000000080414e840@43998d42
// )
import java.time.Instant
import org.quartz.{CronExpression, JobKey, TriggerKey}
def scheduleCronJob(scheduler: QuartzTaskScheduler[IO, ParentJob]): IO[Option[Instant]] =
CronScheduledJob(new CronExpression("* * * ? * *"))
def scheduleSingleJob(scheduler: QuartzTaskScheduler[IO, ParentJob]): IO[Option[Instant]] =