is to unify Future
s of different
types (e.g., Future[T]
, Future[Option[T]]
, Future[Try[T]]
, Future[Boolean]
It can be seen as a wrapper around Future[Either[_, _]]
, where the Right
side of the Either
is the successful result T
and the Left
side is a Reason
explaining why the computation failed.
To use FutureEither
, it's recommended to use the wildcard import,
import com.iheart.happy.path._
import com.iheart.happy.path.FutureEither._
import concurrent.{Future, duration}, duration._
This provides all the instances needed for things such as map
(otherwise you might see various could not find implicit value
compilation errors).
Once imported, you can use various helpers:
import scala.util.Success
// The expressions below each yield a `FutureEither[Int]` containing a `Right(1)`
val f1 = right(1)
val f2 = ofFuture(Future.successful(1))
val f3 = ofTry(Success(1))
val f4 = ofOption(Some(1))
val f5 = ofFutureOption(Future.successful(Some(1)))
// If we wanted to add some of these futures together:
val f123 = for {
v1 <- f1
v2 <- f2
v3 <- f3
} yield v1 + v2 + v3
scala> import concurrent.Await //only to show result, don't use Await in real code
import concurrent.Await
scala> Await.result(f123.toEither, 10.seconds)
res4: Either[com.iheart.happy.path.Reason,Int] = Right(3)
is a FutureEither[Int]
containing the results of f1
, f2
, f3
added together (3).
Now let's say somewhere we encounter a failure:
val failedF: FutureEither[Int] = left(RegularReason("Something happened"))
val f45 = for {
v4 <- f4
failed <- failedF
v5 <- f5
} yield v4 + v5
scala> Await.result(f45.toEither, 10.seconds) //again don't do Await in real code
res7: Either[com.iheart.happy.path.Reason,Int] = Left(com.iheart.happy.path.RegularReason)
The result of f45
is a failed FutureEither[Int]
containing a Left[RegularReason[String]]
Some other usage examples can be found in the tests.
When a FutureEither
fails, usually the reason for failure needs to be propagated back to the
client, or matched to figure out how to recover from it. Poweramp defines the following
s for failure:
When the underlying Future
fails because of an exception:
val failedF = Future.failed(new RuntimeException("Something happened"))
val failedFE = ofFuture(failedF)
In the above example, failedFE
is a FutureEither
containing a Left[ExceptionReason[RuntimeException]]
This will be propagated to the client as a 500 error.
There are two different cases we want to handle when an optional item returns None
If it's a requested resource that makes sense to be absent
(for example, user requests a track ID that doesn't exist in the database)
we use OptionalItemNotFound
to propagate the error as a 404.
Otherwise, if it's an internal error (some essential resource that we expect to exist,
but doesn't), we use ItemNotFound
, which will propagate as a 500 error.
val opt: Option[Int] = None
val optFE1 = ofOptional(opt)
val optFE2 = ofOption(opt)
val optF = Future.successful(opt)
val optFE3 = ofFutureOptional(optF, OptionalItemNotFound("This thing not found"))
val optFE4 = ofFutureOption(optF)
In the above example, optFE1
and optFE3
are equivalent, and both contain a Left[OptionalItemNotFound]
and optFE4
are equivalent, and both contain a Left[ItemNotFound]
If the user provides invalid input, we want to return a list of all the validation errors.
For computations that fail for inconsequential reasons (usually internal),
we use RegularReason
to avoid logging them.