Childcare Calculator microservice calculates actual childcare costs per different scheme (Tax Credits, Employer Supported Childcare and Tax Free Childcare).
The service will accept a JSON request formatted according to Eligibility Microservice's output with additional fields added which are required for calculation.
Port Number
- CC Calculator: 9372
All requests are of type
Sample Input Request for TC:
{ "payload": { "eligibility": { "tc": { "taxYears": [ { "from": "2016-09-27T18:46:17", "until": "2017-04-06T18:46:17", "houseHoldIncome" : 17000.00, "periods": [ { "from": "2016-09-27T18:46:17", "until": "2017-04-06T18:46:17", "householdElements": { "basic": true, "hours30": false, "childcare": true, "loneParent": true, "secondParent": false, "family": true }, "claimants": [ { "qualifying": true, "isPartner": false, "claimantElements": { "disability": false, "severeDisability": false } } ], "children": [ { "id": 0, "name": "Adam", "qualifying": true, "childcareCost": 200.00, "childcareCostPeriod": "Month", "childElements": { "child": true, "youngAdult": false, "disability": false, "severeDisability": false, "childcare": true } } ] } ] } ] }, "esc": null, "tfc": null } } }
Sample Success Response:
Code: 200
{ "calculation": { "tc": { "from": "2015-09-27T00:00:00", "until": "2016-04-06T00:00:00", "proRataEnd": "2015-11-06T00:00:00", "totalAwardAmount": 2981.94, "totalAwardProRataAmount" :621.24, "houseHoldAdviceAmount": 0.00, "totalHouseHoldAdviceProRataAmount" :0.00, "taxYears": [ { "from": "2015-09-27T00:00:00", "until": "2016-04-06T00:00:00", "proRataEnd": "2015-11-06T00:00:00", "taxYearAwardAmount": 2981.94, "taxYearAwardProRataAmount" : 621.24, "taxYearAdviceAmount": 0.00, "taxYearAdviceProRataAmount" : 0.00, "periods": [ { "from": "2015-09-27T00:00:00", "until":"2015-12-12T00:00:00", "periodNetAmount": 2981.94, "periodAdviceAmount": 0.00, "elements": { "wtcWorkElement": { "netAmount": 93.24, "maximumAmount": 994.08, "taperAmount": 900.84 }, "wtcChildcareElement": { "netAmount": 702.94, "maximumAmount": 702.94, "taperAmount": 0.00 }, "ctcIndividualElement": { "netAmount": 2072.52, "maximumAmount": 2072.52, "taperAmount": 0.00 }, "ctcFamilyElement": { "netAmount": 113.24, "maximumAmount": 113.24, "taperAmount": 0.00 } } }, { "from": "2015-12-12T00:00:00", "until": "2016-04-06T00:00:00", "periodNetAmount": 0.00, "periodAdviceAmount": 0.00, "elements": { "wtcWorkElement": { "netAmount": 0.00, "maximumAmount": 879.28, "taperAmount": 879.28 }, "wtcChildcareElement": { "netAmount": 0.00, "maximumAmount": 0.00, "taperAmount": 0.00 }, "ctcIndividualElement": { "netAmount": 0.00, "maximumAmount": 0.00, "taperAmount": 0.00 }, "ctcFamilyElement": { "maximumAmount": 0.00, "netAmount": 0.00, "taperAmount": 0.00 } } } ] } ] }, "tfc": null, "esc": null } }
Example Error Response:
Code: 400 Content:
{ "status": 400, "errors": [ { "path" : "/payload/eligibility/tc/taxYears(0)/periods(0)/children(0)/id", "validationErrors" : [ { "message": "ID should not be less than 0", "args": [] } ] } ] }
Code: 500 Content:
{ "status": 500, "error": "Something bad happened" }
This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.