This is a frontend service for agent-subscription. After signing in using government-gateway, agents can go through the steps to register for Agent Services and obtain an HMRC-AS-AGENT enrolment, giving them access a range of functions available for interacting with their clients. The domain is Subscriptions to Agent Services following the ROSM (Register Once Subscribe Many) pattern.
For an accountant/bookkeeper to be eligible to register for an Agent Services Account:
- AMLS registered (or pending if via HMRC)
- Create a clean Government Gateway account with affinity type "Agent" to create new EACD group (this can be done during the journey if not starting with one)
We use the agent-assurance service for some of these checks
Pre-task list:
- Business type
- Postcode/NI or CRN depending on business type
- Vat registered? Gather details if yes.
Task list:
- AMLS (can be autocompleted if 'manually assured')
- contact details
- mapping (optional - if on unclean cred)
- create new GG (if on unclean cred)
- Check your answers
After submission the agent should be assigned the HMRC-AS-AGENT enrolment if successful. They can then access the Agent Services Account.
sbt test it/test
sbt clean coverageOn test it/test coverageReport
sm2 --start AGENT_ONBOARDING -r
sbt run
It should then be listening on port 9437
browse http://localhost:9437/agent-subscription/start
Alternatively use task list functionality:
browse http://localhost:9437/agent-subscription/task-list
Agent Subscription journey can be integrated as part of external journey using continue
After successful subscription user will be redirected to Agent Services Account page and presented with Continue with your journey
This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.