hamnis / googleapis-discovery-http4s   0.6.2-v2-20250128

Scala versions: 3.x 2.13 2.12
Scala.js versions: 1.x

Generated Code for googles discovery apis

This uses the sbt plugin found here to generate case classes and clients for google apis that follow the discovery api spec.

Most of Google's apis are disoverable and if you need a new api, you can add that by submitting a pull request which adds the api to this project.

Currently generated apis

  • bigquery
  • storage
  • firebase

How to add a new api

  1. Find the api that you want to add, either from the disovery list above, or by running sbt printDiscoveryProject <name> Make sure that you add the project both as a lazy val AND in the root project aggregates list.
  2. After the project has been added, run sbt discoveryFetch scalafmtSbt githubWorkflowGenerate
  3. Open a Pull request with the changes above
  4. Wait a bit
  5. I will merge the PR
  6. I will publish the main branch after merge
  7. You can start using the api about 20 minutes after the release process has been completed ( maven central sync )