guardian / pa-football-client   7.0.12


Scala client for PA football feeds. Only does football data, it has no knowledge of Guardian match reports and such. You will need your own API key

Scala versions: 3.x 2.13 2.12

PA Football Client

A simple scala client for the PA football API.

pa-client Scala version support Release

It merely interacts with the PA feeds, it does not understand Guardian Tags and match reports and so on.

How to use

Add a dependency:

libraryDependencies += "" % "pa-client" % "<version>"

Versions are published for Scala 2.12 and 2.13.

Note, versions prior to 7.0.5 were stored on Bintray and are no longer available.

How to release a new version

This repo uses gha-scala-library-release-workflow to automate publishing releases - see Making a Release.


As of v5.0.0, the PA client correctly uses timezone-aware dates and times. Since all date information is provided from the PA feed in UK time, the timezone is set as Europe/London. Your application will need to be aware of this because Europe/London changes between UTC and UTC+1 depending on the time of year (BST).


Note that this library does not include an HTTP library so you will need to provide an implementation for the client's GET method.

object Client extends PaClient {
    val apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    def GET(url: String): Future[Response] = { /* implement code to fetch a url */ }

// list all competitions

// fixtures for all competitions
val fixtures = Client.fixtures()

// live matches for a competition
val matches = Client.liveMatches("100")

// events in a match
val theMatch = Client.matchEvents("3507403") m =>  println(

// matches for a specific day for all competitions
val matches = Client.matchDay(new LocalDate(2011, 8, 27))

// matches for a specific day in a specific competition
val matches = Client.matchDay("100", new LocalDate(2011, 8, 27))

// results for all competitions since a certain date
val matches = Client.results(new LocalDate(2010, 8, 1))

// results for a competition since a certain date
val matches = Client.results("100", new LocalDate(2010, 8, 1))

// results for a competition between two dates
val matches = Client.results("100", new LocalDate(2012, 8, 23), new LocalDate(2012, 9, 1))

// lineup for a match
val lineup = Client.lineUp("1234") => println(

// team head 2 head data
val teamH2Hs = Client.teamHead2Head("4", "12", new LocalDate(2013, 12, 2), new LocalDate(2014, 1, 24)) { case (team1H2H, team2H2H) =>
  println(s"${} vs ${}")
  println(s"${team1H2H.totalGoals} - ${team2H2H.totalGoals}")

// show events for a team
val teamEvents = Client.teamEvents("19", new LocalDate(2013, 10, 11), new LocalDate(2014, 1, 24))

// results for the specified team
val teamResults = Client.teamResults("19", new LocalDate(2013, 10, 11))

// get a stats summary for a team
val teamStats = Client.teamStats("19", new LocalDate(2013, 8, 1), new LocalDate(2014, 2, 5))

// retrieve a team's squad
val squad = Client.squad("19")

// get all the teams in the specified competition (Premier League, in this example)
val teams = Client.teams("100", new LocalDate(2013, 12, 5), new LocalDate(2014, 2, 4)) => println(

// fetch head to head information for two players
val playerH2H = Client.playerHead2Head("300448", "494151", new LocalDate(2013, 11, 3), new LocalDate(2014, 2, 4), "100") { case (player1H2H, player2H2H) =>
  println(s"${} vs ${}")
  println(s"${player1H2H.totalGoals} - ${player2H2H .totalGoals}")

// get the statistics on appearances for the given player
val playerAppearances = Client.appearances("237670", new LocalDate(2013, 9, 4), new LocalDate(2014, 2, 4)) => s"${appearances.playerName} has appeared ${} times")

// fetch a player's profile information
Client.playerProfile("237670").map(profile => s"${profile.fullName}, ${profile.age} years old, ${profile.height} tall")

// stats summary for a player
val playerStats = Client.playerStats("237670", new LocalDate(2013, 8, 1), new LocalDate(2014, 2, 5)) => s"Shots on target: ${}%")