guardian / fastly-api-client   1.0.1


An asynchronous Scala client for Fastly's API used to deploy and update configs, decache objects and query the stats API

Scala versions: 3.x 2.13 2.12

Fastly API client

An asynchronous Scala client for Fastly's API used to deploy and update configs, decache objects and query the stats API.

fastly-api-client Scala version support




libraryDependencies += "" %% "fastly-api-client" % "latest version"

Configuring the client

Use the default AsyncHttpClientConfig,

val client = FastlyApiClient("my-fastly-api-key", "my-service-id")

Or define your own AsyncHttpClientConfig,

val client = FastlyApiClient("my-fastly-api-key",
                config = Some(asyncHttpClientConfig))

This client uses the HTTP Async Client, have a look there for configuring your own AsyncHttpClientConfig. This is what Dispatch Reboot uses under the hood, too.

Set a proxy if needed,

val client = FastlyApiClient("my-fastly-api-key",
                proxy = Some(proxyToAccessTheWorld))

Asynchronous calls

All methods return a scala.concurrent.Future[Response]

If you want to block, you must use the Await.result construct.





This is the way Fastly recommend performing releases.

client.versionList(...) // find the active version
client.versionClone(...) // clone the active version
client.vclDelete(...) // delete all the VCL files ready for the new ones
client.vclUpload(...) // upload you new VCL files
client.vclSetAsMain(...) // define the main VCL file
client.versionValidate(...) // validate the cloned version
client.versionActivate(...) // activate the cloned version

Datacenter stats

client.stats(startDatetime, endDatetime, By.minute)
client.stats(startDatetime, endDatetime, By.hour, region = Region.usa)
                    region = Region.all)

Running the tests

You'll need a config file at ~/.config/fastly/fastlyApiClientTest with these values:

serviceId=<ID of any fastly service>
apiKey=<api key with read-only access to above service>

You may wish to create a service just for this purpose.

Publishing a new release

This repo uses gha-scala-library-release-workflow to automate publishing releases (both full & preview releases) - see Making a Release.