guardian / apps-rendering-api-models   12.0.0


Models for communicating with the Apps Rendering API

Scala versions: 2.13 2.12

Apps Rendering API Models

npm apps-rendering-api-models Scala version support Release

This project contains Thrift models and a way to publish them as Scala and TypeScript packages. MAPI uses the Scala package to send data to the Apps Rendering API, which uses the TypeScript package to deserialise the data. These two projects can be found here:

How to run the tests

If you run sbt test it will fail, you can only run sbt compile to check that it's working correctly. This project doesn't have tests because it's used to auto-generate Scala and TypeScript packages from Thrift definitions, there's no Scala or TS source code.

Publishing a new release

This repo uses gha-scala-library-release-workflow to automate publishing Scala & NPM releases of (both full & preview releases) - see Making a Release.