This library brings together a few Akka Stream components that I have been using across a couple of projects to interface with the Vidispine (https://www.vidispine.com) asset management system.
The aim is not to provide a full-featured interface but rather to keep re-usable code in one place. If you find it useful, please do contribute!
The components use the provided class VSCommunicator
to manage communication with the app server, and normally expect an
instance to be provided as an implicit argument. For example:
import com.gu.vidispineakka.vidispine.VSCommunicator
implicit comm:VSCommunicator = new VSCommunicator("https://vidispine-uri","username","password")
- VSItemSearchSource
Performs an item search, paginates/caches internally and yields the results as a stream of VSLazyItem objects. For example:
import com.gu.vidispineakka.streamcomponents.VSGenericSearchSource
import com.gu.vidispineakka.vidispine.VSCommunicator
import akka.stream.scaladsl.GraphDSL._
import akka.stream.scaladsl.GraphDSL
import scala.xml._
val interestingMetadataFields = Seq("title","originalFormat","duration") //etc. etc.; any valid Vidispine field names here, or empty.
val xmlSearchDoc = <ItemSearchDocument xmlns="http://xml.vidispine.com/schema/vidispine">.....</ItemSearchDocument>
GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder=>
val src = builder.add(new VSGenericSearchSource(interestingMetadataFields, xmlSearchDoc.toString, includeShape=true))
- VSStorageScanSource
Performs a file search optionally limited to a given storage or a given file status and yields the results as a stream of VSFile objects. For example:
import com.gu.vidispineakka.streamcomponents.VSStorageScanSource
import com.gu.vidispineakka.vidispine.VSCommunicator
import akka.stream.scaladsl.GraphDSL._
import akka.stream.scaladsl.GraphDSL
import scala.xml._
GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder=>
val src = builder.add(new VSStorageScanSource(Some("storage-id-here"),Some("file-status-here")))
- VSGetItem
Receives a VSFile objects (that must contain shape data) and looks up the associated item as a VSLazyItem object.
The output is a tuple of (VSFile, Option(VSLazyItem)) where VSFile
is the VSFile object that was input and the
VSLazyItem is set if an item was found. If there is no membership then None is returned.
- VSFileIdInList
Fanout shape that pushes an incoming VSFile to a "YES" output if the ID of the incoming file is in a string list provided at construction or to a "NO" output if it isn't.
- VSDeleteFile
Receives a VSFile object and tells Vidispine to delete the File with the corresponding ID (not the item). It then passes
on the incoming VSFile object for further processing.
It can also be constituted as a Sink by using VSDeleteFile.asSink(reallyDelete=true)