Scala OpenNode

A library for utilizing OpenNode's amazing api.

Maven Central


Support for scala versions 2.11 and 2.12. File an issue if you need a different version released.

Add the following to your build.sbt

libraryDependencies += "com.github.giftedprimate" %% "scala_opennode" % "<current version>"


import com.github.scala_opennode.OpenNode
import com.github.scala_opennode.entities._

object Example extends App {
    val openNode = new OpenNode(
        apiKey = "your-opennode-api-key", // required  
        successUrl = Some(""), // optional
        callbackUrl = Some(""), // optional
        mode = "dev" // required <dev || normal>
    * Generate a Charge
    * Use this endpoint to generate a charge. This charge is payable through the Lightning Network or an on-chain bitcoin transaction.
    * POST
      amount = 100000L, 
      description = "just because you are awesome", 
      customerEmail = "[email protected]", 
      customerName = "fred fanagle", 
      autoSettle = false
    ) map {
        case Left(chargeResponseData) => chargeResponseData // success
        case Right(openNodeError) => openNodeError // error 
     * All Paid Charges
     * GET
     * Use this endpoint to fetch all paid and processing charges (charges awaiting 1-confirmation).
     openNode.getCharges() map {
        case Left(chargeInfoDatas) => chargeInfoDatas // success
        case Right(openNodeError) => openNodeError // error 
    * Charge Info
    * GET
    openNode.getCharge(id = "qwerty-1234") map {
        case Left(chargeInfoData) => chargeInfoData // success
        case Right(openNodeError) => openNodeError // error 
   * Initiate a Withdrawal
   * POST
   * Minimum withdrawal for on-chain is $20
   * No minimum for LN
       `type` = "ln", // 'ln' or 'chain'
       amount = 10000L,
       address = "qwer;safo9y9yihfagh"
   ) map {
       case Left(withdrawalResponseData) => withdrawalResponseData // success
       case Right(openNodeError) => openNodeError // error 
    * All Withdrawals
    * GET
    openNode.getAllWithdrawals() map {
       case Left(withdrawalInfoDatas) => withdrawalInfoDatas // success
       case Right(openNodeError) => openNodeError // error
    * Withdrawal Info
    * GET
    openNode.withdrawalInfo(id = "qwerty-1234") map {
       case Left(withdrawalInfoData) => withdrawalInfoData // success
       case Right(openNodeError) => openNodeError // error
    * Current Exchange Rates
    * GET
    openNode.currentExchangeRates() map {
       case Left(currentExchangeRatesData) => currentExchangeRatesData // success
       case Right(openNodeError) => openNodeError // error
    * Available Currencies
    * GET
    openNode.availableCurrencies() map {
       case Left(availableCurrenciesData) => availableCurrenciesData // success
       case Right(openNodeError) => openNodeError // error
   * Account balance
   * GET
   openNode.accountBalance() map {
    case Left(accountBalanceData) => accountBalanceData // success
    case Right(openNodeError) => openNodeError // error


  • Use Ngrok to create a tunnel for OpenNode to call during development
  • Create a config option that can read from the environment for OpenNode class params
  • Convert all Int types to Long
  • Extend test coverage to handle Lightning transaction (Lightning works fine, this is just referring to testing)



Api Keys Needed


In order to run unit tests you must have a lightning/bitcoin(testnet) running locally as well as a OpenNode account. Before running tests be sure to fund your wallet locally with at least $100 worth of tBTC.

>  sbt test


Currently this spec will create a charge then fund the charge then immediately withdrawal the funds back into your local wallet. The test is only for chain transactions, this is because there isn't an effective way to test LN without a consistent node running, this will be implemented later.

Run App

> sbt run