erikerlandson / gnuplot4s   0.2.0

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

A well typed scala interface to gnuplot

Scala versions: 2.13 2.12


A well typed scala interface to gnuplot


API documentation is here

How to use in your project

As of 0.2.0, gnuplot4s is published via Sonatype, and so default resolvers will normally be sufficient. The gnuplot4s library is built for Scala 2.12 and 2.13.

libraryDependencies += "com.manyangled" %% "gnuplot4s" % "0.2.0"

The API for gnuplot4s 0.2.0 is identical to 0.1.0, with the exception that the cats-free dependency has been upgraded to 2.6.1, and it is no longer compiled for Scala 2.11.


scala> import com.manyangled.gnuplot4s._
import com.manyangled.gnuplot4s._

scala> val data = Array((0,0), (1,1), (2,2))
data: Array[(Int, Int)] = Array((0,0), (1,1), (2,2))

scala> val gnuplot = Session().block("data", data).plot(Plot().block("data").style(PlotStyle.Points)).term(Dumb())
gnuplot: com.manyangled.gnuplot4s.Session = Session(Map(data -> BlockRows(<function0>)),Dumb(None,None),Console,Options(None,None,None),Vector(Plot((0,1),Points,data)),/usr/bin/gnuplot)

scala> gnuplot.render

    2 +-+--------------+-----------------+----------------+--------------+-A   
      +                +                 +                +                +   
      |                                            $data using 0:1    A    |   
      |                                                                    |   
      |                                                                    |   
  1.5 +-+                                                                +-+   
      |                                                                    |   
      |                                                                    |   
      |                                                                    |   
    1 +-+                                A                               +-+   
      |                                                                    |   
      |                                                                    |   
      |                                                                    |   
      |                                                                    |   
  0.5 +-+                                                                +-+   
      |                                                                    |   
      |                                                                    |   
      |                                                                    |   
      +                +                 +                +                +   
    0 A-+--------------+-----------------+----------------+--------------+-+   
      0               0.5                1               1.5               2   

scala> val gnuplot = Session().block("data", data).plot(Plot().block("data").style(PlotStyle.LinesPoints)).term(Dumb())
gnuplot: com.manyangled.gnuplot4s.Session = Session(Map(data -> BlockRows(<function0>)),Dumb(None,None),Console,Options(None,None,None),Vector(Plot((0,1),LinesPoints,data)),/usr/bin/gnuplot)

scala> gnuplot.render


    2 +-+--------------+-----------------+----------------+--------------+*A   
      +                +                 +                +           **** +   
      |                                            $data using 0:1****A*** |   
      |                                                       ****         |   
      |                                                   ****             |   
  1.5 +-+                                              ***               +-+   
      |                                            ****                    |   
      |                                        ****                        |   
      |                                    ****                            |   
    1 +-+                               *A*                              +-+   
      |                             ****                                   |   
      |                          ***                                       |   
      |                      ****                                          |   
      |                   ***                                              |   
  0.5 +-+             ****                                               +-+   
      |            ***                                                     |   
      |        ****                                                        |   
      |     ***                                                            |   
      + ****           +                 +                +                +   
    0 A*+--------------+-----------------+----------------+--------------+-+   
      0               0.5                1               1.5               2