encryfoundation / encryscript   0.3.2

GNU General Public License v3.0 only GitHub

Transactional language implementation for EncryCore Protocol

Scala versions: 2.12


Build Status

Statically-typed contract-oriented scripting language for EncryCore protocol.

EncryScript supports:

  • Binary operations
  • Boolean operations
  • Accessing fields of the predefined data structures via dot-notation.
  • Control-flow (if, match)
  • Collections (List[T], Dict[T1, T2])
  • Collection subscription by index (Dict[T1, T2] also supports by-key subscription)
  • Constants definition
  • Functions definition
  • Lambdas definition

EncryScript does not support:

  • while and for loops
  • Recursive calls
  • Nested collections

Available data types

// Primitives
* Unit
* Bool
* String
* Bytes
* Long
* Int
* Float
* Double

// Collections
* Dict[T0, T1]
* List[T]

* Option[T]

// Built-in complex types
* Transaction
* Proof
* Proposition
* Context
* Box
* Signature25519
* AssetBox
* AccountProposition

Contract examples

PublicKey lock:

let ownerPubKey = base58"7AQchgGVqBzgCbngQK1tt9ZuLEbtTVQ2Ciq5evZtCaGq"
match context.proof:
    case sig -> Signature25519:
        unlock if checkSig(sig.sigBytes, context.transaction.messageToSign, ownerPubKey)
    case _:

Time-window lock:

let unlockedFrom: Long = unixTime('16-00-00:22-12-2018')
let unlockedUntil: Long = unixTime('16-00-00:25-12-2018')
unlock if context.state.lastBlockTimestamp >= unlockedFrom && ctx.lastBlockTimestamp <= unlockedUntil

State height lock:

let unlockedFrom: Int = 100000
unlock if context.state.height >= unlockedFrom


All contributions are made under the GNU General Public License v3. See LICENSE.