This library is discontinued. As an alternative I started binny that is quite similar.
This is a library to store and load binary data based on doobie.
It stores binary files in chunks and offers ways to retrieve parts of each file, making it for example useful when serving range requests over http.
Bitpeace is available from maven central for scala 2.12, 2.13 and 3.
"com.github.eikek" %% "bitpeace-core" % "0.9.0-M2"
Note: from 0.9.0 on, it is build against FS2 3/CE3. When doobie releases a final version (currently it is 1.0.0-Mx), then bitpeace 0.9.0 will be released as well. Until then progress is tracked in 0.9.0-Mx releases.
It obviously depends on doobie and therefore on cats and fs2.
While trying to minimize further dependencies, I chose to these:
(optional), Apache 2.0 License, http://tika.apache.orgscodec-bits
, BSD-3-Clause,
, BSD-3-Clause (used to parse mimetype, it is included in the jdk up until java8)
The tika-core
dependcny is marked as optional. It is only required,
if using the provided config that uses tika for mime-type extraction
. Unfortunately, since tika 2.0.0
(bitpeace 0.9.0-M2) tika-core additionally depends on commons-io
Since mimetype detection belongs to “handling binaries”, I wanted to include it in this library. Tika is used for mimetype detection by default, but can be replaced by custom code. Therefore it is added as optional dependency and you need to declare it in case you want to use it.
The scodec-bits
library is used for its ByteVector
class; to avoid
usages of Array[Byte]
DML statements (Queries and insert
) are standard SQL and
should work on most database systems.
The code to create the schema BitpeaceTables
works with Postgres and
H2. For other database systems, simply create the two tables yourself.
Bitpeace needs a small config that defines the table names to use and two functions:
- instance of
to detect mimetype given some bytes - generate a random string to use as an primary key
There is a default config:
import _root_.bitpeace._, cats.effect.IO
val cfg1 = BitpeaceConfig.default[IO]
// cfg1: BitpeaceConfig[IO] = BitpeaceConfig(
// metaTable = "FileMeta",
// chunkTable = "FileChunk",
// mimetypeDetect = bitpeace.MimetypeDetect$$anon$1@5ebe3cc0,
// randomIdGen = Delay(
// thunk = bitpeace.BitpeaceConfig$$$Lambda$10151/927167156@2d85e08c
// )
// )
It uses javas UUID
class to generate random ids and has no ability
to detect mimetypes. The mimetype will always be
for all files.
If you add tika-core
to your project, you can use the other default:
val cfg2 = BitpeaceConfig.defaultTika[IO]
// cfg2: BitpeaceConfig[IO] = BitpeaceConfig(
// metaTable = "FileMeta",
// chunkTable = "FileChunk",
// mimetypeDetect = bitpeace.TikaMimetypeDetect$@610e54a6,
// randomIdGen = Delay(
// thunk = bitpeace.BitpeaceConfig$$$Lambda$10151/927167156@2d85e08c
// )
// )
which only differs in that the MimetypeDetect
is now implemented
using the tika
The second requirement is a doobie Transactor
to connect to the
database. For example, this creates one for the H2 database:
import doobie._
import doobie.implicits._
val xa = Transactor.fromDriverManager[IO](
"org.h2.Driver", s"jdbc:h2:/tmp/bitpeace-testdb", "sa", ""
// xa: Transactor.Aux[IO, Unit] = doobie.util.transactor$Transactor$$anon$13@46fe4ffe
Given a config and a transactor, the main entrypoint Bitpeace
can be created:
val bitpeace = Bitpeace(BitpeaceConfig.defaultTika[IO], xa)
// bitpeace: Bitpeace[IO[A]] = bitpeace.Bitpeace$$anon$1@64c6ebda
In order to start using it, the database schema must exist. The
class is a convenience helper to do that:
The data to store is given as a Stream[F, Byte]
. A chunksize must be
specified that defines how many bytes are stored in one blob
object. Other two parameters involve a hint to support mimetype
detection (for example the filename) and a timestamp associated to
that file.
Data can be inserted using saveNew
import fs2._
import scodec.bits.ByteVector
import //for use in the repl //for use in the repl
val chunksize = 128 * 1024
// chunksize: Int = 131072
val data = Stream.chunk[IO, Byte](Chunk.byteVector(ByteVector.fromValidHex("68656c6c6f20776f726c64")))
// data: Stream[IO, Byte] = Stream(..)
val meta = bitpeace.saveNew(data, chunksize, MimetypeHint.none)
// meta: Stream[IO[A], FileMeta] = Stream(..)
val savedFileMeta = meta.compile.lastOrError.unsafeRunSync()
// savedFileMeta: FileMeta = FileMeta(
// id = "968d1249-cd72-4605-a02c-336033a67950",
// timestamp = 2021-09-22T12:45:27.579Z,
// mimetype = Mimetype(primary = "text", sub = "plain", params = Map()),
// length = 11L,
// checksum = "b94d27b9934d3e08a52e52d7da7dabfac484efe37a5380ee9088f7ace2efcde9",
// chunks = 1,
// chunksize = 131072
// )
The FileMeta
return value contains some meta data about the input
data, like a sha checksum, size, chunksize and the mimetype. Its id
can later be used to get the data back out.
The id is generated using the random id generation function from the config. You can supply a custom fixed id for a file, too.
bitpeace.saveNew(data, chunksize, MimetypeHint.none, fileId = Some("abc123"))
// res1: Stream[IO[A], FileMeta] = Stream(..)
The saveNew
command simply inserts the data generating a random
id. If you don't want duplicates, you can run makeUnique
val out = bitpeace.makeUnique(savedFileMeta)
// out: Stream[IO[A], Outcome[FileMeta]] = Stream(..)
This will check if there is a file with the same checksum. If true,
the given FileMeta
(and data) is deleted and the just found value is
returned. This is encoded in the Outcome.Unmodified
If there is no such file, the id of the given FileMeta
is updated to
be its checksum (to ensure no duplicates). Then it is returned inside
a Outcome.Created
indicating that the given data has been used. If
during the id update an error occurs, it may be caused by storing the
same file concurrently. Then it is again tried to lookup an existing
You can combine those two operations:
bitpeace.saveNew(data, chunksize, MimetypeHint.none).flatMap(bitpeace.makeUnique)
// res2: Stream[IO[x], Outcome[FileMeta]] = Stream(..)
or use the operation save
(which is just a shortcut for the above):, chunksize, MimetypeHint.none)
// res3: Stream[IO[A], Outcome[FileMeta]] = Stream(..)
The third case is when chunks of data arrive in some random
order. Then you can use addChunk
val chunk = FileChunk("file-id", 1, ByteVector.fromValidHex("68656c6c6f20776f726c64"))
// chunk: FileChunk = FileChunk(
// fileId = "file-id",
// chunkNr = 1L,
// chunkData = Chunk(
// bytes = View(
// at = scodec.bits.ByteVector$AtArray@7a885a6c,
// offset = 0L,
// size = 11L
// )
// )
// )
bitpeace.addChunk(chunk, chunksize, 12, MimetypeHint.none)
// res4: Stream[IO[A], Outcome[FileMeta]] = Stream(..)
It is necessary to tell when the last chunk arrives, to calculate the
checksum and set the timestamp. That's why you either need to tell the
total number of chunks (it is the 12
above), or the total length of
the file together with the intended chunksize.
The operation returns the updated FileMeta
object and you can tell
whether the data is complete if the length and checksum are set. The
result is wrapped in a Outcome
to tell whether the chunk already
existed or not.
Chunks must be 0-indexed!
The id to identify the FileMeta
object is required to retrieve
data. With a FileMeta
object, one can stream the bytes using either
or fetchData2
val id: String = "xyz123"
// id: String = "xyz123"
val meta2 = bitpeace.get(id)
// meta2: Stream[IO[A], Option[FileMeta]] = Stream(..)
val data2 = meta.through(bitpeace.fetchData(RangeDef.all))
// data2: Stream[IO[x], Byte] = Stream(..)
The difference between fetchData
and fetchData2
is that the former
uses one connection per chunk, whereas the latter uses one connection
for the entire stream (i.e. it is closed once the stream terminates).
The fetchData
operations expect a RangeDef
argument. This can be
used to return a specific byte range. A RangeDef
is a function from
and a range request to a Range
. Since range requests can
be wrong (i.e. exceed total length), the return is wrapped in a
. The RangeDef
companion object contains
several methods to construct RangeDefs
. For example:
// get the first chunk only
// res5: Stream[IO[A], FileMeta] => Stream[IO[A], Byte] = bitpeace.Bitpeace$$anon$1$$Lambda$10527/896518672@50153833
// get the first x bytes
// res6: Stream[IO[A], FileMeta] => Stream[IO[A], Byte] = bitpeace.Bitpeace$$anon$1$$Lambda$10527/896518672@71f6cddc
// get next 2K bytes skipping 4K bytes
bitpeace.fetchData(RangeDef.bytes(Some(4 * 1024), Some(2 * 1024)))
// res7: Stream[IO[A], FileMeta] => Stream[IO[A], Byte] = bitpeace.Bitpeace$$anon$1$$Lambda$10527/896518672@69c947d0
// get all remaining bytes after skipping 4K
bitpeace.fetchData(RangeDef.bytes(Some(4 * 1024), None))
// res8: Stream[IO[A], FileMeta] => Stream[IO[A], Byte] = bitpeace.Bitpeace$$anon$1$$Lambda$10527/896518672@512a2bbf
The library is distributed using the MIT license.
Feedback is very welcome! Put it in a mail to eikek
or the issue tracker.