duffqiu / logging-test-dsl   0.0.3

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

it is a dsl for test logging file(scala)

Scala versions: 2.10



Build Status

It is a dsl for test logging file(scala)

  • It is very simpel to use the DSL to test CSV logging file

    • example: Check the value at specific position

      "test.csv" in "./" with_delimiter ';' in ANYLINE have "value3" at 2 and "value2" at 1 and "column1" at 0
    • example: Check with custom function

      ("test.csv" in "./" with_delimiter ';' in FIRSTLINE fulfill { _ should fullyMatch regex ("""^([\s\S][^;]*);([\s\S][^;]*);([\s\S][^;]*)""".r) } at WHOLELINE and_fulfill { _ should include("column") } at WHOLELINE and "column2" at 1)

*** Release Notes ***


  • First release


  • update scalatest version to 2.2.0
  • change group id