dav009 / ergo-puppet   0.0.0+28-8ee0ca24+20220219-2144

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Unit Testing Ergo Smart contracts offchain

Scala versions: 2.12

Ergo Puppet

Puppet is an upgrade on the ergo playground. It lets you play and unit test Ergo contracts offchain. Puppet uses as much of AppKit as possible, meaning you should be able to test your code with Puppet with no changes.

Puppet provides you with a dummy ErgoClient and a dummy BlockchainContext.


add the following dependencies to your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "io.github.dav009" %% "ergopuppet" % "0.0.0+28-8ee0ca24+20220219-2144"  % Test
libraryDependencies += ("org.scorexfoundation" %% "sigma-state" % "4.0.5" ).classifier("tests")

Simple TX Example

  • More examples you can check in the test folder
  • See code snippet below for testing a simple transaction.
import io.github.dav009.ergopuppet.Simulator._


val (blockchainSim, ergoClient) = newBlockChainSimulationScenario("Simple Tx")
    (ctx: BlockchainContext) => { 
     // Mocking blockchain state
      val receiverParty = blockchainSim.newParty("receiver", ctx)
      val senderParty = blockchainSim.newParty("sender", ctx)
      senderParty.generateUnspentBoxes(toSpend = 10000000000L)
      // making a transaction
      val txBuilder = ctx.newTxBuilder()
      val amountToSpend: Long = Parameters.OneErg
      val newBox = txBuilder
              .item("recPk", receiverParty.wallet.getAddress.asP2PK().pubkey)
            "{ recPk }"

      val boxes = senderParty.wallet.getUnspentBoxes(amountToSpend + Parameters.MinFee).get

      val tx: UnsignedTransaction = txBuilder

      val signed = senderParty.wallet.sign(tx)
      var receiverUnspentCoins =
      assert(receiverUnspentCoins == (0))
      val txId: String = ctx.sendTransaction(signed)
      // checking the state of the chain
      val senderPartyUnspentCoins =
      receiverUnspentCoins =
        senderPartyUnspentCoins == (10000000000L - Parameters.MinFee - amountToSpend)
      assert(receiverUnspentCoins == (amountToSpend))