Scrape websites with chrome & selenium in an asynchronous fashion.
Do your selenium work inside of execute
with side effects:
class GoogleWork extends SeleniumWork {
override def execute(webDriver: ChromeDriver): Unit = {
val title = webDriver.getTitle
Specify how many selenium/chrome instances to use. When you submit the jobs, they will be sent to the workers with round-robin scheduling.
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
//Set chrome driver location in path, as system property, or in ChromeOptions
//System.setProperty("", "...")
val options = new ChromeOptions()
val selAsync = SeleniumScapeAsync(options, seleniumInstances = 10)
val works = Seq.fill(20)(new GoogleWork())
val completions: Seq[Future[WorkAttempt]] = selAsync.submitWorks(works)
//optional status printer
val all = Future.sequence(completions)
Await.result(all, 10 seconds)
println("all done")