cyclonetechnology / champ   0.9.1

MIT License GitHub

Libraries with a common API for communicating with network devices using well known industry standard protocols from within the JVM

Scala versions: 2.12


Build Status Test Coverage Maintainability GitHub license

Open Source libraries for Channel Management Protocols

Project Description Release
champ-core Core utilities and common code for use by all ChaMP libraries Maven Central
champ-ipmi IPMI communications Maven Central
champ-wsman WS-Management communication Maven Central
champ-snmp SNMP communication No Timescale Yet
champ-icmp ICMP communication No Timescale Yet
champ-ssh SSH communication No Timescale Yet

These libraries provide consistent, uncomplicated APIs for some of the most popular network management protocols.

Most API methods are command based and used in Cyclone Technology's netPrefect commercial network management offerings.

In order to minimise thread and memory usage when managing a large number of devices, IO is non-blocking and API methods return results as Scala Futures or as reactive streams (Akka Streams Sources).

Documentation with example usage is maintained individually for each protocol.