codacy / codacy-github-graphql   2.0.0


Library with Apollo compiled queries and models for GitHub API V4

Scala versions: 2.12


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Library with Apollo compiled queries and models for GitHub API V4


sbt compile


Look for queries under package com.github.api.v4._ and use com.codacy.graphql.apollo.client.ScalaApolloClient to get futures instead of callbacks from the ApolloClient.



import com.github.api.v4.ListProjectMembershipsQuery
import com.codacy.graphql.apollo.client.ScalaApolloClient

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.compat.java8.OptionConverters._
import scala.concurrent.duration._

val client = ScalaApolloClient(new URL(""))
// val client = ScalaApolloClient(new URL(""), okHttpClient)
// val client = ScalaApolloClient(apolloClient)

val queryMemberships = ListProjectMembershipsQuery
val result = client.execute(queryMemberships)

val data = { res =>
    for {
      data <-
      repositoryEntries <- data.repositoryEntries().asScala
      collaborators <- repositoryEntries.collaborators().asScala
      nodes <- collaborators.nodes()
    } yield => (c.databaseId().asScala, c.login(), Option(


  1. How to add a new query?

    • Create file in src/main/graphql/com/github/api/v4 with the query
    • Check if any new scalar is needed. Look in com.github.api.v4.type.CustomType if all the types there already have CustomTypeAdapter that is linked in com.codacy.graphql.apollo.client.ApolloClient (look for a addCustomTypeAdapter)
  2. How to add a CustomTypeAdapter?

    • Check what is the original type of the scalar in the src/main/graphql/com/github/api/v4/schema.graphql (e.g.: Date in a string format, long, ...)
    • Check package com.codacy.graphql.adapter for examples and possible implementations for existing API types
    • Add invocation of addCustomTypeAdapter when creating the com.codacy.graphql.apollo.client.ApolloClient
  3. How to handle Inline Fragments?

    • The visitor provided by the generator should help but for some reason it is not being generated. For now, since they can be of multiple types you need to check the instance type and to cast :(

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