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Sri (Scala React interface) is a scalajs library to build truly native cross platform (mobile (ios and android) and web) applications. It is based on reactjs and react-native, so you must be familiar with them in order to use this library.
#Mobile Use this module to build iOS/Android mobile applications:
libraryDependencies += "com.github.chandu0101" %%% "sri-mobile" % "0.7.1"
#Web Use this module to build browser based applications:
libraryDependencies += "com.github.chandu0101" %%% "sri-web" % "0.7.1"
- Sri Internals
- Defining Components
- Pure Components
- Creating Elements
- Refs To Components
- Functions as Stateless Components
- DOM dsl
- Universal Styles
- Universal Router
- Web Router
- Interop With Third Party Components
- Known Issues
- Sri-Extra (Reusable Sri Components(third party))
- Sri-Diode (diode helpers for sri)
- Sri-ScalaCSS (scalacss helpers for sri-web)
Projects that are using Sri in production