Free monads on top of http4s
The main goal is to write your API's using free monads + interpreters
Extract from HttpfsFreeSpec
import cats.effect.{IO, Sync, Timer}
import cats.{Functor, ~>}
import io.freemonads.http.api._
import io.freemonads.http.resource._
import org.http4s._
import org.http4s.circe.CirceEntityCodec._
import org.http4s.dsl.Http4sDsl
// some model
case class Mock(id: Option[String], name: String, age: Int)
// our routes need the Algebra dsls + interpreters so we can write free monads logic
def mockRoutes[F[_] : Sync : Timer : Functor, Algebra[_], Serializer[_], Deserializer[_]](
implicit http4sFreeDsl: Http4sFreeDsl[Algebra],
resourceDsl: ResourceDsl[Algebra, Serializer, Deserializer],
interpreters: Algebra ~> F): HttpRoutes[F] = {
val dsl = new Http4sDsl[F] {}
import dsl._
import http4sFreeDsl._
import resourceDsl._
HttpRoutes.of[F] {
case r @ GET -> Root / "mock" / id =>
for {
mock <- fetch[Mock](r.uri) //
} yield mock.ok[F]
case r @ POST -> Root / "mock" =>
for {
mockRequest <- parseRequest[F, Mock](r)
savedResource <- store[Mock](r.uri, mockRequest)
} yield savedResource.created[F]
The API has next main types:
type ApiResult[R] = Either[ApiError, R]
type ApiFree[F[_], R] = EitherT[Free[F, *], ApiError, R]
represents the result of an API call, which can be successful (and retrieves the model) or an error (more on this below)ApiFree
represents a program that is a composition of different Api calls (free monad composition)
Errors supported (mapped to HTTP error codes on API response):
sealed trait ApiError
final case class RequestFormatError(request: Any, details: Any, cause: Option[Throwable] = None) extends ApiError
final case class NonAuthorizedError(resource: Option[Any]) extends ApiError
final case class ResourceNotFoundError(id: Option[String] = None, cause: Option[Throwable] = None) extends ApiError
final case class NotImplementedError(method: String) extends ApiError
final case class ResourceAlreadyExistError(id: String, cause: Option[Throwable] = None) extends ApiError
final case class RuntimeError(message: String, cause: Option[Throwable] = None) extends ApiError
This allows the business logic to give enough detail on the type of error to the API controller.
The code is organized around Algebras, DSL's and interpreters:
- Algebras define a set of functions in a domain (for example store and fetch for resource algebra)
- DSL's are used in your monadic compositions to create programs
- interpreters implement the logic inside the Algebras
Basic REST functions:
parseRequest[F, R](request: Request[F])
: parse request to a typeR
, retrieving the model or format error
for {
mockRequest <- parseRequest[F, Mock](r)
} yield Created(mockRequest)
Http resource management:
store[R](id: Uri, r: R)
: stores a resourceR
using it's id as an uri, returns saved resource or errorfetch[R](id: Uri)
: retrieves a resource by id (uri) or not found error
import io.freemonads.http.resource._
def storeProgram[F[_]](id: Uri, mock: Mock)(implicit resourceDsl: ResourceDsl[F, Serializer, Deserializer]) =
for {
_ <- validate(mock) // example where you can implement some kind of validation
mock <-[Mock](id, mock)
} yield mock
def fetchProgram[F[_]](id: Uri)(implicit resourceDsl: ResourceDsl[F, Serializer, Deserializer]) =
for {
mock <- resourceDsl.fetch[Mock](id)
} yield mock
Free Monad interpreters are just a natural transformation from our Free Monad context Free[_]
into the effects context
we want to use F[_]: FlatMap
Example to instance a Cats IO interpreter:
import io.freemonads._
implicit val interpreters = http4sInterpreter[IO]
You can use Http4FreeIOMatchers
or Http4FreeIdMatchers
to test API dsls on IO[_]
or Id[_]
--> match a succesfull API callresultError[ErrorType]
--> match an specific error type when calling an APIresultErrorNotFound
--> instances ofresultError
class TestSpec extends Specification with specs2.Http4FreeIdMatchers { def is: SpecStructure =
ApiResource should: <br/>
Store a resource $store
Fetch an existing resource $fetchFound
Return not found error for nonexistent resource $fetchNotFound
implicit val interpreter: ResourceAlgebra ~> Id = ???
implicit val dsl = instance[ResourceAlgebra, Encoder, Decoder]
def store: MatchResult[Any] =[Mock](newMockIdUri, newMock).map(_.body) must resultOk(newMock)
def fetchFound: MatchResult[Any] = dsl.fetch[Mock](existingUri).map(_.body) must resultOk(existingMock)
def fetchNotFound: MatchResult[Any] = dsl.fetch[Mock](nonexistingUri).map(_.body) must resultErrorNotFound
You can use DockerKitConfigWithArango
as a Docker configuration kit with Arango for integration tests.
Example with Specs2:
class ArangoServiceIT(env: Env)
extends Specification
with DockerKitSpotify
with DockerKitConfigWithArango
with DockerTestKit
You can configure the Docker on your application.conf file:
# docker containers
docker {
arango {
image-name = "arangodb/arangodb:3.7.10"
memory = 536870912 # 512MB
memory-reservation = 268435456 # 256MB
environmental-variables = ["ARANGO_ROOT_PASSWORD=rootpassword"]
ready-checker {
http-response-code {
port = 8529
path = "/"
within = 100
looped {
attempts = 20
delay = 1250
port-maps {
default-arango-port {
external = 18529
internal = 8529