cardamo / play-logback-access   0.6.3


logback-access plugin for play framework

Scala versions: 2.12 2.11

Logback-access plugin for Play 2 & 3

This plugin allows you to use Logback's very flexible access framework within Play.


Add JitPack resolver and the dependency

resolvers += "jitpack" at ""

libraryDependencies += "com.github.cardamo" % "play-logback-access" % "0.8.0"

Play version compatibility:

play version lib version
3.0.x 0.8.0
2.8.x 0.7.0
2.7.x 0.6.2
2.6.x 0.6.2
2.5.14+ 0.5.3


Add a configuration file to your conf/application.conf with something like:

play.modules.enabled += org.databrary.PlayLogbackAccessModule
play.filters.enabled += org.databrary.PlayLogbackAccessFilter

Then in conf/logback-access.xml:

  <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
      <pattern>%t %D %s %h %b %A "%r" "%i{Referer}" "%i{User-Agent}"</pattern>
  <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />

(You can alternatively use logbackaccess.config.file or logbackaccess.config.url.)

You can read more about the supported patterns. Note that patterns requiring access to the full request body or response body (including content-length) do not currently provide useful data.

There is also a logbackaccess.context setting if you want it to use an execution context other than the default one.


The library is a Play Module which you need to enable by adding this to application's .conf file:

play.modules.enabled += "org.databrary.PlayLogbackAccessModule"

(if you experience any issues with dependency injection (esp. during tests), please try using PlayLogbackAccessLazyInjectModule which does the lazy dependency injection)

Inject PlayLogbackAccessApi into any class to gain access to the API. This exposes:

  • log(requestTime: Long, request: RequestHeader, result: Result, user: Option[String]) - Manually log to the Access logger

Inject PlayLogbackAccessFilter to access a Filter (in 0.4 and earlier this was available as filter on the above)

Usage before version 0.5.3

Please refer to this page for previous docs.